Papers by Pradono Budi Saputro

Journal Publicuho, 2024
The Indo-Pacific region is currently at risk of developing into a regional security complex. The ... more The Indo-Pacific region is currently at risk of developing into a regional security complex. The Indo-Pacific saw a rise in enmity patterns among states in this region. This issue arises because China’s more assertive regional policy makes other states uneasy, especially the United States. This paper questioned whether China’s aggressiveness was the only factor driving the establishment of AUKUS. Using a qualitative method with interpretative analysis, this paper, therefore, aims to research further the Indo-Pacific’s rising amity and enmity patterns that led to the AUKUS establishment. The authors will employ four variables from Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver’s regional security complex theory, namely boundary, anarchic structure, polarity, and social construction, to comprehend and explain these patterns. Based on the findings, the authors concluded that each of these four variables played a part in changing the Indo-Pacific strategic environment and encouraged the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia to deepen their partnerships through AUKUS.

Indonesian Perspective, 2024
Indonesia and Australia are neighboring countries with fluctuate bilateral relations. In 2018, th... more Indonesia and Australia are neighboring countries with fluctuate bilateral relations. In 2018, they formed Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (IA-CSP) to enhance their partnerships in strategic sectors for the stability of regional security in the Indo-Pacific. However, the problem came up in 2021 when Australia established trilateral defense cooperation AUKUS with the United Kingdom and the United States. This cooperation facilitates Australia to have nuclear-powered submarines to strengthen its military power. This cooperation has raised the eyebrows of Indonesia as it is against IA-CSP’s pillars, particularly pillar on securing the two countries and the region’s shared interest, and pillar on contributing to Indo-Pacific stability and prosperity. Therefore, Indonesia regretted Australia’s participation in AUKUS because the former deemed the latter to have violated its commitment on IA-CSP. This research aims to analyze IA-CSP’s opportunities and challenges post-establishment of AUKUS. It used a qualitative method, with interviews and literature review in place to collect data. The authors used regional security complex theory and strategic partnership concept for analysis. This research found that AUKUS does not disrupt the implementation of IA-CSP because the cooperation instead provides opportunities that Indonesia can utilize for its national interest. However, AUKUS poses challenges that Indonesia needs to tackle.

Jurnal PIR: Power in International Relations, 2023
Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries with dynamic bilateral relations. In 2018, ... more Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries with dynamic bilateral relations. In 2018, both countries agreed to enhance the partnership through the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (IA-CSP). Through the IA-CSP, both countries are committed to increasing cooperation in strategic sectors and maintaining the security stability of each country and the Indo-Pacific. However, in 2021 Australia formed a defense alliance with the United States and the United Kingdom under the name AUKUS. The main objective of the AUKUS defense alliance is to increase Australia’s military capabilities by procuring nuclear-powered submarines. This condition is contrary to the IA-CSP’s pillars, especially the third and fifth pillar. By using a qualitative approach and interviews and literature studies as data collection methods, this article was written to analyze the implementation of IA-CSP after the formation of the AUKUS defense alliance. To understand and explain that issue, the authors use strategic partnership theory, defense alliance concept, and collective security concept. Based on this study, the authors found that the existence of this alliance did not directly hinder the implementation of the IA-CSP because both countries tend to be able to lower their respective egos in various situations and conditions to keep working together on strategic issues.

BHUVANA: Journal of Global Studies, 2023
The 21st Century Chinese Silk Road has shown China a strong influence in the establishment of the... more The 21st Century Chinese Silk Road has shown China a strong influence in the establishment of the Asia Security Architecture during the Xi Jinping Administration. As a regional power, China’s responsibility continues to grow during the formation of “the 21st Century Silk Road” to achieve “Chinese Dreams”. By using methodology of qualitative research with techniques of interviews, the results found that China succeeded in influencing regional countries and institutions through China's foreign and security policy strategy to changes Asia from conflict into harmony (kerukunan). These changes namely the policies to Embrace Uygurs and Taiwan, Asia and Trans-Asia Multilateralism, Peace on the Korean Peninsula, Sub-regional powers as the Asia Harmony Embryo, DOC and COC Policies in the South China Sea, SAAARC and Strategic Cooperation in South Asia, SCO and Joint Security in Asia and Across Asia, as well as BRICS and Strengthening of Inter-Regional Power Economies. This discussion is f...

Prosiding Konvensi Nasional XII Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Indonesia, 2021
Indonesia memiliki posisi strategis terhadap keberlangsungan Tiongkok dalam mewujudkan cita-citan... more Indonesia memiliki posisi strategis terhadap keberlangsungan Tiongkok dalam mewujudkan cita-citanya untuk menciptakan tatanan internasional yang harmonis melalui soft power. Namun, hubungan antara Tiongkok dan Indonesia tidak selalu berjalan harmonis. Pada tahun 1967, hubungan Tiongkok-Indonesia sempat memburuk sehingga dibutuhkan sekitar 23 tahun untuk menormalisasi hubungan kedua negara. Meskipun hubungan tersebut perlahan-lahan membaik, citra Tiongkok sebagai negara komunis yang buruk sudah terlanjur melekat dalam ingatan masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini masih ditambah dengan isu-isu yang tergolong sensitif seperti isu diskriminasi terhadap minoritas Uyghur di Xinjiang dan pelarangan atribut agama oleh pemerintah Tiongkok yang menambah ketidaksukaan sebagian masyarakat Indonesia, terutama umat Muslim, terhadap Tiongkok. Oleh sebab itu, Tiongkok bekerja sama dengan berbagai institusi perguruan tinggi di Indonesia melalui Confucius Institute. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan mendirikan cabang Confucius Institute di berbagai perguruan tinggi. Salah satunya di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia dipandang sebagai representasi masyarakat Muslim moderat Indonesia yang dapat dijadikan sebagai mitra untuk mengikis berbagai stigma negatif Tiongkok di kalangan umat Muslim. Kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui diplomasi budaya dengan mengajarkan Bahasa Mandarin dan memperkenalkan budaya Tiongkok. Langkah ini diharapkan mampu memperbaiki citra sekaligus menjembatani people-to-people relations antara Tiongkok dan masyarakat Muslim moderat Indonesia. Terkait hal ini, penulis akan membahas sejauh mana efektivitas Confucius Institute dalam membangun people-to-peole relations antarkedua pihak dengan studi kasus di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed methods dan jenis penelitian eksplanatif.
Jurnal International & Diplomacy Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, 2017
This research is about to discuss the impact of water resource characteristics in Palestine-Israe... more This research is about to discuss the impact of water resource characteristics in Palestine-Israel on Palestinian uprising during 2000 to 2009. As being a part of the dry-areas, water resource is one of the crucial issues in this circumstance. Furthermore, Israel water resource exploitation obtained to supply it easily, while the Palestinians found it more difficult to obtain their need in adequate amounts. Finally, the objective of this research is to analyze the characteristics of water resources in this area and find how deep its impact on the occurrence, the duration, and the intensity of the Palestinian uprising in this specific period.

Jurnal International & Diplomacy Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia, 2017
The European Union is not only an intergovernmental organization, but also a supranational organi... more The European Union is not only an intergovernmental organization, but also a supranational organization. As a supranational organization, its member states agreed to give some of their sovereignty to the European Union to gain a larger collective power and influence. This includes the free movement of capital, goods, service, and people over borders and the abolishment of border control within the European Union through the Schengen Agreement and Schengen Convention, which acts as its implementing instrument. However, a series of terrorist acts of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in a number of European states in 2015-2016 proves that the Schengen system still has some fragility. The fragility of Schengen system can be seen as a group of ISIS members took a benefit from the free movement within the Schengen zone to perform their actions. The vulnerability of Schengen system is related to the failure of the European Union states to overcome their national security problems since the “lost” of sovereignty through the system gave some opportunity to the terrorists to move over the states’ boundaries with ease. In this article, the writer will study the relevance of the Schengen Agreement after that series of terrorist acts.
Jurnal Polinter: Kajian Politik dan Hubungan Internasional, 2015
The rise of China is not only considered as an economic opportunity but also a security threat fo... more The rise of China is not only considered as an economic opportunity but also a security threat for the “East Asian” countries. China's increasing influence in the region has made the inclusive regional institutions no longer relevant because no party is able to match the economic and military power of China. Japan uses the momentum to initiate a new regionalism discourse that is more open by inviting extra-regional actors in East Asian regional institutions, as a counterbalance strategy against China.
Visioner, 2022
The main problem discussed in this study is how South Korean cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia... more The main problem discussed in this study is how South Korean cultural diplomacy towards Indonesia through Bangtan Boys (BTS). The research method used is qualitative research methods. Where this research will use two data collection techniques, namely literature study and interviews, both structured and semi-structured. The results of this study show that there are several diplomacy methods used by South Korea through BTS, namely through the wings tour of BTS, BTS films, BTS ads, BTS products, and the formation of BTS/ARMY fans in Indonesia. In addition, BTS also contributes to the South Korean economy, especially its macro economy, according to statistical data in 2018 BTS contributed 0.3% to South Korea's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the tourism sector also experienced an increase in 2017 with the election of BTS became the tourism ambassadors of South Korea.

Ensiklopedia of Journal, 2022
The problem of transhipment is a matter of transitional transport or modified transportation issu... more The problem of transhipment is a matter of transitional transport or modified transportation issues. This transit place can receive supplies and can deliver goods. The main purpose of the transshipment problem is to minimize the cost of the distribution of goods delivered from the place of origin to the destination even though through the transit point. The problem in this research is with the policy of transhipment issued by Indonesian government causing negative impact to fishery industry, especially processed fishery product in Thailand country The eradication of fish theft in Indonesian waters had a direct impact on Thailand's fishery exports which affected the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Thailand National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) data reveal that the contribution of the fishery sector to Thailand's GDP has decreased drastically. The average contribution of the fishery sector to Thailand's GDP has been recorded at 1.6 percent, whi...

Asawika: Media Sosialisasi Abdimas Widya Karya, 2022
Permasalahan lingkungan merupakan masalah yang hingga saat ini terus dihadapi oleh masyarakat di ... more Permasalahan lingkungan merupakan masalah yang hingga saat ini terus dihadapi oleh masyarakat di dunia sehingga dibuatlah paris agreement. Permasalahan ini juga dihadapi oleh mitra, yaitu masyarakat RW 06, Kelurahan Jatimulya, Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Bekasi. Pengetahuan mitra mengenai pentingnya lingkungan masih belum terlalu baik. Bagi mereka, sampah masih dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang kotor dan tidak berguna. Padahal sampah juga dapat dimanfaatkan, bahkan bisa membantu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut, tim dosen FISIP USNI menyelenggarakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di RW 06, Kelurahan Jatimulya, Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Bekasi. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai pentingnya pengelolaan sampah yang baik dengan menumbuhkan rasa cinta lingkungan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diharapkan mampu menumbuhkan rasa cinta lingkungan di kalangan mitra dan meningkatkan kesejahte...

SIBATIK JOURNAL: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan, 2022
Permasalahan utama yang dibahas di dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana konflik Indonesia dengan ... more Permasalahan utama yang dibahas di dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana konflik Indonesia dengan Uni Eropa (UE) dan dampaknya terhadap posisi keanggotaan Indonesia di Paris Agreement. Dimana konflik yang terjadi juga melibatkan oraganisasi internasional yaitu Uni Eropa (UE) bukan konflik antar negara. Hal ini tentu menarik dengan melihat posisi baik Indonesia dan Uni Eropa (UE) di dalam paris agreement dan adanya hubungan baik Indonesia dan Uni Eropa (UE) kemudian menimbulkan konflik dan berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menjelaskan bagaimana konflik Indonesia dan Uni Eropa (UE) dapat terjadi serta bagaimana dampaknya terhadap posisi Indonesia di Paris Agreement. Oleh karena itu peneliti mengambil judul yaitu Konflik Indonesia dan Uni Eropa (UE) dan dampaknya terhadap posisi Indonesia di Paris Agreement. Dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai dan diharapakan dapat menjelaskan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode p...
Papers by Pradono Budi Saputro