Book Chapters by Sarah Vilain
M. Bietak & S. Prell (éds.), The Enigma of the Hyksos, Volume IV. Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age, CAENL 12, Wiesbaden, p.315-333, 2021
This book chapter presents the corpus of imported Cypriot wares discovered during the yearly miss... more This book chapter presents the corpus of imported Cypriot wares discovered during the yearly missions at Tell Tweini conducted by the Belgian-Syrian team since 2011.
Papers by Sarah Vilain
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 2, 2023
Contributions to the archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, 2019
Contributions to the archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, 2021
Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt, Nubia and the Levant, 2019

Ce travail de these porte sur l’etude typologique et contextuelle de la ceramique chypriote impor... more Ce travail de these porte sur l’etude typologique et contextuelle de la ceramique chypriote importee au Levant nord, et s’inscrit plus largement dans le cadre de l’etude des echanges en Mediterranee orientale. Notre recherche a permis de repertorier la presence de vases chypriotes sur soixante-neuf sites archeologiques nord-levantins. Le corpus ainsi rassemble presente une importante variete de types et de fabriques, attestant d’echanges ininterrompus entre le Bronze moyen II et la fin du Bronze recent. L’interet des populations levantines pour la ceramique chypriote est perceptible dans la creation d’imitations et le developpement de productions locales qui en sont inspirees. Les interactions entre le Levant nord et l’ile de Chypre ont mene a l’introduction de nouvelles productions, a l’adoption de certaines pratiques et au partage d’une culture qui devient peu a peu commune. L’etude de la ceramique chypriote decouverte au Levant nord contribue a la comprehension des liens complexe...

Syria, 2017
-Cet article propose de mettre en lumière une production particulière, la céramique White Shaved ... more -Cet article propose de mettre en lumière une production particulière, la céramique White Shaved Ware. Moins aisément identifiable que les autres fabriques chypriotes mises au jour sur la côte levantine, parfois négligée lors des fouilles anciennes, elle n'en n'est pas moins signifiante. L'étude de la distribution et des contextes de découverte de la céramique White Shaved Ware contribue à la compréhension des liens complexes qui unissent le Levant Nord et la partie orientale de Chypre à l'âge du Bronze récent. Mots-clés-White Shaved Ware, céramique, Chypre, Levant Nord, âge du Bronze Abstract-This article highlights a specific Cypriot production: the White Shaved Ware. Less easily identifiable than the other Late Cypriot wares discovered on the Levantine coast, sometimes neglected in ancient excavations, this ceramic is not less significant. The study of the distribution and the discovery contexts of the White Shaved Ware contributes to the understanding of the complex links established between the Northern Levant and Eastern Cyprus in the Bronze Age.

J. Mynářová, M. Kilani and S. Alivernini (eds.), A Stranger in the House – the Crossroads III, p. 387-404., 2019
Type-setting layout: AGAMA ® poly-grafický ateliér, s.r.o., Praha Print: TNM print, Chlumec nad C... more Type-setting layout: AGAMA ® poly-grafický ateliér, s.r.o., Praha Print: TNM print, Chlumec nad Cidlinou Abstract: The second millennium BC was a period of unprecedented interconnectedness, characterized by the increasing movement of people in conjunction with the transmission of technologies across the Near East. Employing a Communities of Practice approach, this paper investigates the human networks through which this specialized knowledge might have transferred, suggesting that the interaction between foreign and local military and technological specialists was the locus of this transmission. The Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period were characterized by waves of West Asian immigrants moving into the Eastern Delta, bringing with them their mastery of new production processes and technologies. This period also saw the introduction of West Asian military practices and values, including a corpus of military related Semitic loan words. Therefore, this paper will propose that the mixture of immigrant and Egyptian specialists in hybrid military communities of practice played a major role in this cultural exchange. I will also explore the cultural significance behind the adoption and maintenance of these foreign technologies and military values, as well as their impact on the New Kingdom Egyptian military and conceptions of kingship.
Egypt and the Levant, 2018
el-Dab c a show that ancient Avaris was a major harbour town and a trading centre of internationa... more el-Dab c a show that ancient Avaris was a major harbour town and a trading centre of international importance. As a testimony of extended connecproduced the largest collection of Middle Cypriot assemblage of local vessels imitating Cypriot ceramics or inspired by them. Through the example of a group of local jugs painted according to explore both concepts of imitation and inspiration as well as their implications at Tell el-Dab c a. The vessels will be addressed as well as their developarticle will conclude with some observations about the evolution of trading connections between Tell el-Dab c Second Intermediate Period.
This article highlights a specific Cypriot production: the White Shaved Ware. Less easily identif... more This article highlights a specific Cypriot production: the White Shaved Ware. Less easily identifiable than the other Late Cypriot wares discovered on the Levantine coast, sometimes neglected in ancient excavations, this ceramic is not less significant. The study of the distribution and the discovery contexts of the White Shaved Ware contributes to the understanding of the complex links established between the Northern Levant and Eastern Cyprus in the Bronze Age.
T... more
This is a workshop, to be held on the 6th of April 2018 at the 11th ICAANE in Munich. First results of an ERC Advanced Grant "The Enigma of the Hyksos" at the Austrian Academy and the Bournemouth University/UK are presented by an international team of scholars supported by external researchers. The research programme deals with the origin the reasons of immigration, the homogenity or heterogenity of a Western Asiatic communit, living during the late Middle Kingdom and the Second intermediate Period in the eastern Nile Delta. They were responsible for the rule of the Hyksos, a foreign dynasty, which took power in Egypt after the Middle Kingdom around1740 BC. The reearch also concentrates on the rise of power, on the way of rule, on the definition of the material culture of these foreigners, on their cultual interference with the Egyptian culture and on the reasons of their decline and failure to build a stable kingdom. Another subject is the impact of the Hyksos on the Egyptian Culture of the New Kingdom. The research is approached with methods of humanities and of biological sciences.
PhD Thesis by Sarah Vilain

UMR 7044, Archéologie et Histoire ancienne : Méditerranée -Europe THÈSE présentée par : Sarah VIL... more UMR 7044, Archéologie et Histoire ancienne : Méditerranée -Europe THÈSE présentée par : Sarah VILAIN soutenue le : 20 novembre 2015 pour obtenir le grade de : Docteur de l'université de Strasbourg Discipline / Spécialité : Archéologie Pour une archéologie des échanges en Méditerranée orientale. La céramique chypriote au Levant nord aux âges du Bronze moyen et du Bronze récent. Volume 1 : Texte THÈSE dirigée par : M. BEYER D. Professeur émérite, Archéologie du Proche-Orient ancien, Université de Strasbourg. M. PETIT Th. Professeur, Archéologie classique, Université Laval, Québec. RAPPORTEURS : M me HEIN I. Professeur adjoint, Egyptologie, Institut d'Egyptologie, Université de Vienne. M. MONCHAMBERT J.-Y. Professeur, Archéologie orientale et phénico-punique, Université Paris-Sorbonne. AUTRE MEMBRE DU JURY : M me CLUZAN S. Conservateur du patrimoine, Département des Antiquités orientales, Musée du Louvre.
Talks by Sarah Vilain
Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oriental Research, Conférence en ligne, 9-11 décembre 2021, Chicago, États-Unis.
Colloque international Containeurs de transport égyptiens de la fin de la Deuxième Période intermédiaire à l’époque ptolémaïque. Imitations, assimilations et transpositions de modèles étrangers, 13-14 octobre 2021, IFAO, Le Caire
Book Chapters by Sarah Vilain
Papers by Sarah Vilain
This is a workshop, to be held on the 6th of April 2018 at the 11th ICAANE in Munich. First results of an ERC Advanced Grant "The Enigma of the Hyksos" at the Austrian Academy and the Bournemouth University/UK are presented by an international team of scholars supported by external researchers. The research programme deals with the origin the reasons of immigration, the homogenity or heterogenity of a Western Asiatic communit, living during the late Middle Kingdom and the Second intermediate Period in the eastern Nile Delta. They were responsible for the rule of the Hyksos, a foreign dynasty, which took power in Egypt after the Middle Kingdom around1740 BC. The reearch also concentrates on the rise of power, on the way of rule, on the definition of the material culture of these foreigners, on their cultual interference with the Egyptian culture and on the reasons of their decline and failure to build a stable kingdom. Another subject is the impact of the Hyksos on the Egyptian Culture of the New Kingdom. The research is approached with methods of humanities and of biological sciences.
PhD Thesis by Sarah Vilain
Talks by Sarah Vilain
This is a workshop, to be held on the 6th of April 2018 at the 11th ICAANE in Munich. First results of an ERC Advanced Grant "The Enigma of the Hyksos" at the Austrian Academy and the Bournemouth University/UK are presented by an international team of scholars supported by external researchers. The research programme deals with the origin the reasons of immigration, the homogenity or heterogenity of a Western Asiatic communit, living during the late Middle Kingdom and the Second intermediate Period in the eastern Nile Delta. They were responsible for the rule of the Hyksos, a foreign dynasty, which took power in Egypt after the Middle Kingdom around1740 BC. The reearch also concentrates on the rise of power, on the way of rule, on the definition of the material culture of these foreigners, on their cultual interference with the Egyptian culture and on the reasons of their decline and failure to build a stable kingdom. Another subject is the impact of the Hyksos on the Egyptian Culture of the New Kingdom. The research is approached with methods of humanities and of biological sciences.
This is a workshop, to be held on the 6th of April 2018 at the 11th ICAANE in Munich. First results of an ERC Advanced Grant "The Enigma of the Hyksos" at the Austrian Academy and the Bournemouth University/UK are presented by an international team of scholars supported by external researchers. The research programme deals with the origin the reasons of immigration, the homogenity or heterogenity of a Western Asiatic communit, living during the late Middle Kingdom and the Second intermediate Period in the eastern Nile Delta. They were responsible for the rule of the Hyksos, a foreign dynasty, which took power in Egypt after the Middle Kingdom around1740 BC. The reearch also concentrates on the rise of power, on the way of rule, on the definition of the material culture of these foreigners, on their cultual interference with the Egyptian culture and on the reasons of their decline and failure to build a stable kingdom. Another subject is the impact of the Hyksos on the Egyptian Culture of the New Kingdom. The research is approached with methods of humanities and of biological sciences.
Tell Tweini or ancient Gibala is located in the Syrian coastal plain and represents the southernmost harbour of the Ugaritic Kingdom in the Late Bronze Age. As one of the few sites under excavation in the Northern Levant with a full archaeological sequence spanning the Early Bronze Age IV (ca. 2400 BCE) up to the Iron Age III period (ca. 500 BCE), Tell Tweini (Field A) is a key site for the study of the developments in the Northern Levant especially where the Bronze to Iron Age transition is concerned.