in R. Bosso, L. Di Franco, G. Di Martino, S. Foresta, R. Perrella (a cura di), Archeologie borboniche. La ricerca sull'antico a Capri e nelle province di Napoli e Terra di Lavoro. Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Capri-Anacapri, 7-9 ottobre 2021), Roma 2022, pp. 69-88, 2022
The Grotto of the Arsenal is considered an operosa antra, meaning a natural cavity that has been ... more The Grotto of the Arsenal is considered an operosa antra, meaning a natural cavity that has been modified, adapted and constructed with the aim of allowing different functionalities, such as leisure, stay or banqueting. The grotto, although not directly connected to the Capri island's villas, is located in a strategic position on the coastline that makes it particularly relevant to those passing by via the sea. The grotto has never been studied in depth neither described by either modern or ancient sources, although in the past decades it has been inspected and studied by several scholars. Recent archeological inspections allowed for hypotheses on the original aspect and destination of use of the site, and revealed some relevant geometrical characteristics unveiled by the previous analyses.The internal shape of the grotto is bordered by a circular masonry structure that symbolically unites the compartments, that are radially arranged around it. In particular one of these compartments, placed at the end, represents the focal point of the visitor, in axis with the access ramp. The grotto can be considered one of those natural spaces that the Romans were able to exploit as a place to get rest while enjoying the panoramic view of the sea.
Books by Cecilia Giorgi
The conference will be held on October 15-17, in the World Wide Web. More information is available at
Papers by Cecilia Giorgi
The conference will be held on October 15-17, in the World Wide Web. More information is available at