Marina Baldi
Marina Baldi, after her university degree in physics (University "La Sapienza" – Rome), specialized in atmospheric dynamics and climatology. Since 1988 she is scientist at the National Research Council in the Institute for BioEconomy, since 2006 responsible for the Rome office of CNR-IBE.Member of professional associations (AMS, AGU, EGU, EMS), past President of the Italian Association of Geophysics, since 2018 she is Member of the Accademia dei Georgofili. Main field of expertise is climate change, climate variability and impacts in the Euro-Mediterranean region and Africa. Scientific coordinator for National and International Projects, she has a wide experience in international Institutions and Universities. Since 2014 she coordinates the training activities of the WMO Regional Training Centre in Italy.Since 2005 she is national delegate in the WMO-Commission of Climatology and member of WMO panels and expert teams.University lecturer of meteorology and climatology, reviewer for scientific journals and for IPCC reports, author of numerous articles published on peer reviewed journals, and of presentations and invited lectures in conferences and workshops.Since 2004 she is working also in communication of science for different audiences, and she always attentive to provide sound comments to the media in case of extreme climate events or when new concepts or results about climate change are publicly debated.
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