This week the transcription was done on the fly during the meeting so its not as fluid as it normally is/will be. Here's the Raw log of the meetup
Update on open task items
- was released. Woot. The people are happy. MCincubus: "It's the solid base we've been wanting..."
- WordPress Resource Center and Theme Viewer
- Photomatt: I set up shadow an account he put the theme stuff on so I think that's taken care of now
Codex Cleanup Week
WP Groups
- WordPress User Groups = WPUGS, email relle about your local meetup
State of the Codex
- It is awesome and will get awesomer
Holes in Documentation
- skippy: working example of home.php as a splash page.
- User:Lorelle/Articles_Wanted is the place to say what's missing
- We desperately need documentation and advanced technique articles.
State of the Forum
- New tag for the forums: "Needscodex" for when someone looked for an answer in the codex and didn't find one
- Are or are not "Your WordPress" posts in Forum going off the Latest Discussion list - do we need to warn or just do?: YourWordpress is got the boot off the front page of /Support
What's Next?
- 1.5.2 or 1.6 (1.6 goals and suggestions)
- Backup Day/Week
Assigned Projects
- theme gardener - moving 3-6 themes into and cleaning them up, to be distributed on /extend/themes - Mike Little
- bbPress - another core dev for the bbpress project, focus would be integrating WP user system and extending profiles - mdawaffe
- OpenID - someone to investigate writing a OpenID authentication plugin - firas is team leader bravo- will deliver newz in a week
- Wiki Working Group - new mailing list
- TortoiseSVN tutorial - Firas
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