The discovery that a spin polarized current can exert a large torque on a ferromagnet through a transfusion of spin angular momentum, offers a new way to control a magnetization by simple current injection, without the help of an applied... more
We present time-resolved measurements of the displacement of magnetic domain-walls (DWs) driven by vertical spin-polarized currents in track-shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. In these structures we observe very high DW velocities (600... more
We present time-resolved measurements of the displacement of magnetic domain-walls (DWs) driven by vertical spin-polarized currents in track-shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. In these structures we observe very high DW velocities (600... more
We present time-resolved measurements of the displacement of magnetic domain-walls (DWs) driven by vertical spin-polarized currents in track-shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. In these structures we observe very high DW velocities (600... more
In standard near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), a subwavelength probe acts as an optical 'stethoscope' to map the near field produced at the sample surface by external illumination 1 . This technique has been applied using... more
To cope with the 40 MHz event production rate of LHC, the trigger of the ATLAS experiment selects events in three sequential steps of increasing complexity and accuracy whose final results are close to the offline reconstruction. The... more
The ATLAS combined test beam in the second half of 2004 saw the first deployment of the ATLAS High-Level Trigger (HLT). The next steps are deployment on the pre-series farms in the experimental area during 2005, commissioning and cosmics... more
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will face the challenge of efficiently selecting interesting candidate events in©¨collisions at 14 TeV center-of-mass energy, whilst rejecting the enormous number of background... more
The ATLAS high-level trigger (HLT) system provides software-based event selection after the initial LVL1 hardware trigger. It is composed of two stages, the LVL2 trigger and the event filter (EF). The LVL2 trigger performs event selection... more
Following rigorous software design and analysis methods, an object-based architecture has been developed to derive the second-and third-level trigger decisions for the future ATLAS detector at the LHC. The functional components within... more
The ATLAS trigger reduces the rate of interesting events to be recorded for off-line analysis in three successive levels from 40 MHz to 100 kHz, 2 kHz and 200 Hz. The high level triggers and data acquisition system are designed to profit... more
The ATLAS High Level Trigger's (HLT) primary function of event selection will be accomplished with a Level-2 trigger farm and an event filter (EF) farm, both running software components developed in the ATLAS offline reconstruction... more
Event data from proton-proton collisions at the LHC will be selected by the ATLAS experiment in a three level trigger system, which reduces the initial bunch crossing rate of 40 MHz at its first two trigger levels (LVL1+LVL2) to ∼ 3 kHz.... more