Papers by Massimo Martinelli
Revisiting Ensembling for Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Models
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023
49. Recognition of weeds in cereals using AI architecture
Frontiers in digital health, Jul 11, 2023

arXiv (Cornell University), Jun 15, 2022
In recent times, with the exception of sporadic cases, the trend in Computer Vision is to achieve... more In recent times, with the exception of sporadic cases, the trend in Computer Vision is to achieve minor improvements compared to considerable increases in complexity. To reverse this trend, we propose a novel method to boost image classification performances without increasing complexity. To this end, we revisited ensembling, a powerful approach, often not used properly due to its more complex nature and the training time, so as to make it feasible through a specific design choice. First, we trained two EfficientNet-b0 end-to-end models (known to be the architecture with the best overall accuracy/complexity trade-off for image classification) on disjoint subsets of data (i.e. bagging). Then, we made an efficient adaptive ensemble by performing fine-tuning of a trainable combination layer. In this way, we were able to outperform the state-of-the-art by an average of 0.5% on the accuracy, with restrained complexity both in terms of the number of parameters (by 5-60 times), and the FLoating point Operations Per Second FLOPS by 10-100 times on several major benchmark datasets.

HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 15, 2018
Sommario Questo documento descrive il lavoro scientifico di ricerca e il suo sviluppo denominato ... more Sommario Questo documento descrive il lavoro scientifico di ricerca e il suo sviluppo denominato "Ultra-GEO". UltraGEOè il cuore di un'idea nata dal Laboratorio Segnali e Immagini (SILab) dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche con sede a Pisa e dal Comune di Massa. UltraGEO si propone come un nuovo sistema per il controllo degli smottamenti del terreno e delle frane. Per la misura degli smottamenti questo progetto di R&D prevede la realizzazione di un prototipo costituito da una rete di nodi attivi e passivi. I nodi sono adattivi in base alle caratteristiche dell'ambiente dove sono inseriti: basati su marker grafici (nodi passivi) oppure basati su marker con basse emissioni di segnali elettromagnetici e/o acustici (nodi attivi). UltraGEÒ e progettato per essere modulare e utilizzabile in zone difficilmente accessibili, anche dove non viè nessuna sorgente di energia elettrica e nonè possibile dotare il nodo di batterie e pannelli solari. UltraGEO ha caratteristiche che vertono alla semplificazione dell'installazione dei sensori rispetto alle attuali tecnologie, riducendone i costi e semplificandone l'utilizzo nel breve e lungo periodo.
An intelligent platform of services based on multimedia understanding and telehealth for supporting the management of SARS-CoV-2 multi-pathological patients
2022 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS)
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2022
The Signal & Images Laboratory (SI-Lab) is an interdisciplinary research group in computer vision... more The Signal & Images Laboratory (SI-Lab) is an interdisciplinary research group in computer vision, signal analysis, intelligent vision systems and multimedia data understanding. It

Within the European research project Argomarine (FP7-SST-2008-RTD-1-234096 "Argomarine-Autom... more Within the European research project Argomarine (FP7-SST-2008-RTD-1-234096 "Argomarine-Automatic Oil–spill and geopositioning integrated in a marine information system") [1], coordinated by the Park Authority of the Tuscan Archipelago, the Signals and Images Laboratory (SI-LAB) of the Institute of Information Science and Technology of the National Research Council of Pisa has developed a Marine Information System (MIS) to detect, monitor and manage marine pollution events, ranging from major accidents to micro oil spillages. <br> The MIS was conceived as a connected group of subsystems for performing data storage, decision-support, data mining and analysis over data warehouses, as well as a web-GIS portal for easy access and usage of products and services released to end-users. <br> The main task of the MIS is to serve as a shell to integrating data, information and knowledge from various sources pertained to the marine areas of interest, by means of adequate I...

Technologies, 2021
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is significantly influenced by exposure to hypoxia, both hypobaric and ... more Cerebral blood flow (CBF) is significantly influenced by exposure to hypoxia, both hypobaric and normobaric. Alterations in cerebral blood flow can play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of acute mountain sickness (AMS) and its symptoms, especially headache, dizziness, and nausea. Acupuncture has been proven to be effective in treating some cerebrovascular disorders and PC6 Nei Guan stimulation seems to enhance cerebral blood flow. Therefore, we have hypothesized that PC6 Nei Guan stimulation could affect CBF in acute hypoxia and could be used to contrast AMS symptoms. We evaluated blood flow in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in normoxia, after 15 min in normobaric hypoxia (fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) 14%, corresponding to 3600 m a.s.l.) in basal conditions, and after PC6 Nei Guan stimulation, both by needle and by pressure. No comparisons with other acupuncture points and sham acupuncture were done. PC6 stimulation seemed to counteract the effects of acute normobaric hypo...
This report summarizes a part of the activities carried out within the EU FP7-IP-Project CHRONIOU... more This report summarizes a part of the activities carried out within the EU FP7-IP-Project CHRONIOUS, <em>An Open, Ubiquitous and Adaptive Chronic Disease Management Platform for COPD and Renal Insufficiency</em><em> (GA </em>216461), more precisely within Work Package 6. One of the key components of the platform is the CHRONIOUS Guidelines Framework. It is aimed at offering all the Decision Support services for professionals involved in the Chronic Disease Monitoring and Management Process. This module contains all the decision support functionalities needed for providing the possible diagnoses and treatments according to the medical category of the patient and the patient's specific data available. This report addresses the work done on modelling the guidelines for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

To Identify Hot Spots in Power Lines Using Infrared and Visible Sensors
Cryptology and Network Security, 2018
The detection of power transmission lines is highly important for threat avoidance, especially wh... more The detection of power transmission lines is highly important for threat avoidance, especially when aerial vehicle fly at low altitude. At the same time, the demand for fast and robust algorithms for the analysis of data acquired by drones during inspections has also increased. In this paper, different methods to obtain these objectives are presented, which include three parts: sensor fusion, power line extraction and fault detection. At first, fusion algorithm for visible and infrared power line images is presented. Manual control points describe as feature points from both images were selected and then, applied geometric transformation model to register visible and infrared thermal images. For the extraction of power lines, we applied Canny edge detection to identify significant transition followed by Hough transform to highlight power lines. The method significantly identify edges from the set of frames with good accuracy. After the detection of lines, we applied histogram based thresholding to identify hot spots in power lines. The paper concludes with the description of the current work, which has been carried out in a research project, namely SCIADRO.

Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 2019
The inspection of power lines is the crucial task for the safe operation of power transmission: i... more The inspection of power lines is the crucial task for the safe operation of power transmission: its components require regular checking to detect damages and faults that are caused by corrosion or any other environmental agents and mechanical stress. During recent years, the use of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UAV) for environmental and industrial monitoring is constantly growing and the demand for fast and robust algorithms for the analysis of the data acquired by drones during the inspections has increased. In this work, we use UAV to acquire power transmission lines data and apply image processing to highlight expected faults. Our method is based on a fusion algorithm for the infrared and visible power lines images, which is invariant to large scale changes and illumination changes in the real operating environment. Hence, different algorithms from image processing are applied to visible and infrared thermal data, to track the power lines and to detect faults and anomalies. The method significantly identifies edges and hot spots from the set of frames with good accuracy. At the final stage we identify hot spots using thermal images. The paper concludes with the description of the current work, which has been carried out in a research project, namely SCIADRO.
Biosystems Engineering, 2015
ICT solutions to foster behavioural change have been shown to be effective in implementing primar... more ICT solutions to foster behavioural change have been shown to be effective in implementing primary prevention in terms of a healthy lifestyle. Primary prevention is the most viable approach to reduce the socioeconomic burden of chronic and widespread diseases, such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In this paper, we present a novel multisensory device, the Wize Mirror, which is under development in the EU FP7 Project SEMEOTICONS. The Wize Mirror detects and monitors over time semeiotic face signs related to cardio-metabolic risk, and encourages users to reduce their risk by improving their lifestyle.

An Infrastructure for MultiMedia Metadata Management
This paper presents an approach for the integration of multimedia metadata and their management b... more This paper presents an approach for the integration of multimedia metadata and their management based on Semantic Web technology. In particular, we propose a java-based Infrastructure for MultiMedia Metadata Management – 4M composed of five main components, an MPEG-7 feature processing unit, an XML database management unit, an algorithms ontologyexploiting unit, a multimedia semantic annotation and integration units. This way, we intend to introduce the novel idea of managing also algorithms on a variety of multimedia metadata (audio, images and videos) to add the capability of tracking data processing. This work is mainly carried out in the framework of the European Network of Excellence MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning), where ISTI-CNR is leading the ‘Representation and Communication of Data and Metadata’ Workpackage.
This presentation was delivered in the framework of Artes 4.0 seminars. It deals with the applica... more This presentation was delivered in the framework of Artes 4.0 seminars. It deals with the application of computer vision, intelligent systems and AR/VR/MR/XR technologies to Industry 4.0.
Exploring Ensembling in Deep Learning
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

THESAURUS: UN DATABASE PER IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE SOMMERSO 1. Thesaurus: obiettivi e partenariat... more THESAURUS: UN DATABASE PER IL PATRIMONIO CULTURALE SOMMERSO 1. Thesaurus: obiettivi e partenariato Nel 2011 è stato approvato dalla Regione Toscana un progetto inter-disciplinare per la promozione della conoscenza del patrimonio culturale sommerso. Il titolo del progetto TecnicHe per l'Esplorazione Sottomarina Archeologica mediante l'Utilizzo di Robot aUtonomi in Sciami (Thesaurus) intende sottolineare l'interesse all'integrazione di diverse discipline per l'o-biettivo unico della conoscenza e tutela del patrimonio sommerso ( Il partenariato di Thesaurus è composto da quattro unità, che si occupano di aspetti diversi ma complementari. Il Centro Piag-gio dell'Università di Pisa 1 e il Dipartimento Sergio Stecco dell'Università di Firenze 2 lavorano alla progettazione di uno sciame di veicoli sottomarini che siano capaci di esplorare i fondali alla ricerca di oggetti di interesse storico e/o archeologico. Il tratto innovativo...

MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning) is a European Netwo... more MUSCLE (Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning) is a European Network of Excellence (NoE) that aims fostering close collaboration between research groups in multimedia data mining and machine learning. Within MUSCLE, our research is focused on investigating standards and tools that allow interoper-ability of heterogeneous and distributed (meta)data also by enabling data descriptions of high semantic content (eg ontologies, MPEG-7 and XML schemata) and inference schemes that can reason about these at the appropriate levels. Metadata are used to represent the value-added information that describes the technical and semantic characteristics associated with MM data. Metadata make data more processable, allowing more efficient retrieval or classification, quality estimation and prediction based on Machine Learning techniques in both single and multiple-modality. Many initiatives for metadata standard-isation have been proposed in order to describe multimedia...

Sensors, 2019
The power transmission lines are the link between power plants and the points of consumption, thr... more The power transmission lines are the link between power plants and the points of consumption, through substations. Most importantly, the assessment of damaged aerial power lines and rusted conductors is of extreme importance for public safety; hence, power lines and associated components must be periodically inspected to ensure a continuous supply and to identify any fault and defect. To achieve these objectives, recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used; in fact, they provide a safe way to bring sensors close to the power transmission lines and their associated components without halting the equipment during the inspection, and reducing operational cost and risk. In this work, a drone, equipped with multi-modal sensors, captures images in the visible and infrared domain and transmits them to the ground station. We used state-of-the-art computer vision methods to highlight expected faults (i.e., hot spots) or damaged components of the electrical infrastructure ...

A machine learning method for classifying Lung UltraSound is here proposed to pro- vide a point o... more A machine learning method for classifying Lung UltraSound is here proposed to pro- vide a point of care tool for supporting a safe, fast and accurate diagnosis, that can also be useful during a pandemic like as SARS-CoV-2. Given the advantages (e.g. safety, rapidity, portability, cost-effectiveness) provided by the ultrasound technology over other methods (e.g. X-ray, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging), our method was validated on the largest LUS public dataset. Focusing on both accuracy and efficiency, our solution is based on an efficient adaptive ensembling of two EfficientNet-b0 models reaching 100% of accuracy, which, to our knowledge, outperforms the previous state-of-the-art. The complexity of this solution keeps the number of parameters in the same order as an EfficientNet-b0 by adopting specific design choices that are adaptive ensembling with a combination layer, ensembling performed on the deep features, minimal ensemble only two weak models. Moreover, a vis...
Papers by Massimo Martinelli