Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research
Histoire de l'art et archéologie
The author's archaeological study on the gates of the citadel on Damascus sheds light on a multitude of building stages and restorations of the famous fortress, and on the potential of highly detailed stone-by-stone survey and analysis in... more
Another article on the potential of highly detailed and focused stone-by-stone analysis in Mediaeval archaeology.
The romanesque abbey church of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard, highly renowned for its façade and its ashlar- vaulted staircase, suffered destruction during the religious wars. An archaeological analysis of its well-documented reconstruction sheds... more
This paper is a sample of a series of articles published in the Bulletin Monumental IV-2013, which summarize the results of an interdisciplinary research project on the architectural history of the ancient abbey of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard in... more
This article comments on the influence of Italian an French early romanesque forms and design on contemporary architecture in Germany.
Archaeological studies on the gothic refectory of the cistercian abbey of Silvacane (ca. 1275-1300): foundations, building techniques, construction of rib vaults, and other aspects are examined in detail. (co-authors: Andreas... more
Archaeological studies on the gothic refectory of the Cistercian abbey of Silvacane in Provence (ca. 1275-1300): foundations, masonry, and the construction of rib vaults are examined in detail (co-authors Andreas Hartmann-Virnich,... more
Archaeological studies on the gothic refectory of the Cistercian abbey of Silvacane in Provence (ca. 1275-1300): foundations, masonry, and the construction of rib vaults are examined in detail (co-authors Andreas Hartmann-Virnich,... more
This article summarizes the results of co-author Heike Hansen's highly detailed stone-by-stone survey and archaeological analysis of the façade of the late romanesque abbey church of Saint-Gilles-du-Gard in Southern France in the context... more
An old article on the chronology and sculpture of the Romanesque cloisters of Saint-Trophime at Arles. Recent archaeological research has changed the insight into the building stages of the western aisle, a new synthesis will be available... more
Another old paper on the Romanesque sculpture of the Arles cloisters, which evidences the fundamental problem of attributing sculptures to individual sculptors. A new study after the recent restoration of the cloisters confirms the... more
The romanesque cathédral of Arles was begun around 1100 with the erection of its eastern parts, probably to the east of the earlier church which was entirely replaced in the 12th century by the Romanesque nave of Saint-Trophime. The... more
This article examines the reference to Late Antiquity and the art and architecture of the Early Christian period in early Romanesque architecture of Provence.
Información del artículo Photogrammetric stone-by-stone survey and archaeology knowledge: an application on the Romanesque Priory church Notre-Dame D'Aleyrac (Provence, France).
Géoarchéologie du Rhône dans le secteur du pont Saint-Bénézet (Avignon, Provence, France) au cours de la seconde moitié du deuxième millénaire apr. J.-C. : étude croisée de géographie historique et des paléoenvironnements Geoarchaeology... more
En 1983, la recherche archéologique a repris sur le site de l'ancienne église abbatiale de Cruas dont la particularité était de pouvoir associer la fouille des vestiges conservés dans la nef à l'étude des élévations qui se sont révélées,... more