Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).Philosopher (moral and political philosophy, HDR/Sorbonne University) and political scientist (PhD/School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) / Centre for sociological and political Studies Aron Centre, Paris).Since 2014 in the Political Research Centre of Sciences-Po (Cevipof-UMR 7048). 1997-2013 Centre de Recherche Sens, Éthique, Société (Research Centre on Meaning, Ethics, Society), (CERSES), (UMR 8137 CNRS – University Paris Descartes). 2010-2013 Deputy Director of the CERSES (84 members, 37 with a position of fellow/professor).Qualifications:2010Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR
Supervisors: Supervisor of 6 post-doctoral and 5 PhD Students
Supervisors: Supervisor of 6 post-doctoral and 5 PhD Students
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