Easy Announcement Bar


Easy Announcement Bar plugin is a powerful yet simple tool to display eye-catching announcements such as important messages, promotions, or updates with ease on your WordPress site. With this plugin, you can:

  • Add a scrolling text bar at the top or bottom of your site.

  • Customize the text, colors, and scroll speed.

  • Choose the scroll direction (left to right or right to left).

  • Set an auto-close timer to hide the bar after a specified time.

  • Display the bar on specific pages or sitewide.

  • Add emojis, icons, and symbols to make your announcements stand out.

  • Include a close button for users to dismiss the bar.

Perfect for promoting sales, new arrivals, important updates, or any other message you want to highlight!

How it works

After activation, go to Announcement in your WordPress admin menu. And configure the following settings:

  • Enable Bar: Check this box to enable the announcement bar.

  • Announcement Text: Enter the text you want to display. You can use emojis, symbols.

  • Text Color: Choose the color of the text using the color picker.

  • Bar Color: Choose the background color of the bar using the color picker.

  • Text Speed: Set the speed of the scrolling text (in seconds).

  • Text Direction: Choose whether the text moves from left to right or right to left.

  • Bar Position: Choose whether the bar appears at the top or bottom of the page.

  • Auto-Close Timer: Set the number of seconds after which the bar will automatically close (set to 0 to disable).

  • Show on Specific Pages: Select the pages where the bar should appear. Leave empty to show on all pages.

And click Save Changes to apply your settings. Visit your website to see the announcement bar in action. The bar will appear at the top or bottom of the page, or depending on your settings.


  • settings


Installation from within WordPress

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New Plugin.
  2. Search for Easy Announcement Bar.
  3. Install and activate the Easy Announcement Bar plugin.

Or Manual installation

  1. Upload the entire easy-announcement-bar folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Visit Plugins.
  3. Activate Easy Announcement Bar plugin.


Can I display the bar on specific pages only?

Yes! The plugin allows you to select specific pages where the announcement bar should appear. You can choose from your existing pages, including the home page, WooCommerce pages, and more.

Can I add icons or emojis to the announcement text?

Absolutely! You can add emojis, symbols.

How do I change the position of the bar?

You can easily set the bar to appear at the top or bottom of the page from the plugin settings. Just select your preferred position, and the bar will adjust automatically.


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Contributors & Developers

“Easy Announcement Bar” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



Initial release.