This is a forum for intellectual conversation. I really don't want to hear arguing between members. There's no logical reason to argue with someone. If you really wanted to change someone's viewpoint you wouldn't tell them the opposite of what they think and expect them to believe it. Even if it's true, people don't care. I know I don't.
Post things that you write, pictures, anything you like. If you post pictures, as a courtesy to others, please put them behind a cut. I don't really care but some people get mad when 4 inches of their friends page is occupied.
Here you can talk about anything. Talk religion, politics, philosophy, anything really. Just keep in mind that if your view of things is narrow then you will be challenged. That's one of my biggest goals and greatest talents, challenging others. Just don't talk about trivial things.
Opinions aren't allowed here. An opinion, by definition, is a baseless claim stubbornly held by ignorance.
Opinion: A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.
Yeah, I'm not going to say anything else about that.
I don't care if you swear here or anything. The majority of the country I live in has their thumbs up their asses as far as what's 'right and wrong'. I would hardly consider moving one's vocal chords and tongue a certain way to be a bad thing.
I seek to understand. If you post something expect to be asked why you believe it. Do the same to me if you like. I expect it of you. Question everything. Just because someone says it doesn't mean it's right. "Right" is not even something of the concrete world. Even how we observe the world may not be "right". It's just a matter of opinion. As you can see how I feel about opinions, you now know how I feel about right and wrong.