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1/25/14 05:40 pm - zebede - SIREN- Art Exhibition

An up and coming art exhibition involving 21 artists in the next week. It will be a great opportunity to see some amazing artwork, so if anyone is available in the UK then please feel free to pop down for a  visit. Exploring a wide range of issues from mental health to capitalism to eco-art and beyond with this interdisciplinary exhibition there will be a wide range of pieces for others to experience.

11/12/08 08:17 pm - zebede

Well, Hello it's me Zaedea, 've only just joined lj & thought it would be fun to join your group thing so here I am, My nickname is Zebede because that is what my best friend calls me. lol
     Thanks Zebede----Zaedea. 

8/6/08 07:04 pm - bonesy79 - Hello!

I LOVE LOTR! Came here through CoE my username there is elvndream, been a member since of CoE since: 2/4/2004

So a big hello to all!

4/18/08 09:45 pm - alyanome

Mmmmmmmmmm I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but if it's against the rules, please feel free to delte this entry if it is.

I started a Tolkien related RPG in way_to_valinor there. I could have done this on CoE, I know, but one of the fellow players said that CoE brings way too many painful memories her to be able to go back there. So I made up that community. It's following all the rules of Tolkien's world but we just have a little drow in the game. x) It's not proved that they didn't exist in Tolkien's world but since they're not mentioned I had to say it's related.

Mmmm... As it says we don't need more players, but if you feel like you could write HUGE posts and you are willing to use irc you may approach me with a reguest. Otherwise I will only accept watchers from outside the group of players.

Thank you for your patience,

- Alyanome

4/17/08 01:36 pm - janestarz - Live roleplay meets Sindarin (translations)

Suilad and hi all! I've been doing some lessons with the Council of Elrond and have just handed in my exercises for lesson six, so I've done some of the mutations already.

The reason I started studying Sindarin is because I'm going to be heading a live roleplay group of elven archers & druids. So far so good. We've got banners, our costumes are almost done and preparations are progressing nicely.
My in character sister Sairahiniel plays a divine healer, and has decided she wanted to do her incantations in Sindarin. In live roleplay it goes as follows: [incantation of variable length], [name of spell]
For instance: "By the powers of the earth, I heal this wound." (magic ensues, wound is healed).
In Sairahiniel's case, she will be using the powers of the Goddess of Nature from the roleplay setting. This deity is called Rystill.

I've been doing the translations and ran into some interesting options here and there. I'd like to get some feedback! Hence, this post. If you'd like to share your thoughts on this translation I'd be very happy to have them!

The first one I'd like to discuss is a spell she will use to store mana. She will need an artefact to store the mana in, and will use the following incantation. The incantation is all that needs to be translated.

Incantation: In this object I keep my power safe for later use.

I translated this to the following, initially:
Imrîn hedin balan nín an ab-iuitha
Within (the) keepsake I keep my divine power to use later (lit)

I think this translation leaves some room for doubt, because it seems like the divine power is hers, not as if it's coming from Rystill. I changed it to:

Imrîn hedin i valan Rystill an ab-iuitha
Within (the) keepsake I keep the divine power of Rystill to use later (lit)

The words I used and their translationCollapse )

I'd really like to hear your feedback, so please leave some comments!
~ Jane ~

12/22/07 05:54 pm - silver_melusine - Greetings

Greetings everyone!

I just joined the community. I came to the community through COE. My name there is rowangreenleaf and my name here of course is silver_melusine. I look forward to hearing from everyone. 




10/14/07 11:47 pm - keilryn - New member to CoE and LiveJournal

Mae Govannen! Just wanted to peak in and say Hello to all of you here.
Just found both CoE and this place...
Might be interesting future ahead ;)

ps Have the same username on CoE

7/11/07 01:57 pm - cantrix_caeca - Articles in the Last homely House

Mae govannen! I recently posted an article on scents of Middle-Earth in the herblore section and am working on a lembas article (with a recipe that's my take on the authentic food item with info on why). Once I'm out of the 110+ weather, I'll be able to finish it up after doing a few more kitchen tests. If anyone is interested in just the information, I can share it with him/her or post it here. Let me know.
Namárie (sorry; I can't get the diaresis to work)!

Glíriel Eruvronwe

7/9/07 11:48 pm - elerrinaelf - hi!

Hello, I haven't been a member of CoE for too long, but you may recognize me... I've been a member of this community for almost as long as I've been a member of CoE, but I never said hi... so... Hi! I'm ElerrinaElf. there. I don't know what else to say...

4/27/07 04:46 pm - watermist

Greetings everyone. I am obviously a member of CoE, Lady~Eowyn to be precise. watermist is my personal account here and ilusionaryheart is my icon journal. So feel free to friend either of my accounts (FYI, the former is friends only). Been hanging around CoE for several years now (I joined in late 2002) and am currently Games Assistant. So yeah drop me a note if you want to friend me. =)
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