Your Help Starts Here
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas
- Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Toll Free: 1-888-819-5312
- 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 1-800-841-6467
- Main: 1-361-777-3991
Main Phone: 361-777-3991
Fax: 361-777-2940
If you need an appointment outside of normal business hours please contact our Toll Free number above.
200 Marriott Drive,
Portland, Texas 78374
Coastal Plains Integrated Health provides an array of behavioral health services to adults diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar and major depressive disorders. These illnesses are typically persistent, severe and may be accompanied by a substance use disorder. Treatment at Coastal Plains Integrated Health is uniquely designed in collaboration with the individual, family and other support services in a caring and positive environment. Adult behavioral health services are available to all residents in our nine (9) county catchment area who qualify for services.
Jonathan M. Heyward is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has been employed with Coastal Plains Integrated Health for 20 years. He received his bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Texas A&M University Kingsville. He also holds a master’s degree in Counseling from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. Jonathan’s entire career has been with Coastal Plains Integrated Health and he has held a number of positions within the Center. These positions include ACT Case Manager, Continuity of Care Liaison, TCOOMMI Program Director, Aransas County Clinic Director and Director of Quality Management. He currently holds the position of Adult Mental Health Services Director in which he oversees the Center’s daily operations for adult services. Jonathan is also an active member in his community of Ingleside, Texas. He is a board member of the local youth basketball league and also volunteers as a coach in multiple youth leagues.
All people interested or requesting mental health services are welcome to walk-in or call to any of the clinics to be screened by a Qualified Mental Health Professional-Community Services (QMHP-CS). The QMHP-CS will provide linkage to a Licensed Professional of the Healing Arts (LPHA) for further assessment to determine eligibility for services or link the individual to community support services based upon needs.
Who Do I Contact? To access services call the Mental Health Clinic nearest you. You will be given an appointment for an assessment to be conducted by a diagnostician.
If I Qualify for Services, what Is The Cost of Services?
All services covered by insurance are billed as required by the insurance company.
All services that are not covered by insurance are charged according to a sliding scale based up on the family income and size.
ACT is a self-contained program that provides treatment, rehabilitation and support services to consumers who have a history of multiple hospitalization treatments. ACT services include supported housing and co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorder services.
ACT uses an integrated approach merging clinical and rehabilitation staff (e.g., psychiatric, substance use, skills development) in one mobile service delivery team. The team maintains a small consumer-to-staff caseload ratio of ten-to-one, and provides mobile services 80 percent of the time.
Through Assertive Community Treatment Services, a multidisciplinary mobile outreach team has the capacity to provide intensive frequent mental health treatment, rehabilitation, case management, general support, and vocational services to high system users to reduce crisis response and hospitalizations.
Who is Eligible?
Adults with a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizophrenic disorder or bipolar disorder who have experienced a minimum of:
Supported Housing services are developed by individuals, families, and service providers to enable individuals to succeed in chosen housing situations. These supports are based on special needs of the individual, including locating low-cost housing, negotiating leases, acquiring household items, obtaining subsidies, moving into residences and successfully maintaining residences.
This program will allow clients to receive services such as case management, psychiatric services, skills training, supported housing and supported employment, medication management, family partnering, and peer providers. There will also be 24-Hour Crisis Services available to all individuals enrolled.
Early Onset will help individuals receive the intensive supports necessary to help them move toward recovery. This model is an evidence based approach that is currently being provided by eight other Local Mental Health Authorities in the state of Texas.
In coalition with the Jim Wells and San Patricio Sheriff’s Department, Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD), and with the judicial systems, referrals will be made pending qualifications.
Jail Diversion Specialists will utilize Illness Management and Recovery, Adult Needs and Strength Assessment, and Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders in order to apply motivational, educational, and cognitive-behavioral strategies to encourage and improve the individual’s compliance with the program. Individuals will receive Patient Health Questionnaire-9 during enrollment, quarterly, and at discharge.
Case Management provides assessments of needs and strengths of the people served. These services are provided by Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP). Case managers provide linkage and coordination of care internally and to community service agencies. They will help people develop a plan to work towards recovery.
Nursing Services include medical assessments, physician referrals, health and safety education and consultation with specialists, as needed. Coastal Plains provides links to professionals such as Physicians, Dieticians, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Audiologists for needed services.
Coastal Plains Integrated Health arranges for emergency psychiatric services adequate to meet the needs of consumers who reside in our nine (9) county area. The Center currently has contracts with Northwest, Bayview, South Texas Behavioral Hospital and Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance.
Mental health emergencies are evaluated promptly and the disposition of each request for inpatient services is based upon professional evaluation and physician consultation. These services are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to individuals experiencing emotional crisis.
As a functioning inpatient crisis unit, our psychiatric inpatient hospitals provide an array of programs and services of short term duration within a structured setting to individuals who exhibit primary psychiatric disorders to such an extent that stabilization in an inpatient setting is warranted. The primary goal of services is to restore the individual to a level of functioning which will enable discharge to a less restrictive level of care as quickly as possible. The facilities offer short-term voluntary or involuntary services to consumers who are in an acute state of mental or emotional crisis. It provides twenty-four hour physician-directed intensive intervention, stabilization, and pre-discharge planning.
The facilities provide diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients of all ages, including adolescents, young and mature adults and senior citizens. The illnesses and emotional problems vary widely from mood disorders such as depression, to Alcohol or Drug Abuse induced psychiatric events.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programs are programs in which people with severe psychiatric disorders are involved in learning how to identify and build upon strengths & abilities. This approach focuses on the remediation of disability through skills training & interventions designed to develop coping skills or modify non-supportive environments.
Providing Behavioral Health Services in Rural South Texas