Papers by Stefano degli Uberti

Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jan 29, 2024
In border areas, time and space are constantly suspended from the usual rules along a liminal pat... more In border areas, time and space are constantly suspended from the usual rules along a liminal pathway transforming status and identity. In order to understand how different regimes of mobility and reception influence the experience of time and the subjective actions of both asylum seekers arriving via the so-called Balkan route and Ukrainian refugees fleeing from the war, the paper puts forward an analysis of the multiple scales of migration and reception policies as historically situated practices. How and to what extent has the increasing role of the humanitarian regime contributed to improving or worsening the lives of asylum seekers in borderland places where the memory of wars, civil conflicts, and experiences of refoulement is very much alive? Building on a multilocal ethnography of the temporalities of migrants' reception, the paper aims at disentangling the historical layers of hospitality in the northeastern Italian border areas of Trieste and Bolzano and the intersecting forms of (im)mobility at play. By addressing "reception" as an entanglement of spatial and temporal practices carried out by migrants, institutional, and humanitarian actors, we discuss not only how time reduces the existence of asylum seekers and Ukrainian refugees to an empty and meaningless human condition by exerting control over the subjective experiences, but also how the migrants' experience of waiting translates into an active state of being with the creative potential to trigger new forms of sociality, solidarity, and senses of belonging.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 27, 2023

After the official closure of the passage to the EU (March 2016), the Western Balkans have become... more After the official closure of the passage to the EU (March 2016), the Western Balkans have become an area of transit for migratory flows overland from the East and the South. This introductory editorial sets the stage of the special issue and presents the contents of the articles which aim at going beyond an understanding of the 'refugee crisis' as a generic external threat to the EU discussing its constructive, changing dimension and exploring the fluid nature of migration trajectories which are shaped by intersecting forms of mobilities and immobilities. Through the adoption of an ethnographic and diachronic perspective, the papers further aim to understand their entanglement with the 1990s memories of migration and therefore with the temporalities of mobility, while also considering the reemergent securitization of border areas, especially after COVID-19 pandemic, and the ambivalent pushback and hospitality policies that also occur in the Balkan countries along the route.

After the closure of the so-called 'Balkan Route', the western Balkan countries became buffer zon... more After the closure of the so-called 'Balkan Route', the western Balkan countries became buffer zones for thousands of unregistered migrants living 'in waiting' in precarious conditions. The overland route captures everyday configurations of multiple spatial, temporal and social interconnections, in their entanglement with the historicity of the cross-border areas. By analysing ethnographic accounts collected on the Italian-Austrian and Italian-Slovenian borders, the paper explores the street-level practices of public/ institutional apparatus and the stories of would-be asylum seekers, with their experiences of mobility and 'involuntary immobility' shaped by power relations. Our aim is to discuss the complexity of this process which concerns patterns of (im)mobility (e.g., waithood), migration projects, rejection, violence, vulnerability and agency from the point of view of the migrants entering the European Union through this eastern passage.

Since 2015, the progressive tightening of border controls and the implementation of policy measur... more Since 2015, the progressive tightening of border controls and the implementation of policy measures aimed at discouraging the settlement of asylum seekers in the Italian territories have increasingly left an unprecedented number of migrant people at the margins of the official system of reception. Though social research has variously explored their experience of informal settling by interrogating the power dynamics in relation to individuals and the processes of categorization, little attention has been devoted to their mobility dimension. The aim of this article is to place the relationship between mobility and informality in the foreground to examine the analytical purchase of the conceptual perspective of the mobility studies in order to explore the reality of asylum seekers and refugees outside the reception system in Italy, and not only. The article contributes to capturing the multiple mobility/immobility dimensions of their geographical and social trajectories, arguing for an overcoming of the representation of ‘passive pawns’ and establishing a more fine-grained analysis of the experience of ‘migrant informality’.
Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development, 2013

Archivio Antropologico del Mediterraneo, 2019
The “processual turn” in the study of borders has opened up to the analysis of how borders and bo... more The “processual turn” in the study of borders has opened up to the analysis of how borders and border regimes, conceived of as social practices, are created/recreated in many ways, for many actors, at any place and time; however, this perspective still coexists with traditional approaches to borders, characterized by a fixation with the notion of border only as a tangible entity, the physical outcome of political, social and/or economic processes. These studies develop through sophisticated and erudite conceptual analysis, not always balanced by equal empirical anchorage.
Conversely, based on an ethnographic account of asylum seekers’ reception policies in Alto Adige/Südtirol, the article empirically frames the concept of “border” by retracing the experiences of the so-called “out-of-quota” asylum seekers (profughi fuori quota/Asylbewerber fuori quota) in light of their categorization prompted by local policy and media discourses. The author unveils the performative dimension of labelling practices by arguing that these not only fuel misrepresentation but translate into bordering practices that exacerbate juridical and social vulnerability and hinder access to reception facilities and welfare services.
la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 2019
Partendo dal concetto di progettualità, il contributo intende esplorare le dimensioni socio-cultu... more Partendo dal concetto di progettualità, il contributo intende esplorare le dimensioni socio-culturali sottese alla bassa fecondità in Italia attraverso la lente interpretativa di due modelli culturali: la cultura della scelta e la cultura della responsabilità. In particolare, all'interno di questa prospettiva, la scelta riproduttiva e la progettualità del diventare genitori sono discussi focalizzando l'attenzione sulla rappresentazione sociale della maternità e il rapporto tra genitorialità e sfera extradomestica.

Etnografia e Ricerca qualitativa, 2017
Over the past few years, the European crisis and the EU enforcement and externalization of border... more Over the past few years, the European crisis and the EU enforcement and externalization of border control have shaped how Europe and migration are perceived in Africa. Areas of out-migration, such as Senegal, are not only experiencing changes in mobility patterns but also a social diversification in the way in which «Europe» is viewed and talked about. While several studies have underlined transformations occurring over time amongst Senegalese migrants in Europe, less attention has been paid to analysing their migration decision-making practices through a diachronic perspective. Drawing on ethnographic research carried out in Senegal and Italy between the mid-1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, this paper aims to explore how imaginaries and narratives of migration and destination countries are formed. Taking into account the interconnections of global and local dynamics, the paper discusses shifting perceptions of Europe and mobility in Senegal, highlighting how imaginaries of «elsewhere» are ambivalent and historically grounded.

Around 80% of migration movements in Africa occur intra-regionally; but despite the still growing... more Around 80% of migration movements in Africa occur intra-regionally; but despite the still growing importance of the phenomenon, African migration data sources are often lacking or inadequate. The purpose of this research note is to assess the quality and availability of intra-regional migration statistics in sub-Saharan Africa and point to the potential role for regional organizations in this context. We argue that regional organizations should play a more important role in this area for three inter-related reasons. First, the research agenda on African migration is showing more conceptual sophistication and a stronger regional dimension, leading to new data needs at the regional level. Second, with respect to the production of statistics, the national institutions seem to underperform, requiring a complementary role for the regional organizations in between the national statistical authorities and the international institutions. And third, this new role for regional organizations can be based on the stronger mandates given to them in the area of migration governance and the fact that the demand for regional socio-economic policies related to migration is rising, which leads to a need for better informed regional policies.
Which are the social transformations and the “new” population that inhabits the urban peripheries... more Which are the social transformations and the “new” population that inhabits the urban peripheries of the Italian cities? This is the question that seems to guide the ethnographic research carried out by Antonelli and Scandurra in “Tranvieri”, the boxing gym located in the Bolognina, a working class neighbourhood in the city of Bologna. Two thirds of the gym population are children of immigrants. The narratives and the experiences of the immigrant boxers within and beyond the gym walls become the lens through which the book retraces the rapid changes occurred in Bologna from the beginning of the Eighties due to the closing of factories and the arrival of immigrants, especially from Morocco, Algeria and the other countries of Maghreb.

Since 2005, about ten thousand migrants in pirogues (most of them Senegalese) have braved the wav... more Since 2005, about ten thousand migrants in pirogues (most of them Senegalese) have braved the waves of the treacherous Atlantic coasts of Senegal to head for the Canary Islands, risking their lives to “gagner l’Europe.” In Senegal the phenomenon of boat migrations has triggered a remarkable production of images and ideas. Assuming movement as an exception, the mass-media and official discourses portray pirogue migrants as “daredevils,” victims, or “naive adventurers” who are driven to leave by the imagination of an idyllic European “elsewhere,” or by the desire to achieve the same economic wealth displayed by returning migrants. Conversely, numerous ethnographic studies suggest that for millions of Africans, being mobile appears rather as a “way of life,” a part of their daily experience, implying more than just movement of people in geographical space alone (De Bruijn et al., 2001). Drawing from the analysis of the ethnographic data collected in Dakar and in the urban areas of M’bour-Saly, we suggest that boat migration could be better understood by examining the diverse forms of social representation of migrants within Senegalese society, and the meanings conveyed by Senegalese media and narratives of migrants and non-migrants. The adoption of a historical perspective on the study of M’bour’s migratory context will allow us to retrace a locally specific “culture of migration” and its underlying importance in order to deconstruct macro-analytical interpretations, and question the official rhetoric on illegal migrations from Senegal.
Victimes de leurs rêveries ou héros d’un jour ? Représentations médiatiques, histoire locale et récits quotidiens sur les migrations piroguières du Sénégal. — À partir de 2005, les vagues de l’océan Atlantique qui se brisent contre les côtes du Sénégal sont traversées par une dizaine de milliers de migrants en pirogues (pour la plupart sénégalais) qui font route vers les îles Canaries, au péril de leur vie, « pour gagner l’Europe ». Au Sénégal, le phénomène des migrations en pirogue a déclenché une production remarquable d’images et de discours. En supposant l’idée de «mouvement» comme une « exception », dans les mass-médias et les discours officiels, le migrant en pirogue est décrit comme un « kamikaze », une victime ou un « aventurier naïf » qui est poussé à partir par l’imagination d’un idyllique « ailleurs » européen, ou par le désir de réaliser une richesse économique affichée par les migrants de retour. En revanche, de nombreuses études ethnographiques montrent que, pour des millions d’Africains mobiles, apparaît plutôt un « mode de vie », une partie de leur expérience quotidienne, ce qui implique plus qu’une simple circulation de personnes dans le seul espace géographique (De Bruijn et al. 2001). S’appuyant sur l’analyse des données ethnographiques recueillies à Dakar et dans les zones urbaines de M’bour-Saly, cet article soutient que les migrations en pirogue pourraient être mieux comprises en examinant à la fois les multiples formes de représentations sociales du migrant dans la société sénégalaise et les significations véhiculées par les médias sénégalais et les récits des migrants et des non-migrants. L’adoption d’une perspective historique dans l’étude du contexte migratoire de M’bour nous permettra de retracer une « culture de la migration » localement spécifique et de souligner son importance afin de déconstruire les interprétations macro-analytiques, et de remettre en question les rhétoriques officielles sur les « migrations clandestines » sénégalaises.
![Research paper thumbnail of Turismo e immaginari migratori. Esperienze dell’Altrove nel Senegal urbano [Tr. Tourism and Migratory imaginaries. Experiences of Elsewhere in Urban Senegal], In Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo, XII/XIII, n. 13 (1), pp. 67-83](
Representations of the ‘Elsewhere’ is as peculiar field to understand the aspirations to travel o... more Representations of the ‘Elsewhere’ is as peculiar field to understand the aspirations to travel of many African people; this factor assumes a pivotal role in individual and collective experiences, becoming a meaningful device that opens up spaces of self-definition. So far, a minor interest is devoted to styles and arenas where the Elsewhere is represented, often assumed as the expression of culturally globalised images and models of a Western universalism. Conversely, this contribute underlines how the ‘idea of Elsewhere’ is constructed historically within a local context, shedding light on how some cultural local aspects produce a specific sense of spatiality, fostering the formation of the frontier between ‘here’ and ‘there’. Looking at the urban areas of M’bour-Saly, I show the role played by the touristic processes and to what extend they give meaning to images, narrations and practices through which people express their ‘desire of Elsewhere’. The work aims to problematise the naïf idea of Europe, collectively perceived as a stereotypical and homogeneous El Dorado: its perception seems rather to be linked to the subjective local experiences of individuals.

Mondi Migranti
Dal 2005 ad oggi, le onde dell’oceano Atlantico che si infrangono sulle coste del Senegal, del Ga... more Dal 2005 ad oggi, le onde dell’oceano Atlantico che si infrangono sulle coste del Senegal, del Gambia e della Mauritania, sono state solcate da decine di migliaia migranti (per la maggior parte senegalesi) che a bordo di piroghe hanno fatto rotta verso l’arcipelago spagnolo delle isole Canarie, rischiando la loro vita per "gagner l’Europe". Molti di essi, senza regolari documenti di espatrio, dopo aver trascorso un periodo di fermo temporaneo, sono stati forzatamente rimpatriati. In Senegal il fenomeno delle migrazioni in piroga ha innescato un meccanismo di produzione sociale di immagini e discorsi sull’emigrazione e sulla figura del migrante in rapporto all’"Altrove" europeo. Questo articolo desidera esplorare, in una prospettiva etno-antropologica, queste rappresentazioni/auto-rappresentazioni attraverso un’analisi che fa dialogare i significati veicolati dai media senegalesi e le narrazioni di migranti e non-migranti. Questa "dialettica del quotidia-no" ci racconta delle ambivalenze e delle trasformazioni in corso nella società senegalese; mostra il ruolo assunto dal fenomeno delle migrazioni in piroga nel segnare un’inversione nella rappresentazione celebrativa del migrante. Lo studio delle costruzione sociale del migrante emerge allora come un terreno fertile per far luce sull’Altra sponda delle migrazioni e per interrogare le retoriche ufficiali sulle "migrazioni clandestine" dall’Africa.
Chapters by Stefano degli Uberti

Flucht - Grenze - Integration / Fuga - Confine - Integrazione. Beiträge zum Phänomen der Deplatzierung / Contributi al fenomeno dello spostamento, Jan 2021
ENG - Against the background of the reception policy in South Tyrol and using the case of 'out-of... more ENG - Against the background of the reception policy in South Tyrol and using the case of 'out-of-quota' asylum seekers (profughi fuori quota/Asylbewerber fuori quota), the article argues that the process of labelling of official discourses (media and political discourses) turns to be a socio-cultural practice that produces backlashes on the individual condition of migrants. The social construction of out-of-quota asylum seekers as »underserved« at best, and as cultural and security threats at worst, does not only assist their control but is used as an othering factor that promote their disavowal and marginalization from the local society and a downward hierarchization within asylum seekers. The labels, and the discourse of which they are part, make it possible for local authorities in charge of their reception to delay asylum claims and inhibit their access to welfare services. More broadly, the article contributes to the discussion on the relationship between border and migration, calling for a greater exploration of the cultural and phenomenological dimension of bordering process.
GER - Vor dem Hintergrund der Aufnahmepolitik in Südtirol und der Asylbewerber fuori quota (Personen außerhalb der staatlichen Zuweisungen) wird argumentiert, dass sich der Kategorisierungsprozess offizieller Diskurse (Medien und politische Diskurse) zu einer soziokulturellen Praxis entwickelt, die starke Reaktionen in Bezug auf den individuellen Status von Migranten hervorruft. Die soziale Konstruktion von Asylbewerbern fuori quota, im besten Fall als ›unterversorgt‹ und im schlechtesten Fall als kulturelle und sicherheitspolitische Bedrohungen, dient nicht nur ihrer Kontrolle, sondern wird auch als Faktor zur Bildung von Alterität (othering) genutzt (vgl. van Houtum/van Naerssen 2002), der ihre Verleugnung und Marginalisierung innerhalb der lokalen Gesellschaft und eine Hierarchie unter den Asylbewerbern befördert. Die aufgerufenen Kategorien und die Diskurse können bei den für die Aufnahme von Asylbewerbern zuständigen lokalen Behörden Verzögerungen bei der Bearbeitung von Asylanträgen verursachen und gar zu einer Sperrung des Zugangs zu Sozialdienstleistungen führen. Generell soll dieser Artikel zur Diskussion über den Zusammenhang zwischen Grenze und Migration beitragen und fordert eine stärkere Erforschung der kulturellen und phänomenologischen Dimension von Bordering-Prozessen.
![Research paper thumbnail of Processi d’integrazione e rappresentazioni sociali tra migranti e operatori di polizia [Tr. Integration processes and social representations among migrants and police officers], in Bonifazi C. (a cura di) Migrazioni e integrazioni nell'Italia di oggi, IRPPS Monografie: pp. 321-336](
"Il multiculturalismo è finito?" Questo è l'eloquente interrogativo che Maurizio Ambrosini si pon... more "Il multiculturalismo è finito?" Questo è l'eloquente interrogativo che Maurizio Ambrosini si poneva non molti anni fa in un suo articolo nel quale registrava la presa di distanza di alcuni tra i più influenti leader politici europei dall'approccio multiculturalista nei confronti degli immigrati [2011]. Nel documentare come le dichiarate politiche di governance dell'immigrazione si discostino spesso da quelle praticate a livello nazionale e locale, egli approfondiva e ridiscuteva il concetto di "integrazione", di solito contrapposto a quello di "multiculturalismo", contestandone il soventemente dichiarato carattere oppositivo. L'integrazione, come osservato da Ambrosini [2011], è prima di tutto un processo che affonda le sue basi nelle relazioni; uno sguardo agli effettivi processi d'integrazione degli immigrati può far emergere la distanza e le differenze che sussistono tra politiche migratorie e la pluralità di pratiche attraverso cui i migranti partecipano e si inseriscono nella società italiana. Guidato da queste osservazioni, l'obiettivo del presente contributo è interrogarsi, attraverso una prospettiva socio-antropologica, sul concetto di "integrazione" partendo dalle esperienze e dalle osservazioni raccolte durante una ricerca condotta a Parma con il personale della Questura e la popolazione senegalese residente sul territorio, sul rapporto che essi intrattengono per l'espletamento delle procedure giuridico-legali. L'analisi delle narrazioni e delle "pratiche di vita quotidiana" [De Certeau 2001] saranno discussi in rapporto ad alcuni temi specifici [es. la residenza e domicilio, ...]. La rilevanza data alla dimensione esperienziale delle prassi giuridiche consentirà di indagare il rapporto tra 'dimensione legale' e 'diversità culturale', evidenziando lo iato sotteso tra le politiche migratorie e i processi d'integrazione, e lasciando intravedere allo stesso tempo forme di negoziazione delle differenze che sono alternative a un multiculturalismo normativo e istituzionale.
Papers by Stefano degli Uberti
Conversely, based on an ethnographic account of asylum seekers’ reception policies in Alto Adige/Südtirol, the article empirically frames the concept of “border” by retracing the experiences of the so-called “out-of-quota” asylum seekers (profughi fuori quota/Asylbewerber fuori quota) in light of their categorization prompted by local policy and media discourses. The author unveils the performative dimension of labelling practices by arguing that these not only fuel misrepresentation but translate into bordering practices that exacerbate juridical and social vulnerability and hinder access to reception facilities and welfare services.
Victimes de leurs rêveries ou héros d’un jour ? Représentations médiatiques, histoire locale et récits quotidiens sur les migrations piroguières du Sénégal. — À partir de 2005, les vagues de l’océan Atlantique qui se brisent contre les côtes du Sénégal sont traversées par une dizaine de milliers de migrants en pirogues (pour la plupart sénégalais) qui font route vers les îles Canaries, au péril de leur vie, « pour gagner l’Europe ». Au Sénégal, le phénomène des migrations en pirogue a déclenché une production remarquable d’images et de discours. En supposant l’idée de «mouvement» comme une « exception », dans les mass-médias et les discours officiels, le migrant en pirogue est décrit comme un « kamikaze », une victime ou un « aventurier naïf » qui est poussé à partir par l’imagination d’un idyllique « ailleurs » européen, ou par le désir de réaliser une richesse économique affichée par les migrants de retour. En revanche, de nombreuses études ethnographiques montrent que, pour des millions d’Africains mobiles, apparaît plutôt un « mode de vie », une partie de leur expérience quotidienne, ce qui implique plus qu’une simple circulation de personnes dans le seul espace géographique (De Bruijn et al. 2001). S’appuyant sur l’analyse des données ethnographiques recueillies à Dakar et dans les zones urbaines de M’bour-Saly, cet article soutient que les migrations en pirogue pourraient être mieux comprises en examinant à la fois les multiples formes de représentations sociales du migrant dans la société sénégalaise et les significations véhiculées par les médias sénégalais et les récits des migrants et des non-migrants. L’adoption d’une perspective historique dans l’étude du contexte migratoire de M’bour nous permettra de retracer une « culture de la migration » localement spécifique et de souligner son importance afin de déconstruire les interprétations macro-analytiques, et de remettre en question les rhétoriques officielles sur les « migrations clandestines » sénégalaises.
Table of Contents of the double issues.
UAS 42: 1-2 (2013),2.pdf
UAS 42: 3-4 (2013),4.pdf""
Chapters by Stefano degli Uberti
GER - Vor dem Hintergrund der Aufnahmepolitik in Südtirol und der Asylbewerber fuori quota (Personen außerhalb der staatlichen Zuweisungen) wird argumentiert, dass sich der Kategorisierungsprozess offizieller Diskurse (Medien und politische Diskurse) zu einer soziokulturellen Praxis entwickelt, die starke Reaktionen in Bezug auf den individuellen Status von Migranten hervorruft. Die soziale Konstruktion von Asylbewerbern fuori quota, im besten Fall als ›unterversorgt‹ und im schlechtesten Fall als kulturelle und sicherheitspolitische Bedrohungen, dient nicht nur ihrer Kontrolle, sondern wird auch als Faktor zur Bildung von Alterität (othering) genutzt (vgl. van Houtum/van Naerssen 2002), der ihre Verleugnung und Marginalisierung innerhalb der lokalen Gesellschaft und eine Hierarchie unter den Asylbewerbern befördert. Die aufgerufenen Kategorien und die Diskurse können bei den für die Aufnahme von Asylbewerbern zuständigen lokalen Behörden Verzögerungen bei der Bearbeitung von Asylanträgen verursachen und gar zu einer Sperrung des Zugangs zu Sozialdienstleistungen führen. Generell soll dieser Artikel zur Diskussion über den Zusammenhang zwischen Grenze und Migration beitragen und fordert eine stärkere Erforschung der kulturellen und phänomenologischen Dimension von Bordering-Prozessen.
Conversely, based on an ethnographic account of asylum seekers’ reception policies in Alto Adige/Südtirol, the article empirically frames the concept of “border” by retracing the experiences of the so-called “out-of-quota” asylum seekers (profughi fuori quota/Asylbewerber fuori quota) in light of their categorization prompted by local policy and media discourses. The author unveils the performative dimension of labelling practices by arguing that these not only fuel misrepresentation but translate into bordering practices that exacerbate juridical and social vulnerability and hinder access to reception facilities and welfare services.
Victimes de leurs rêveries ou héros d’un jour ? Représentations médiatiques, histoire locale et récits quotidiens sur les migrations piroguières du Sénégal. — À partir de 2005, les vagues de l’océan Atlantique qui se brisent contre les côtes du Sénégal sont traversées par une dizaine de milliers de migrants en pirogues (pour la plupart sénégalais) qui font route vers les îles Canaries, au péril de leur vie, « pour gagner l’Europe ». Au Sénégal, le phénomène des migrations en pirogue a déclenché une production remarquable d’images et de discours. En supposant l’idée de «mouvement» comme une « exception », dans les mass-médias et les discours officiels, le migrant en pirogue est décrit comme un « kamikaze », une victime ou un « aventurier naïf » qui est poussé à partir par l’imagination d’un idyllique « ailleurs » européen, ou par le désir de réaliser une richesse économique affichée par les migrants de retour. En revanche, de nombreuses études ethnographiques montrent que, pour des millions d’Africains mobiles, apparaît plutôt un « mode de vie », une partie de leur expérience quotidienne, ce qui implique plus qu’une simple circulation de personnes dans le seul espace géographique (De Bruijn et al. 2001). S’appuyant sur l’analyse des données ethnographiques recueillies à Dakar et dans les zones urbaines de M’bour-Saly, cet article soutient que les migrations en pirogue pourraient être mieux comprises en examinant à la fois les multiples formes de représentations sociales du migrant dans la société sénégalaise et les significations véhiculées par les médias sénégalais et les récits des migrants et des non-migrants. L’adoption d’une perspective historique dans l’étude du contexte migratoire de M’bour nous permettra de retracer une « culture de la migration » localement spécifique et de souligner son importance afin de déconstruire les interprétations macro-analytiques, et de remettre en question les rhétoriques officielles sur les « migrations clandestines » sénégalaises.
Table of Contents of the double issues.
UAS 42: 1-2 (2013),2.pdf
UAS 42: 3-4 (2013),4.pdf""
GER - Vor dem Hintergrund der Aufnahmepolitik in Südtirol und der Asylbewerber fuori quota (Personen außerhalb der staatlichen Zuweisungen) wird argumentiert, dass sich der Kategorisierungsprozess offizieller Diskurse (Medien und politische Diskurse) zu einer soziokulturellen Praxis entwickelt, die starke Reaktionen in Bezug auf den individuellen Status von Migranten hervorruft. Die soziale Konstruktion von Asylbewerbern fuori quota, im besten Fall als ›unterversorgt‹ und im schlechtesten Fall als kulturelle und sicherheitspolitische Bedrohungen, dient nicht nur ihrer Kontrolle, sondern wird auch als Faktor zur Bildung von Alterität (othering) genutzt (vgl. van Houtum/van Naerssen 2002), der ihre Verleugnung und Marginalisierung innerhalb der lokalen Gesellschaft und eine Hierarchie unter den Asylbewerbern befördert. Die aufgerufenen Kategorien und die Diskurse können bei den für die Aufnahme von Asylbewerbern zuständigen lokalen Behörden Verzögerungen bei der Bearbeitung von Asylanträgen verursachen und gar zu einer Sperrung des Zugangs zu Sozialdienstleistungen führen. Generell soll dieser Artikel zur Diskussion über den Zusammenhang zwischen Grenze und Migration beitragen und fordert eine stärkere Erforschung der kulturellen und phänomenologischen Dimension von Bordering-Prozessen.
Il graduale avvicinarsi dell'antropologia culturale e sociale allo studio dei processi migratori ha facilitato l'elaborazione di prospettive teoriche innovative e la sperimentazione di nuovi approcci metodologici. Nonostante tali variazioni nell'evoluzione dell'approccio antropologico alle migrazioni, si possono rilevare alcune caratteristiche che accomunano le diverse prospettive, come l'attenzione prestata alle reti e alle relazioni sociali o alle trasformazioni economiche, politiche e socio-culturali, una marcata focalizzazione sulle connessioni tra i contesti di emigrazione e di immigrazione e la tendenza a prendere sul serio le persone e i loro modi di interpretare e agire nel mutevole contesto in cui vivono. Questo volume emerge in gran parte dal lavoro di alcuni ricercatori e dottorandi nelle discipline etnoantropologiche che analizzano vari aspetti delle migrazioni da vertici di osservazione differenti, a volte con linguaggi diversi, cercando di bilanciare e sostenere l'introduzione alle discussioni teoriche con approfondite esemplificazioni etnografiche.
* to illustrate the main environmental, demographic, socio-cultural, economic and geopolitical characteristics and patterns that, from the local to the regional and international level, shape internal and international Senegalese migration trajectories;
* to analyse the results of the research undertaken in the Dakar region, including 30 in-depth interviews with potential migrants and 6 semi-structured interviews with migration experts.
The report is structured in three parts. The introductory part sets out the objectives and justifications of the study, followed by the presentation of the main theoretical and methodological approaches adopted.
The second part of the report is devoted to the presentation of the context of analysis. It is organized around six chapters which provide an updated overview of the country. The third part of the report focuses on analysing the information provided by the interviewees, potential migrants and key experts.