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Digital contents distributed over the internet are regulated by law and by technical management systems. The latter include a semantic component that describes licenses, i.e. rights of use which are granted to the user. These elements of... more
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    • Rights Expression Language (REL)
At the crossroad of law and compu ter science, the notion of Digital Rights Managemen t renews the research on Lex Electronica. Rights Expression Languages provide the legal semantic and syntax to be implemen te d by Digital Rights... more
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Legal ontologies design raises knowledge management but also jurisprudence issues. To which extent is it possible to establish common concerns between technical means and theoretical constraints? After a brief presentation of the network... more
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      Knowledge ManagementOntology Design
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The focus of this paper is the exploration of ontologies as a means for knowledge sharing in music information retrieval scenarios. Our approach is intended to support the complete "life cycle of digital music" and focuses on the... more
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      Music Information RetrievalDigital music
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2 3 E v e r e t t S t r e e t • S e c o n d F l o o r • C a m b r i d g e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 3 8 5 0 C h u r c h S t r e e t • T h i r d F l o o r • C a m b r i d g e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 3 8 + 1 6 1 7 . 4 9 5... more
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2 3 E v e r e t t S t r e e t • S e c o n d F l o o r • C a m b r i d g e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 3 8 5 0 C h u r c h S t r e e t • T h i r d F l o o r • C a m b r i d g e , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 3 8 + 1 6 1 7 . 4 9 5... more
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1 D'après Reidenberg Joël,«Lex Informatica: the formulation of information policy rules through technology», Texas Law Review, vol. 76, p. 553, 1998. La lex informatica est nommée code par analogie entre le code informatique et le code... more
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La búsqueda en Internet mediante palabras clave como" UML Tool" proporciona cientos o miles de enlaces a páginas que supuestamente proporcionan" la mejor herramienta del mercado, compatible con la última versión del estándar de UML". Esta... more
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Abstract. Legal and technical means regulate the digital dissemination of creative works. Technological protection measures and rights management information implementing copyright licenses or contracts are based on Rights Expression... more
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Creative Commons (CC,< creativecommons. org>) provides licensing tools to assist creators in publishing their work under flexible terms which are more generous for the public than the traditional copyright" all rights... more
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In a context of extension of copyright duration and scope, the public domain is at risk, and with it, the vibrant expression of our culture and democracies. A group of academic and think-tank researchers, librarians, government... more
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Executive summary Creative Commons licenses have been designed to facilitate the use and reuse of creative works by granting some permissions in advance. However, the system is complex, with a multiplicity of licenses options, formats and... more
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Abstract: Different disciplines and fields of study seem to be heralding the rise of an interdisciplinary scientific and intellectual movement focused on digital heritage, operationally defined as the ensemble of documents and information... more
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Abstract This article proposes an introductory analysis of digital resources and commons-based peer production online communities with the framework of the common pool-resources.
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Abstract. Creative Commons tools makes it easier for users, who are also authors, to share, locate and distribute reusable content, fostering remix and digital creativity, open science and freedom of expression. But reuse could be made... more
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Face au renforcement de la protection de la propriété intellectuelle demandée par certains porteurs d'intérêts, d'autres acteurs s' interrogent sur des pratiques alternatives pour favoriser la circulation des œuvres. Existe-t-il un moyen... more
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Citer l'auteur est une norme sociale qui dépasse les obligations juridiques et permet de comprendre qui a émis un document ou l'a modifié, de distinguer oeuvre originale, reprise, commentaire ou transformation et ainsi d'inférer la valeur... more
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However, creators can choose to let others copy and reuse their works for free. By deciding to be more generous, they will get more exposure, maybe even foster citizen participation, creative remix or translation by volunteers. Creative... more
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