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Books by Benoît Grévin
Questo libro tenta una comparazione sistematica degli aspetti più formularistici delle lettere dantesche con sequenze estratte di diverse lettere del Duecento. Il materiale raccolto per effettuare questo studio consta di più di 3000 lettere imperiali, papali e altre. For all the researchs interested by the nature of Dante's Latin style. Per tutti i ricercatori che studiano la questione dello stile latino di Dante
The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 latin and french preambles (arengae, exordiae...) of charters issued by the French Royal Chancery during the fourteenth century (1300-1380), and used in circa thousand charters, with a lot of still unedited material.
The first part (p. 1-574) is a multilayered and interdisciplinary study of this documentation (milieu of production, diplomatical aspects, rhetorical aspects, ideological aspects and so on), we tried to envision these texts in every possible dimension. One of the original features of the book is that it retraces for the first time with some accuracy the papal or sicilian-imperial origin of a lot of rhetorical motives used by the French royal notaries and secretaries at this time, through their intensive use of the summae dictaminis. We try to locate the precise sources of these reuses.
Part three (p. 577-902) features comparative tables between these sources and some of the French texts, a complete lexical repertory (Latin-French) with research tools, and indexes, in order to facilitate researches in the text and comparison with similar corpuses.
It is a book that navigates between the history of French royal Ideology, textual history and rhetorical history, and diplomatics. The book is now on sale in a paper version, but it will soon have an electronic version, to be consulted freely (and downlad with paiment) on the site of the Ecole des chartes.
Papers by Benoît Grévin
Questo libro tenta una comparazione sistematica degli aspetti più formularistici delle lettere dantesche con sequenze estratte di diverse lettere del Duecento. Il materiale raccolto per effettuare questo studio consta di più di 3000 lettere imperiali, papali e altre. For all the researchs interested by the nature of Dante's Latin style. Per tutti i ricercatori che studiano la questione dello stile latino di Dante
The central part p. 425-576 includes a corpus of 548 latin and french preambles (arengae, exordiae...) of charters issued by the French Royal Chancery during the fourteenth century (1300-1380), and used in circa thousand charters, with a lot of still unedited material.
The first part (p. 1-574) is a multilayered and interdisciplinary study of this documentation (milieu of production, diplomatical aspects, rhetorical aspects, ideological aspects and so on), we tried to envision these texts in every possible dimension. One of the original features of the book is that it retraces for the first time with some accuracy the papal or sicilian-imperial origin of a lot of rhetorical motives used by the French royal notaries and secretaries at this time, through their intensive use of the summae dictaminis. We try to locate the precise sources of these reuses.
Part three (p. 577-902) features comparative tables between these sources and some of the French texts, a complete lexical repertory (Latin-French) with research tools, and indexes, in order to facilitate researches in the text and comparison with similar corpuses.
It is a book that navigates between the history of French royal Ideology, textual history and rhetorical history, and diplomatics. The book is now on sale in a paper version, but it will soon have an electronic version, to be consulted freely (and downlad with paiment) on the site of the Ecole des chartes.