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      Celtic StudiesMythical-Heroic SagasCeltic studies (Medieval Studies)Early and Medieval Irish, Irish History, Irish Literature, Medieval Literature, Medieval Studies, Celtic Studies, Irish Studies
Though medieval Irish literature is awash with characters described as 'heroes' by scholars and the public alike, such as Cú Chulainn and Finn mac Cumailll, what precisely is meant when we describe these characters as heroic remains... more
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      Medieval LiteratureCeltic StudiesHeroismEarly Medieval Ireland
This thesis examines the characterisation of Conall Cernach, a hero from the Ulster Cycle of medieval Irish literature. While he is often relegated to the sidelines in scholarly discussions of the Ulster Cycle as a non-significant member... more
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      Celtic StudiesBiographyMythical-Heroic SagasCeltic studies (Medieval Studies)
Though medieval Irish literature is awash with characters described as ‘heroes’ by scholars and the public alike, such as Cú Chulainn and Finn mac Cumailll, what precisely is meant when we describe these characters as heroic remains... more
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      HistoryMedieval LiteratureCeltic LanguagesIrish