Studies on Medieval History by Luciano Gallinari
Aragón en la Edad Media , 2021
This article analyses the current use and interpretation in nationalist and identitarian terms of... more This article analyses the current use and interpretation in nationalist and identitarian terms of the political, economic and socio-cultural effects of the battle of Sanluri between Aragonese and Sardinians (30 June 1409), which paved the way for the ultimate Iberian conquest of the island. Use and interpretation that confirm the principles of the Social and Personal Sciences, according to which memory and the past are reordered and reconstructed according to the needs of the present of those who remember and reconstruct.
The Making of Medieval Sardinia, Alexander Metcalfe - Marco Muresu and Hervin Fernández (Eds.), 2021
Between the sixth and eleventh centuries, the issue of who was to hold political power in Sardini... more Between the sixth and eleventh centuries, the issue of who was to hold political power in Sardinia attracted the interest of protagonists around the Mediterranean, including the Byzantine Empire, the Lombards, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Apostolic See – as well as the Muslims, and maritime states of Genoa and Pisa. Although events concerning the island are mentioned in a wide array of sources – Latin, Greek, Arabic and Sardinian, and in the archaeological record too – few were contemporary; many are open to interpretation, and none yields much by way of extensive detail. Thus, the modern historiography of this period and place has been the object of continuing debate characterised by many hypotheses and speculations arising from them.

Forms of Unfreedom in the Medieval Mediterranean Filomena Barros y Clara Almagro Vidal (Eds.). Evora: CIDEHUS,, 2021
In this text, I will try to highlight the deep ties that united Sardinia to the Byzantine world n... more In this text, I will try to highlight the deep ties that united Sardinia to the Byzantine world not only at an institutional scale but also at the cultural and social level of everyday life. Not only during the early Middle Ages - when the island was formally reincorporated into the Empire for a few centuries - but until the 15th century when the Giudicato of Arborea, the last institutional heir of the imperial Provincia Sardiniae ceased to exist.
To do this, I will use some sources - the Condaghes - which prove to be a particularly rich source of data and stimuli for an anthropological-cultural and social reading of the medieval history of Sardinia, and which allow us to debunk some historiographic interpretations that speak again of alleged isolation and remoteness of the island in that historical period.

La Nació a l'Edat Mitjana, Flocel Sabaté (Ed.). Lleida, Pagés, 2020, 2020
This text would like to show how, between the late Middle Ages and the Contemporaneity, it is pos... more This text would like to show how, between the late Middle Ages and the Contemporaneity, it is possible to find in Sardinia, sometimes in openly evident ways and sometimes less so, an identitarian discourse that tries to elaborate and claim an ethnic and cultural identity of the island people, that feeds and almost exalts itself of the opposition with respect to the “Other”, and that repeatedly shows off terms such as “diversity, speciality, uniqueness...”.
Concepts, needless to say, used in an incorrect and improper way, has repeatedly pointed out by anthropologists and even psychiatrists, nevertheless continue to appear in the daily political and intellectual vocabulary of Sardinia. Moreover, these concepts feed unfounded dreams of lost grandeur and thus allow the islanders not to fully assume their civil and political responsibilities, as well as, of course, the historical and cultural ones.

Ciutats mediterrànies: l'espai i el territori / Mediterranean towns: space and territory, Flocel Sabaté (ed.), Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans, pp. 311-319, 2020
La pregunta que plantea el título de la mesa redonda en que participé -«Té sentit parlar del Medi... more La pregunta que plantea el título de la mesa redonda en que participé -«Té sentit parlar del Mediterrani com a unitat al llarg de la història?»-es muy interesante, pero también peligrosa porque nos obliga a meditar y mirar como fuimos e, incluso -y sobre todo-, como somos hoy en día. Y, personalmente, no estoy seguro de que los resultados de estas reflexiones nos gusten. Tanto en la mesa redonda como a lo largo del Seminari, surgió la idea de que el Mediterráneo se ha convertido en una especie de obsesión, quizá porque lo percibimos como un concepto difícilmente manejable y accesible, sobre todo en el momento actual; y todo eso también se debe a la increíble aceleración que la realidad cotidiana experimenta en estas últimas décadas, lo que la convierte en algo complicado de entender. 1 A la luz de todo esto y mucho más, la participación en la segunda edición del Seminari fue una oportunidad interesante y estimulante para meditar sobre el Mediterráneo -unido o no, ahora no importa-en un arco cronológico entre la Antigüedad y la Contemporaneidad, y también sobre nuestras identidades -individuales, sociales y culturales-e, incluso, sobre nuestra relación con la memoria. Una ocasión interesante y estimulante para un historiador, sobre todo por las muchas consideraciones que pueden hacerse a raíz de las relaciones que escuché -no todas, desafortunadamente, debido a mi salida antes de la conclusión del Seminari. Teniendo en cuenta lo que pude escuchar y las reflexiones y lecturas historiográficas posteriores, 1. Franco Ferrarotti, Il silenzio della parola: Tradizione e memoria in un mondo smemorato, Bari, Dedalo, 2003, p. 139: «La aceleración de la historia es tan fuerte y al mismo tiempo tan carente de significado, que los grandes acontecimientos se suceden en la experiencia real con la rapidez y el índice de obsolescencia de un fotomontaje. La aceleración de la historia involucra la vida cotidiana» («L'accelerazione della storia è così forte e nello stesso tempo così priva di significato che i grandi eventi si succedono nell'esperienza reale con la rapidità e il tasso di obsolescenza di un fotomontaggio. L'accelerazione della storia coinvolge il quotidiano»). Para esto Eviatar Zerubavel, Mappe del tempo: Memoria collettiva e costruzione sociale del passato, Bolonia, Il Mulino, 2005, p. 69: «hoy la continuidad entre el pasado y el presente se ve amenazada también por la tremenda aceleración del cambio social y tecnológico» («oggi la continuità fra passato e presente è messa a repentaglio anche dalla tremenda accelerazione del cambiamento sociale e tecnologico»). Traducción de Luciano Gallinari. decidí proponer unas cuantas consideraciones bajo algunas palabras clave.
Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum,, 2019
This article proposes some reflections on the historiography produced in the last century and a h... more This article proposes some reflections on the historiography produced in the last century and a half on medieval Sardinia, used as a case study because in the island the Middle Ages has been showered with nationalistic and identitarian values and references, which have often been used for contemporary political and cultural purposes. A historiography that in some cases shows a sort of automatic and unconscious overlap of various consolidated interpretation schemes to what the sources literally say, as when it continues to propose topics of the alleged isolation and peripherality of the Island that were thought to be outdated.

Journal of Medieval History, 2019
This article outlines relations between the Catalan-Aragonese and
the Sardinians, between the twe... more This article outlines relations between the Catalan-Aragonese and
the Sardinians, between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, encompassing the integration of Sardinia first into the Crown of Aragon and then into the Crown of Spain. There was a political minority in the Giudicato of Arborea, a polity that was the last institutional heir to the ancient Arconate/Giudicato of Sardinia.
This group was probably part of the oligarchy of the Giudicato; from the 1380s to the 1410s, it tried to overthrow the government of the Bas Serra dynasty and return to the allegiance of the kings of Aragon. It has been argued that the population of Arborea supported the policy of war against the Aragonese kings led by the judges of Arborea until the disappearance of the Giudicato. The political and social dynamics within Arborea and between the Giudicato and the Aragonese kings demonstrate the role of the discourse of the political minority.

Los agentes del Estado. Poderes públicos y dominación social en Aragón (siglos xiv-xvi), Mario Lafuente Gómez Concepción Villanueva Morte (coords.), Madrid: Sílex ediciones S.L., 2018, ISBN: 978-84-7737-933-1, 2018
This article attempts to read the relationship between the judges of Arborea and the House of Ara... more This article attempts to read the relationship between the judges of Arborea and the House of Aragon in the 12th-15th centuries and their changes, conditioned by political contingency, focusing mainly on the period 1297-1420, in which there were two categories of people who played a somewhat special role as "agents of the State": 1) the judges of Arborea, who also acted - on some occasions - as agents of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica, subject to the authority of the kings of Aragon, in their relations with the city of Pisa and the territorial lordships of Ligurian and Tuscan origin existing on the island; and 2) the Sardinian oligarchies that tried to limit the power of the judges, until they tried to share it with them and, later, to distance them from the political management of the Sardinian State in the last decades of their existence.
This second category of "agents of the State" can be divided into two subcategories: 1) oligarchs of the Giudicato of Arborea, agents of the island "State" who tried to oppose the political action of the judges, wishing to put an end to their rebellion and even to eliminate the dynasty; 2) oligarchs of the city of Sassari, the last capital of the Giudicato in the decade 1410-1420, who personally directed their transition from officials/agents of the Giudicato to officials/agents of the Regnum in parallel to the sale to King Alfonso V of the rights on Arborea by the last judge, William II of Narbonne.
RiMe. Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 3 n.s. (December 2018) , 2018

Visigothic Symposium 3, 2018
The essay presents some parallelisms on the concept of "border" and the relations among Vandals, ... more The essay presents some parallelisms on the concept of "border" and the relations among Vandals, Byzantines and Sardinians on the one hand, and among Byzantines, Goths and Hispano-Romans, on the other, in the former Roman provinces of Sardinia and Hispania (the Iberian Peninsula) during the early Middle Ages. To do so, I analyze the modern identitarian and nationalistic uses of that historical period within the context of its historiography. In parts of both Sardinian and Iberian historiography there is the tendency to highlight the imagined 'originative' role of indigenous peoples, complemented by the relatively small influence, in some areas of northern Iberia and the mountainous center of Sardinia, of Roman colonization. In these areas, the role of Barbaricini (the inhabitants of the Civitates Barbariae of the interior of Sardinia mentioned by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian [r. 527-565]), Hispano-Romans, proud opponents of the Empire, and "true" Sardinians and Iberians have been exalted. Employing Maurice Halbwachs's theoretical rubric, I show how these specific stereotypes, historical and historiographical myths, confirmed memory and identity and were the result of continuous choices-conscious or not-of what people wanted to remember, wanted to be, and wanted to be represented as, and what that means for historical reconstruction.

The book offers a historical and methodological update of
founding historical themes and moments,... more The book offers a historical and methodological update of
founding historical themes and moments, and a methodological
review more than ever necessary of current interpretations
of the History of Sardinia between the Early Middle Ages and the
Modernity from an identitarian point of view. And that by means
of a greater interaction between History, History of Art, Geography,
Archaeology and Architecture.
Sardinia has been taken as a case study due to its island nature,
with boundaries clearly determined by Geography and, moreover,
by its extremely conservative nature. The authors’ aim is
to provide scholars with new data and new reading keys to interpret
Sardinian History and its Cultural Heritage. Both strongly
conditioned by the permanence of Sardinia in Roman and Byzantine
orbit, lato sensu, for more than a millennium (3rd c. b.C
- 11th c. a.C) and by two other important elements: only about
80 years of a virtually irrelevant Vandalic domain and no Muslim
lasting settlements throughout the High Middle Ages, not so far
decisively confirmed by Archaeology.
Luciano Gallinari (Ed.), Sardinia from the Middle Ages to Contemporaneity.A case study of a Mediterranean island identity profile. Bern: Peter Lang , 2018
This text analyses some elaborations of historical memory and identity of Sardinian judges betwee... more This text analyses some elaborations of historical memory and identity of Sardinian judges between 10th and 14th from social and anthropological perspectives. The study highlights some historiographic and exegetic criticalities in the analysis of a fundamental historical period for Sardinia. An era that has been semioticised with nationalistic and identitarian values primarily for current, non-academic purposes, which find a wide echo in the island’s media . The case studies examined also corroborate the hypothesis of the existence in Sardinia of a rich heritage of oral history and archives and libraries that allowed the elaboration of such political-cultural discourses.

Luciano Gallinari (Ed.), Sardinia from the Middle Ages to Contemporaneity.A case study of a Mediterranean island identity profile. Bern: Peter Lang, , 2018
The present text and the book in which it is contained stem from the need to disseminate some of... more The present text and the book in which it is contained stem from the need to disseminate some of the contributions produced by an international research project , and also the opportunity to put forward our reflections on a theme in constant evolutionary dynamism, and in the light of recent studies too.
This is also because of how the History of the island has been used and continues to be used in Sardinia the repeated use of the island’s History - especially for some specific periods -, for agendas that fall outside the scholarly debate . These purposes aim at presenting an image of the island that still suffers from rooted and ingrained stereotypes, or from hyper-corrections of these, leading to new interpretations that are not completely solid

Centri di potere nel Mediterraneo occidentale Dal Medioevo alla fine dell’Antico Regime, cura di Lluís J. Guia Marín, Maria Grazia Rosaria Mele, Giovanni Serreli, Milano, Franco Angeli Editore, 2018
Around the mid-fourteenth century, the relationship between the kings of Aragon, as sovereign of ... more Around the mid-fourteenth century, the relationship between the kings of Aragon, as sovereign of the Regnum Sardinie et Corsice, and the judges of Arborea started to change after about thirty years of peaceful co-existence in the limited insular space. The judge Mariano IV had to decide whether to remain a loyal vassal of the Aragonese king – resigning himself to see inevitably reduced its role – or reacting to the king Pedro IV’s policy of ever greater political and institutional centralisation.
The Aragonese king wanted to consolidate its rule on the island, where the judge – a vassal too powerful and dangerous – occupied a significant portion of land that separated into two parts the Regnum, making communication difficult. The Catalan-Aragonese sources are almost the only ones that allow to reconstruct in enough detail the course of events. In this context the Memoria de las cosas que han aconteçido en algunas partes del reino de Cerdeña has an important role in providing an island vision of the events.
This island source participated in that clash between Aragonese and Sardinians, even creating a kin relationship between the dynasty of Arborea’s rulers and the Navarre royal family, following the casting away of an unspecified princess in Ogliastra, on the eastern coast of Sardinia, in the mid-eleventh century.

The Booklet contains the proceedings of a Workshop on Humanities, video games and social network... more The Booklet contains the proceedings of a Workshop on Humanities, video games and social networks, organised in April 2017 by the two editors at the Universitat "Pompeu Fabra" in Barcelona.
The Booklet is opened by a very detailed introduction by Maria Betlem Castellà Pujols and by an Editorial of Luciano Gallinari which stresses that RiMe 2/II n.s. t is a sort of third chapter in a series of initiatives dedicated by the Journal to the very stimulating relationship between History and these tools and methodologies for teaching and spreading it
Furthermore, there are 4 articles have been dedicated to the world of the video games, which has been differently declined by the authors.
Two more texts have been dedicated to the Social Netwotks, and especially to Facebook: one of them, in relation to formal and informal learning; the other text, instead, focused on the relationship between the Medieval History and Facebook.
The last text is dedicated to the potential of gamification in teaching foreign languages and in the relationships between the components and the mechanics of gamification with the dynamic of the Narrative.

Relations between East and West. Various Studies: Medieval and Contemporary Ages. Cairo: Dar al-Kitab al-Gamey , 2017, 2017
new interpretative theories have been
formulated by the scholars about, in particular, two very i... more new interpretative theories have been
formulated by the scholars about, in particular, two very important topics of Early Medieval
Sardinian history: 1) the possible presence of Muslim permanent communities on the
island between the 8th and the 11th century, and 2), closely interconnected with the first,
the origin of the Giudicati after the dissolution of the ancient Archonate of Sardinia.
The period between the 6th and the 11th century -was full of events of major political importance for Sardinia, but documented by sources which always provide great interpretative difficulties. They are quite rare and, with regard to the relations between
Sardinia and the Muslim world, in many cases, the sources with a remarkable chronological
distance from the events described reproduce a few others of the 9th – 10th century, almost
without any new data.
This paper proposes some historiographical and methodological insights on the figure of King John... more This paper proposes some historiographical and methodological insights on the figure of King John of Aragon in relation to Sardinia. Reflections offering an image very different from the traditional and outdated one of this ruler and that seems to refute that he was a “descurat” (negligent) man.

Relations between East and West Various Studies: Medieval and Contemporary Ages, 2017
The volume contains the results of some studies presented by Egyptian and Italian scholars at the... more The volume contains the results of some studies presented by Egyptian and Italian scholars at the International Conference "Peace buiding between East and West XI-XVI c.", organized in Cairo on October 27, 2016 by the Egyptian Unity of research of the Bilateral Project "History of Peace-building: peaceful relations between East and West (11th - 15th century)" carried out jointly by the CNR's Institute of History of Mediterranean Europe (Italy) and the University of Damanhour - ASRT (Egypt) .
The purpose of the Bilateral Project - and even of the aforementioned International Conference - is to carry out research in order to examine through the study of different types of documentary and narrative sources - the nature, quantity and quality of peaceful relations between Christians and Muslims in a geographical area extending from the Iberian Peninsula to the Levant in a chronological interval between the eleventh and the fifteenth centuries.
Studies on Medieval History by Luciano Gallinari
To do this, I will use some sources - the Condaghes - which prove to be a particularly rich source of data and stimuli for an anthropological-cultural and social reading of the medieval history of Sardinia, and which allow us to debunk some historiographic interpretations that speak again of alleged isolation and remoteness of the island in that historical period.
Concepts, needless to say, used in an incorrect and improper way, has repeatedly pointed out by anthropologists and even psychiatrists, nevertheless continue to appear in the daily political and intellectual vocabulary of Sardinia. Moreover, these concepts feed unfounded dreams of lost grandeur and thus allow the islanders not to fully assume their civil and political responsibilities, as well as, of course, the historical and cultural ones.
the Sardinians, between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, encompassing the integration of Sardinia first into the Crown of Aragon and then into the Crown of Spain. There was a political minority in the Giudicato of Arborea, a polity that was the last institutional heir to the ancient Arconate/Giudicato of Sardinia.
This group was probably part of the oligarchy of the Giudicato; from the 1380s to the 1410s, it tried to overthrow the government of the Bas Serra dynasty and return to the allegiance of the kings of Aragon. It has been argued that the population of Arborea supported the policy of war against the Aragonese kings led by the judges of Arborea until the disappearance of the Giudicato. The political and social dynamics within Arborea and between the Giudicato and the Aragonese kings demonstrate the role of the discourse of the political minority.
This second category of "agents of the State" can be divided into two subcategories: 1) oligarchs of the Giudicato of Arborea, agents of the island "State" who tried to oppose the political action of the judges, wishing to put an end to their rebellion and even to eliminate the dynasty; 2) oligarchs of the city of Sassari, the last capital of the Giudicato in the decade 1410-1420, who personally directed their transition from officials/agents of the Giudicato to officials/agents of the Regnum in parallel to the sale to King Alfonso V of the rights on Arborea by the last judge, William II of Narbonne.
founding historical themes and moments, and a methodological
review more than ever necessary of current interpretations
of the History of Sardinia between the Early Middle Ages and the
Modernity from an identitarian point of view. And that by means
of a greater interaction between History, History of Art, Geography,
Archaeology and Architecture.
Sardinia has been taken as a case study due to its island nature,
with boundaries clearly determined by Geography and, moreover,
by its extremely conservative nature. The authors’ aim is
to provide scholars with new data and new reading keys to interpret
Sardinian History and its Cultural Heritage. Both strongly
conditioned by the permanence of Sardinia in Roman and Byzantine
orbit, lato sensu, for more than a millennium (3rd c. b.C
- 11th c. a.C) and by two other important elements: only about
80 years of a virtually irrelevant Vandalic domain and no Muslim
lasting settlements throughout the High Middle Ages, not so far
decisively confirmed by Archaeology.
This is also because of how the History of the island has been used and continues to be used in Sardinia the repeated use of the island’s History - especially for some specific periods -, for agendas that fall outside the scholarly debate . These purposes aim at presenting an image of the island that still suffers from rooted and ingrained stereotypes, or from hyper-corrections of these, leading to new interpretations that are not completely solid
The Aragonese king wanted to consolidate its rule on the island, where the judge – a vassal too powerful and dangerous – occupied a significant portion of land that separated into two parts the Regnum, making communication difficult. The Catalan-Aragonese sources are almost the only ones that allow to reconstruct in enough detail the course of events. In this context the Memoria de las cosas que han aconteçido en algunas partes del reino de Cerdeña has an important role in providing an island vision of the events.
This island source participated in that clash between Aragonese and Sardinians, even creating a kin relationship between the dynasty of Arborea’s rulers and the Navarre royal family, following the casting away of an unspecified princess in Ogliastra, on the eastern coast of Sardinia, in the mid-eleventh century.
The Booklet is opened by a very detailed introduction by Maria Betlem Castellà Pujols and by an Editorial of Luciano Gallinari which stresses that RiMe 2/II n.s. t is a sort of third chapter in a series of initiatives dedicated by the Journal to the very stimulating relationship between History and these tools and methodologies for teaching and spreading it
Furthermore, there are 4 articles have been dedicated to the world of the video games, which has been differently declined by the authors.
Two more texts have been dedicated to the Social Netwotks, and especially to Facebook: one of them, in relation to formal and informal learning; the other text, instead, focused on the relationship between the Medieval History and Facebook.
The last text is dedicated to the potential of gamification in teaching foreign languages and in the relationships between the components and the mechanics of gamification with the dynamic of the Narrative.
formulated by the scholars about, in particular, two very important topics of Early Medieval
Sardinian history: 1) the possible presence of Muslim permanent communities on the
island between the 8th and the 11th century, and 2), closely interconnected with the first,
the origin of the Giudicati after the dissolution of the ancient Archonate of Sardinia.
The period between the 6th and the 11th century -was full of events of major political importance for Sardinia, but documented by sources which always provide great interpretative difficulties. They are quite rare and, with regard to the relations between
Sardinia and the Muslim world, in many cases, the sources with a remarkable chronological
distance from the events described reproduce a few others of the 9th – 10th century, almost
without any new data.
The purpose of the Bilateral Project - and even of the aforementioned International Conference - is to carry out research in order to examine through the study of different types of documentary and narrative sources - the nature, quantity and quality of peaceful relations between Christians and Muslims in a geographical area extending from the Iberian Peninsula to the Levant in a chronological interval between the eleventh and the fifteenth centuries.
To do this, I will use some sources - the Condaghes - which prove to be a particularly rich source of data and stimuli for an anthropological-cultural and social reading of the medieval history of Sardinia, and which allow us to debunk some historiographic interpretations that speak again of alleged isolation and remoteness of the island in that historical period.
Concepts, needless to say, used in an incorrect and improper way, has repeatedly pointed out by anthropologists and even psychiatrists, nevertheless continue to appear in the daily political and intellectual vocabulary of Sardinia. Moreover, these concepts feed unfounded dreams of lost grandeur and thus allow the islanders not to fully assume their civil and political responsibilities, as well as, of course, the historical and cultural ones.
the Sardinians, between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries, encompassing the integration of Sardinia first into the Crown of Aragon and then into the Crown of Spain. There was a political minority in the Giudicato of Arborea, a polity that was the last institutional heir to the ancient Arconate/Giudicato of Sardinia.
This group was probably part of the oligarchy of the Giudicato; from the 1380s to the 1410s, it tried to overthrow the government of the Bas Serra dynasty and return to the allegiance of the kings of Aragon. It has been argued that the population of Arborea supported the policy of war against the Aragonese kings led by the judges of Arborea until the disappearance of the Giudicato. The political and social dynamics within Arborea and between the Giudicato and the Aragonese kings demonstrate the role of the discourse of the political minority.
This second category of "agents of the State" can be divided into two subcategories: 1) oligarchs of the Giudicato of Arborea, agents of the island "State" who tried to oppose the political action of the judges, wishing to put an end to their rebellion and even to eliminate the dynasty; 2) oligarchs of the city of Sassari, the last capital of the Giudicato in the decade 1410-1420, who personally directed their transition from officials/agents of the Giudicato to officials/agents of the Regnum in parallel to the sale to King Alfonso V of the rights on Arborea by the last judge, William II of Narbonne.
founding historical themes and moments, and a methodological
review more than ever necessary of current interpretations
of the History of Sardinia between the Early Middle Ages and the
Modernity from an identitarian point of view. And that by means
of a greater interaction between History, History of Art, Geography,
Archaeology and Architecture.
Sardinia has been taken as a case study due to its island nature,
with boundaries clearly determined by Geography and, moreover,
by its extremely conservative nature. The authors’ aim is
to provide scholars with new data and new reading keys to interpret
Sardinian History and its Cultural Heritage. Both strongly
conditioned by the permanence of Sardinia in Roman and Byzantine
orbit, lato sensu, for more than a millennium (3rd c. b.C
- 11th c. a.C) and by two other important elements: only about
80 years of a virtually irrelevant Vandalic domain and no Muslim
lasting settlements throughout the High Middle Ages, not so far
decisively confirmed by Archaeology.
This is also because of how the History of the island has been used and continues to be used in Sardinia the repeated use of the island’s History - especially for some specific periods -, for agendas that fall outside the scholarly debate . These purposes aim at presenting an image of the island that still suffers from rooted and ingrained stereotypes, or from hyper-corrections of these, leading to new interpretations that are not completely solid
The Aragonese king wanted to consolidate its rule on the island, where the judge – a vassal too powerful and dangerous – occupied a significant portion of land that separated into two parts the Regnum, making communication difficult. The Catalan-Aragonese sources are almost the only ones that allow to reconstruct in enough detail the course of events. In this context the Memoria de las cosas que han aconteçido en algunas partes del reino de Cerdeña has an important role in providing an island vision of the events.
This island source participated in that clash between Aragonese and Sardinians, even creating a kin relationship between the dynasty of Arborea’s rulers and the Navarre royal family, following the casting away of an unspecified princess in Ogliastra, on the eastern coast of Sardinia, in the mid-eleventh century.
The Booklet is opened by a very detailed introduction by Maria Betlem Castellà Pujols and by an Editorial of Luciano Gallinari which stresses that RiMe 2/II n.s. t is a sort of third chapter in a series of initiatives dedicated by the Journal to the very stimulating relationship between History and these tools and methodologies for teaching and spreading it
Furthermore, there are 4 articles have been dedicated to the world of the video games, which has been differently declined by the authors.
Two more texts have been dedicated to the Social Netwotks, and especially to Facebook: one of them, in relation to formal and informal learning; the other text, instead, focused on the relationship between the Medieval History and Facebook.
The last text is dedicated to the potential of gamification in teaching foreign languages and in the relationships between the components and the mechanics of gamification with the dynamic of the Narrative.
formulated by the scholars about, in particular, two very important topics of Early Medieval
Sardinian history: 1) the possible presence of Muslim permanent communities on the
island between the 8th and the 11th century, and 2), closely interconnected with the first,
the origin of the Giudicati after the dissolution of the ancient Archonate of Sardinia.
The period between the 6th and the 11th century -was full of events of major political importance for Sardinia, but documented by sources which always provide great interpretative difficulties. They are quite rare and, with regard to the relations between
Sardinia and the Muslim world, in many cases, the sources with a remarkable chronological
distance from the events described reproduce a few others of the 9th – 10th century, almost
without any new data.
The purpose of the Bilateral Project - and even of the aforementioned International Conference - is to carry out research in order to examine through the study of different types of documentary and narrative sources - the nature, quantity and quality of peaceful relations between Christians and Muslims in a geographical area extending from the Iberian Peninsula to the Levant in a chronological interval between the eleventh and the fifteenth centuries.
overview of the Argentine-Italian relations - especially as regards the various
aspects of identity - in the period between the Centenary of the Revolución de
Mayo (1919) and today, with the support of three types of sources: travel
reports written by Italians; articles of Italian, Argentine and Italian-Argentines
newspapers, and finally data from websites and blogs of private Italian citizens,
which in recent years have planned and, in some cases, even accomplished a
new migration to Argentina.
Keywords: Argentina; Identity; Migrations; Italian Travellers; blogs
The spread of digital activities and not will be realised by the Project‘s researchers in collaboration with Prof. Annarella Perra, “B.R. Motzo” High School (Quartu S. Elena - Cagliari), prof. Alessandra Spiga, “Dante Alighieri” First Grade Secondary school (Selargius – Cagliari) and prof. Alessandra Sanna, Primary School ICS “Porcu Satta” (Quartu S.Elena - Cagliari).
It has been published in RiMe 18 (June 2017):
The first, dedicated to the contemporary and historiographic Mediterranean, includes some of the presentations given at the International Conference “Encuentros y desencuentros en el Mediterráneo: La nueva investigación y el “gran relato” (siglos XVI-XXI)”, held on 03/14/2016, at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona and edited by prof. Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols.
The second one contains 4 texts produced within the framework of the research project "E Pluribus unum. Il profilo identitario della Sardegna dal Medioevo alla Contemporaneità" - Principal Investigator Dr. Luciano Gallinari, Institute of the Mediterranean Europe History (ISEM) of CNR - granted by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
In addition, in the "various" section of the booklet there is a text by Dr. Alberto Claudio Sciarrone, a former intern at the ISEM-CNR dedicated to "The school dropout of the Egyptian and Moroccan communities living in Rome during the school year 2013/2014”.
Finally an interesting interview with the Mexican historian Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas (“The multiple pasts of a social scientist. Interview with Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas”), realized by prof. Rossella Viola, University of L’Aquila.
All the articles, the Dossiers and the entire booklet are sold on the webpage "Torrossa Casalini" (…)
El presente número de RiMe recoge un año de trabajo sobre la problemática de la emigración italiana y española en el Río de la Plata entre finales del siglo XIX y mediados del siglo XX. Entre la multiplicidad étnica del contingente de inmigrantes que el área rioplatense recibió durante el período indicado, el italiano y el español constituyen los dos más numerosos y dinámicos. Un año empezado por el I Workshop Internacional Online “Migraciones peninsulares contemporáneas hacia las regiones del Plata. Problemas y perspectivas de anàlisis para profundizar en su estudio”, que se se llevó a cabo el 20 de abril de 2016 organizado por el ISEM-CNR y el IUHJVV de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra, coordinado por Luciano Gallinari y Marcela Lucci.
This methodological approach high-lights all the limits of the current re-readings of the past and its protagonists based on concepts of political or gender correctness, whose proponents have hardly ever proposed a new reading of the past that would integrate the vision of the "winners" and that of the "losers"
Volume dedicato al secondo viaggio in America di Cristoforo Colombo, esaminato alla luce principalmente della "Carta al Cabildo de Sevilla" scritta da Diego Alvarez Chanca, medico della seconda spedizione. Testo molto ricco di dati antropologici oltre che geografici , confermati successivamente alla pubblicazione del presente volume da recenti rinvenimenti di documenti attribuiti all'Ammiraglio.
Articolo dedicato alla figura di Cristoforo Colombo e alla sua impresa di "Scoperta" esaminate nei manuali scolastici e nei siti web italiani in un periodo di tempo compreso tra le celebrazioni del Quinto Centenario della "Scoperta" (1992) e la vigilia del Quinto Centenario della sua morte (2006).