Samir Matar
I have studied Math, Physcis and Chemistry at the Lebanese University back in 1973-1975, then left to France at 19 because of the war in Lebanon. At the University of Bordeaux I carried on my studies, majoring in Physcial Chemistry (B.Sc/ M.Sc) then went on to Ph.D. venture. From purely experimentalist I turned to computations very early and started modelling properties of fast ionic conductors under the guidance of Professor Richard CATLOW FRS at UCL-London. I learned a lot with Dr Jean-Maurice REAU on fluorides as ionic conductors and he was my supervisor for the two Ph.D.'s (one in Chemistry 1982 and a second -big- one, Doctorat d'Etat in Physical Science Oct.83. I have the honor to have met an benefited from their knowledge great scientisits as Walter KOHN (DFT Nobel prize 1998)
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Papers by Samir Matar