Papers by Isis Castañeda Capriroli

Revue Chimères, 2024
Distribution électronique pour Érès. Distribution électronique pour Érès. L... more Distribution électronique pour Érès. Distribution électronique pour Érès. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur

From a socio-anthropological consideration of psychoanalysis, we propose the dream as a way to ac... more From a socio-anthropological consideration of psychoanalysis, we propose the dream as a way to access the study of malaise and as a territory for social research. The Transdisciplinary Laboratory in Social Practices and Subjectivity (LaPSoS) presents its theoretical and methodological contributions through a study entitled, "Everyday life, dreams and adolescent malaise". We outline the data collection protocol and its analysis matrix. We conclude by identifying research possibilities in the oneiric realm in which the tool of free association, a psychoanalytic method of dream interpretation put at the service of social research, made it possible to trace articulations between problems classically considered as either individual or social. This same method allowed the participants to guide the interpretation from their own associations. We propose that dreams are a relevant terrain for the study of contemporary subjectivities.

Subjectivity, 2022
From a socio-anthropological consideration of psychoanalysis, we propose the dream as a way to ac... more From a socio-anthropological consideration of psychoanalysis, we propose the dream as a way to access the study of malaise and as a territory for social research. The Transdisciplinary Laboratory in Social Practices and Subjectivity (LaPSoS) presents its theoretical and methodological contributions through a study entitled, "Everyday life, dreams and adolescent malaise". We outline the data collection protocol and its analysis matrix. We conclude by identifying research possibilities in the oneiric realm in which the tool of free association, a psychoanalytic method of dream interpretation put at the service of social research, made it possible to trace articulations between problems classically considered as either individual or social. This same method allowed the participants to guide the interpretation from their own associations. We propose that dreams are a relevant terrain for the study of contemporary subjectivities.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
This article addresses the relationship between dreams and violence, establishing an intersection... more This article addresses the relationship between dreams and violence, establishing an intersection between the subjective dimension of dreams and the social dimension of violence. The foregoing aspects are addressed in the case of extreme experiences, and specifically regarding violence in its relation to power and the dream as a representational work. At this intersection, a collaborative relationship between psychoanalysis and political philosophy may help to elucidate problematic aspects of the relation between the biographical trajectory of a subject who suffers the devastation of his or her human condition, and the different registers of social violence.
Diplômées N°276-277 — Genre(s), 2021
Cet article a pour but d’explorer la dimension politique de la vie
onirique, à travers le récit d... more Cet article a pour but d’explorer la dimension politique de la vie
onirique, à travers le récit du rêve d’une femme étrangère habitante de
Santiago de Chile, et, qui a connu la révolte sociale d’octobre 2019 et la
vague féministe de 2017. Nous avons transcrit son récit du rêve avec une attention particulière aux modes créatifs de connexions, entre des
moments de son histoire passée et de sa situation présente, qui effacent la frontière entre les évènements personnels et politiques. De cette rencontre et de ces croisements novateurs entre différentes histoires et temporalités, surgit une source de créativité politique qui projette de nouvelles formes du commun.
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 2020
This article addresses the relationship between dreams and violence,
establishing an intersection... more This article addresses the relationship between dreams and violence,
establishing an intersection between the subjective dimension of dreams and the social dimension of violence. The foregoing aspects are addressed in the case of extreme experiences, and specifically regarding violence in its relation to power and the dream as a representational work. At this intersection, a collaborative relationship between
psychoanalysis and political philosophy may help to elucidate problematic aspects of the relation between the biographical trajectory of a subject who suffers the devastation of his or her human condition, and the different registers of social violence.
Práxis Educacional
The aim of this article is to explore the epistemic and practical conditions of production of the... more The aim of this article is to explore the epistemic and practical conditions of production of the diagnosis of ADHD in Chilean schools. It develops along two main lines: 1) the role of schools inChile in relation to the characteristics and treatment of this diagnostic category; and 2) the construction of the diagnosis in the classroom, analyzing the treatment of attentional behavior and the configuration of the ADHD Situation. We will conclude by considering student anxiety related to the diagnosis as an indicator of a clash of civilizational orders expressed in the modes of affective modulation performed in the classroom, wherein attempts will be made to resolve institutional violence by way of a demand for individual reform.
Práxis Educacional
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo explorar las condiciones epistémicas y prácticas de pr... more El presente artículo tiene por objetivo explorar las condiciones epistémicas y prácticas de producción del diagnóstico de TDAH en la escuela en Chile. Se desarrolla en dos ejes: 1) la posición de la escuela en Chile respecto de las características y tratamiento de esta categoría diagnóstica; 2) la construcción del diagnóstico en el aula, analizando el tratamiento del comportamiento atencional y la configuración de la situación TDAH. Concluiremos situando la interrogante sobre la inquietud escolar en torno al diagnóstico como indicio de un choque de órdenes civilizatorios expresado en las formas de modulaciones afectivas en el aula, donde se buscará resolver a nivel de una exigencia de rentabilización individual violencias institucionales.

Revista Práxis Educacional, 2019
The aim of this article is to explore the epistemic and practical conditions of production of the... more The aim of this article is to explore the epistemic and practical conditions of production of the diagnosis of ADHD in Chilean schools. It develops along two main lines: 1) the role of schools in Chile in relation to the characteristics and treatment of this diagnostic category; and 2) the construction of the diagnosis in the classroom, analyzing the treatment of attentional behavior and the configuration of the ADHD Situation. We will conclude by considering student anxiety related to the diagnosis as an indicator of a clash of civilizational orders expressed in the modes of affective modulation performed in the classroom, wherein attempts will be made to resolve institutional violence by way of a demand for individual reform. Resumen: El presente artículo tiene por objetivo explorar las condiciones epistémicas y prácticas de producción del diagnóstico de TDAH en la escuela en Chile. Se desarrolla en dos ejes: 1) la posición de la escuela en Chile respecto de las características y tratamiento de esta categoría diagnóstica; 2) la construcción del diagnóstico en el aula, analizando el tratamiento del comportamiento atencional y la configuración de la situación TDAH. Concluiremos situando la interrogante sobre la inquietud escolar en torno al diagnóstico como indicio de un choque de órdenes civilizatorios expresado en las formas de modulaciones afectivas en el aula, donde se buscará resolver a nivel de una exigencia de rentabilización individual violencias institucionales. Palabras clave: Atención. Escuela en Chile. Situación TDAH. Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é explorar as condições epistêmicas e as práticas de produção do diagnóstico de TDAH nas escolas do Chile. Se desenvolve em dois eixos: 1) A posição da escola no Chile em relação às características e tratamento dessa categoria diagnóstica; e 2) a construção do diagnóstico em sala de aula, analisando o tratamento do comportamento atencional e a configuração da situação-TDAH. Concluímos situando a questão da inquietude escolar em torno do diagnóstico como uma indicação de um choque de ordens civilizatórias expressas nas formas de modulações afetivas na sala de aula, onde a violência institucional resolve-se através de uma exigência de rentabilização individual.
Revista Bricolaje , 2018
Editorial Número "Resistencias" Revista Bricolaje.
Thesis Chapters by Isis Castañeda Capriroli

La elaboración Freudiana sobre el sueño traumático en Más allá del principio del placer, marca un... more La elaboración Freudiana sobre el sueño traumático en Más allá del principio del placer, marca un punto de tensión en la teoría psicoanalítica del sueño. Principios como “todo sueño es un cumplimiento de deseo” y la existencia de una desfiguración onírica a partir de los procesos de condensación y desplazamiento parecen quedar en suspenso y entredicho en esta particular forma del soñar frente a lo traumático y lo extremo. En función de ello, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo conocer y explorar las particularidades del trabajo del sueño en relación al entramado pulsional en el sueño traumático. A fin de responder este objetivo, se realizara una revisión y discusión de la teoría psicoanalítica en torno al sueño traumático, tensionando la evidencia teórica a partir del material empírico obtenido
en el trabajo clínico con una paciente que ha vivenciado una situación traumática, específicamente, un episodio de violencia sexual. Aquí, la compulsión a la repetición y el avasallamiento de la pulsión de muerte serán protagonistas de la escena onírica. Sin embargo, el trabajo del sueño se articulará como una particular tentativa de elaboración y
como una tendencia al cumplimiento de deseo, sólo que Más allá del principio de placer.
Revista Bricolaje, 2016
Presentación de investigación en curso sobre el "trabajo del sueño" ante violencias que han deven... more Presentación de investigación en curso sobre el "trabajo del sueño" ante violencias que han devenido traumáticas.
Talks by Isis Castañeda Capriroli
Conference Presentations by Isis Castañeda Capriroli

Conference Dream Cultures: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. University of Turku, 2019
Dreams as a social research tool: Bringing the psychoanalytic dream interpretation method up to d... more Dreams as a social research tool: Bringing the psychoanalytic dream interpretation method up to date This presentation is aimed at exploring the usefulness of dreams for studying the assemblage of social and subjective records in contemporary ways of life. From a perspective that integrates psychoanalysis and qualitative social research, we present the research design and the reflections that emerged during the process in order to highlight the tools used in the study entitled "Vida cotidiana, sueños y malestar adolescente"/ "Everyday life, dreams, and adolescent malaise", conducted by the Transdisciplinary Laboratory for Social Practices and Subjectivity (LaPSoS), part of the University of Chile. Adopting a psychoanalytic approach, we show how dreams can be an opportunity to enrich the study of malaise in Chilean adolescents; from that starting point, we discuss their value as a versatile social research tool.
International Conference “Memories of Loss, Dreams of Solidarity" The University of Edinburgh, 2020
This presentation explores the relationship between some forms of violence and the oniric product... more This presentation explores the relationship between some forms of violence and the oniric productions of a woman from Santiago of Chile within the context of the current social eruption. My talk constitutes the start of a doctoral thesis entitled “Dreams as a 'royal road' to the heterogeneity of violence”, conducted at University of Paris 8. It is also part of a larger project undertaken by the Universidad of Chile's Transdisciplinary Laboratory for Research onSocial Practices and
Subjectivity (LaPSoS) entitled “Everyday Life, Dreams, and Distress in Young Chileans”
Papers by Isis Castañeda Capriroli
onirique, à travers le récit du rêve d’une femme étrangère habitante de
Santiago de Chile, et, qui a connu la révolte sociale d’octobre 2019 et la
vague féministe de 2017. Nous avons transcrit son récit du rêve avec une attention particulière aux modes créatifs de connexions, entre des
moments de son histoire passée et de sa situation présente, qui effacent la frontière entre les évènements personnels et politiques. De cette rencontre et de ces croisements novateurs entre différentes histoires et temporalités, surgit une source de créativité politique qui projette de nouvelles formes du commun.
establishing an intersection between the subjective dimension of dreams and the social dimension of violence. The foregoing aspects are addressed in the case of extreme experiences, and specifically regarding violence in its relation to power and the dream as a representational work. At this intersection, a collaborative relationship between
psychoanalysis and political philosophy may help to elucidate problematic aspects of the relation between the biographical trajectory of a subject who suffers the devastation of his or her human condition, and the different registers of social violence.
Thesis Chapters by Isis Castañeda Capriroli
en el trabajo clínico con una paciente que ha vivenciado una situación traumática, específicamente, un episodio de violencia sexual. Aquí, la compulsión a la repetición y el avasallamiento de la pulsión de muerte serán protagonistas de la escena onírica. Sin embargo, el trabajo del sueño se articulará como una particular tentativa de elaboración y
como una tendencia al cumplimiento de deseo, sólo que Más allá del principio de placer.
Talks by Isis Castañeda Capriroli
Conference Presentations by Isis Castañeda Capriroli
Subjectivity (LaPSoS) entitled “Everyday Life, Dreams, and Distress in Young Chileans”
onirique, à travers le récit du rêve d’une femme étrangère habitante de
Santiago de Chile, et, qui a connu la révolte sociale d’octobre 2019 et la
vague féministe de 2017. Nous avons transcrit son récit du rêve avec une attention particulière aux modes créatifs de connexions, entre des
moments de son histoire passée et de sa situation présente, qui effacent la frontière entre les évènements personnels et politiques. De cette rencontre et de ces croisements novateurs entre différentes histoires et temporalités, surgit une source de créativité politique qui projette de nouvelles formes du commun.
establishing an intersection between the subjective dimension of dreams and the social dimension of violence. The foregoing aspects are addressed in the case of extreme experiences, and specifically regarding violence in its relation to power and the dream as a representational work. At this intersection, a collaborative relationship between
psychoanalysis and political philosophy may help to elucidate problematic aspects of the relation between the biographical trajectory of a subject who suffers the devastation of his or her human condition, and the different registers of social violence.
en el trabajo clínico con una paciente que ha vivenciado una situación traumática, específicamente, un episodio de violencia sexual. Aquí, la compulsión a la repetición y el avasallamiento de la pulsión de muerte serán protagonistas de la escena onírica. Sin embargo, el trabajo del sueño se articulará como una particular tentativa de elaboración y
como una tendencia al cumplimiento de deseo, sólo que Más allá del principio de placer.
Subjectivity (LaPSoS) entitled “Everyday Life, Dreams, and Distress in Young Chileans”