体验翻译 WordPress 网站的更好方法,直接从前端使用可视化翻译界面实现多语言功能。
该界面可让你一次性轻松翻译整个页面,包括来自简码、表单和页面构建器的输出。它还能与 WooCommerce 一同使用。
- 在友好的用户界面上,直接从前端翻译所有网站内容(翻译内容实时显示)。
- 与所有主题和插件完全兼容
- 编辑时实时预览翻译后的页面。
- 支持图像翻译,用于翻译图像、滑块和其他媒体。
- 支持手动和自动翻译
- 能够翻译 WordPress、插件和主题添加的动态字符串 (gettext)。
- 与 Google 翻译集成,允许您使用自己的 Google API 密钥设置自动翻译。
- 通过将字符串合并到翻译块中来翻译较大的 html 块。
- 使用简码[language-switcher]、WP 菜单项或浮动下拉菜单,将语言切换器放置在任何位置。
- 编辑控制功能允许您在完成所有翻译后才发布语言版本
- 根据语言有条件地显示内容简码 [trp_language language=”en_US”] 仅显示英语内容 [/trp_language]
- 可以编辑主题和插件中的 gettext 字符串,从英语转换为英语,而无需添加其他语言。基本上就是字符串替换功能。
- 仅翻译特定路径,并排除翻译内容
- 翻译块功能,可将多个 HTML 元素放在一起翻译
- 本机支持Gutenberg,因此您可以轻松翻译 Gutenberg 块
- 开箱即用的WooCommerce兼容性
- 使用我们的免费网站翻译工具/小工具,将任何网站翻译成您自己的语言。
注意:本插件使用 Google Translation API 翻译网站上的字符串。该功能可根据您的偏好启用或禁用。
- 为双语网站选择网站默认语言和一种翻译语言
- 选择语言切换器是以母语名称还是以英语名称显示语言
- 强制自定义链接以当前语言打开
- 启用或禁用默认语言的 url 子目录
- 启用谷歌翻译的自动翻译功能
TranslatePress – 多语种有一系列高级附加组件,可以扩展 WordPress 翻译插件的功能:
- TranslatePress AI – automatically translate your entire website without extra platforms to sign up for, API keys and additional translation costs. Each premium version includes a set number of AI translated words you can use to instantly translate your site, saving you both time and money.
- 额外语言– 允许您添加不限数量的翻译语言,并可在完成翻译后发布语言
- 搜索引擎优化包– 可让您翻译元信息(如页面标题、描述、url slug、图片alt标签、Twitter和Facebook社交图标等),以提高多语言搜索引擎优化并增加流量。可与所有流行的 SEO 插件配合使用。
- 翻译员账户– 创建或允许现有用户在没有管理员权限的情况下翻译网站
- 按用户角色浏览 – 查看和翻译仅特定用户角色可见的内容
- 基于语言的导航–为不同语言配置和显示不同的菜单项
- 自动用户语言检测–根据首次访客的浏览器设置或 IP 地址,将其重定向至首选语言
- DeepL 自动翻译 – DeepL自动翻译插件可让您通过DeepL API自动翻译网站
- CTRL(⌘)+S-保存当前编辑字符串的翻译
- Ctrl(⌘)+ALT+Z-放弃当前编辑字符串的所有更改
- CTRL(⌘)+ALT+ (右箭头)-导航到下一个字符串
- CTRL(⌘)+ALT+ (左箭头)-导航到上一个字符串
访问 TranslatePress WordPress 翻译插件文档页面
您可以访问我们的演示网站测试 TranslatePress – 多语言插件
该插件提供了 1 个区块.
- Language Switcher Displays the Language Switcher.
- 将translatepress文件夹上传到“/wp-content/plugins /”目录
- 通过WordPress中的“插件”菜单激活
- 转到设置 -> TranslatePress,选择一种翻译语言。
- 从管理栏打开前端翻译编辑器,翻译网站。
TranslatePress – 多语言插件可与 WooCommerce、自定义帖子类型、复杂主题和网站构建工具一起使用,因此您可以翻译任何类型的内容。
它与 WPML 或 Polylang 等其他多语言& 翻译插件有何不同?
TranslatePress is easier to use and more intuitive altogether. No more switching between the editor, string translation interfaces or badly translated plugins. You can now translate the full page content directly from the front-end. This makes TranslatePress a great alternative to plugins like Polylang and WPML. For more details check out this WordPress Translation Plugin Comparison: TranslatePress vs WPML vs Polylang vs Gtranslate.
安装插件后,选择您的第二语言,然后点击 “翻译网站”,就可以开始翻译整个网站,与前端网站一模一样。
TranslatePress 对网站速度的影响很小。欲了解更多详情,请参阅基于页面加载时间的顶级 WordPress 翻译插件比较
「翻译多语言网站 – TranslatePress」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。
- Fixed issue with language switcher not showing all languages on non-admin visits for free version users that manually changed TranslatePress settings in version 2.9.7
- Fixed error about undefined constant TRP_IN_EL_PLUGIN_DIR for paid version users in case Multiple Languages add-on was disabled
- Fixed automatic user language detection settings not appearing for paid version users in case Multiple Languages add-on was disabled
- Fixed html lang attribute declaration on formal languages
- Fixed edge case triggering php warnings when opening Translation Editor
- Redesigned TranslatePress Settings UI
- Improvements to the plugin stats API
- Fixed insecure use of serialization function on request parameters
- Fixed edge case issue with untrimmed home url preventing functioning on secondary languages
- Added support for translating html tags “picture” and “audio”
- Improved query efficiency for removing duplicate entries when running Database Optimization
- Fixed compatibility issue with Blocksy in Customizer
- Added support for video tag in order to show different videos according to selected language
- Added compatibility for Elementor element caching on additional languages
- Added compatibility with Profile Builder redirects after registration and edit profile forms
- Reduced requests to TP AI when quota is unavailable
- Fixed redirecting to wrong language after checkout in some cases
- Fixed potential security issue by preventing direct access to files
- Extended keyword search in String Translation UI to return results from translations too, alongside matching default language text, for Gettext, Email and Regular strings
- Added new feature to delete translations in String Translation UI, individually or in bulk, for Gettext, Email and Regular strings
- Fixed incorrect translated urls in the page when reordering languages and using subdirectory for default language, while also excluding certain paths from translation
- Fixed edge case PHP error in ajax request for front-end translations
- Fixed edge case PHP error between Gutenberg language restrictions and WP Interactivity API
- Fixed edge case PHP error argument must be of type string
- Fixed form action losing GET parameters on translated pages
- Fixed not setting srcset attributes properly for translated images
- Added Gutenberg Language Restriction option to allow for easily including/excluding blocks in specific languages
- Fixed PHP notice in WP 6.7: function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly
- Fixed translating internal links from inside translation blocks
- Fixed edge case with some excluded paths redirecting translated urls to incorrect original urls
- Improved database management by no longer inserting non-translated external URLs and images
- Fixed detecting the same email address multiple times due to antispambot outputting it in different encodings
- Fixed Translation Editor pencil icon positioning
- Fixed Translation Editor when viewing in RTL language
- Fixed php error occurring in some cases when translating WooCommerce emails
- Fixed deprecated notice in PHP 8 regarding rtrim function
- Fixed WooCommerce emails being sent in default language instead of user’s language when placing order as non-logged in guest on a Blocks checkout form
- Fixed trp-gettext wrappings appearing on WooCommerce Blocks checkout form
- Added admin notifications about Black Friday sale
- Fixed compatibility with CTX Feed plugin
- Improved security by doing a capability check on activating/deactivating license
- Added new parameter to hook trp_translate_this_href
- Fixed url slug handling. It’s recommended to back-up your database before updating
- Fixed admin notices text
- Fixed version difference between TranslatePress plugins causing infinite loop and php errors when having specific settings
- Fixed some cases of grayed out translation input box in String Translation Regular tab
- Fixed showing Run the update notice in various cases
- Fixed Translation Editor translation boxes showing incorrect values after saving translations in some cases
- Fixed JS error in Advanced tab
- Fixed url slug handling
- Fixed pencil icon not showing in correct place for some themes
- Added filter trp_mtapi_chunk_size to change the number of string sent in one batch to TP AI
- Added correct flag for Kurdish(Sorani) language
- Fixed edge case issue with trp_settings db option saved incorrectly leading to php errors
- Fixed PHP 8 deprecated notice when calling rtrim
- Major refactoring of url slugs handling. It’s recommended to back-up your database before updating
- Numerous fixes including support for WooCommerce custom permalinks, custom post permalinks, permalinks without base category
- Fixed errors in Multisite leading to targeting incorrect subsite tables for some strings
- Fixed TranslatePress Editor pencil icon’s incorrect placement in some cases
- Fixed deprecated notice when translating WooCommerce emails
- Added support for Chinese Traditional automatic translations when using TP AI
- Fixed menu language switcher not showing native language names when option was selected
- Improved positioning of Edit button in the visual Translation Editor
- Fixed edge case where TP AI automatic translation was always the same as the original
- Fixed menu language switcher showing Current Language instead of actual language name
- Added compatibility with PWA plugin
- Added missing flag for Kyrgyz language
- Fixed menu language switcher labels not being taken into account
- Fixed issue with custom css being broken on translated language
- Fixed notice related to language switcher inside Elementor content
- Fixed issue on checkout page when using BABE Payment Pack
- Fixed issue showing Unsupported languages when changing API key
- Fixed CSS issue with language switcher shortcode in Elementor pop-up
- Fixed deprecated PHP notice when using rtrim function
- Fixed edge case issue with license being invalid on Automatic Translation tab
- Fixed compatibility with older versions of PHP 7
- New Feature: TranslatePress AI translation engine
- Fixed Translate Page button missing in Gutenberg Editor
- Fixed edge case issue where specific style tags were detected for translation
- Fixed nonce issue on the Database Optimization form
- Fixed edge case issue with the Automatic Translation settings default values
- Improved page load speed by caching translation blocks query
- Improved page load speed by adding index by block type
- Fixed frequency of diagnostics usage requests when Marketing Opt-in is active
- Fixed compatibility issue with WP Job Board Pro PDFs
- Fixed compatibility issue with Brikk theme forms
- Fixed scanning plugins and theme files for translation when Oxygen is active
- Improved automatic translation character count to better enforce enforce daily limit
- When Marketing opt-in feature is enabled, automatic translation usage is included in the non-sensitive diagnostic tracking data
- Added support for translating more meta tags
- Fixed translation saved confirmation message in the Translation Editor
- Fixed CSS issue in Advanced settings
- Fixed notice in TranslatePress settings
- Fixed potential security issue in the language switcher
- Fixed floating language switcher appearance when displaying only flags on sites with many languages
- Minor UI tweaks in TranslatePress settings
- Fixed issue with Exclude only certain paths advanced option on subfolder path installs
- Improved Error Manager by outputting the entire failed query
- Improved SQL error handling in trp-ajax calls
- Added compatibility with WooCommerce Product Filters by barn2
- Fixed relative urls with anchor links on translated pages
- Fixed searching in translated languages on sites with specific plugins combination
- Added new feature that displays translation percentage for current page in Translation Editor
- Added RSS Feed support for translating title, content and excerpt
- Added support for Duplicate Page plugin resolving post slug translation conflict
- Added compatibility with Fluent Forms
- Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings plugin
- Added WP Webhooks Automator under recommended plugins
- Fixed deprecated warning in PHP 8.1
- Allow translation of comments and categories in REST API
- Improved compatibility with Complianz plugin
- Improved rules for creating translation blocks
- 修正了某些不必要地检测脚本标记内文本的情况
- 修正了与 Oxygen 的兼容代码
- 提高了 WooCommerce 启用时的页面加载速度
- 修正了函数 insert_gettext_string 中的一些错误
- 修复了表格丢失的边缘情况问题
- 通过优化代码处理 gettext,提高页面加载速度
- 当查询监控器插件激活时,提高了页面加载速度
- 修正了使用不翻译某些路径功能时内部链接未被翻译的问题
- 修复了查询监控器字符串上的 trp-gettext 包装
- 印地语和旁遮普语(印度)的固定旗帜
- 修正了绝对路径在 “从翻译中排除路径 “选项中不起作用的问题
- 修复了翻译编辑器中 WP 表单上铅笔图标显示位置错误的问题
- 添加了缺失的信德语标志
- 启用营销选择功能时,活动插件列表现在包含在非敏感诊断跟踪数据中
- 在 “推荐插件 “部分更新了 “简介生成器 “和 “付费会员订阅 “的标识
- 改进了 DOM 解析器,以更好地处理 HTML 注释
- 改进数据库优化工具的默认操作
- 修正了某些 WooCommerce 链接在翻译页面上出现 404 的情况
- 改进与 RankMath 的兼容性
- 在 trp_allow_tp_to_run 钩子中添加了加载器组件作为额外参数,以方便与第三方集成
- 修正了未定义变量 $disabled_language 的边缘情况错误
- 修正了关于 php 8.2 过时属性的通知
- 修正了 class-error-manager.php 文件中的边缘情况错误
- 修正了某些导致 404 页面的 CPT 符号翻译消失的情况
- 修正了在翻译页面上错误地为链接标记添加空 href 属性的问题
- 修正了有关动态定义属性的 PHP 8 过时通知
- 在数据库优化工具中添加了一个新项目,以修复翻译编辑器中无法选择 gettext 的某些情况
- 修复了在 “翻译编辑器 “中将鼠标悬停在某些文本上时难以点击 “编辑铅笔 “图标的问题
- 已添加与 WooCommerce 高性能订单存储 (HPOS) 的兼容性
- 改进与 WP Rocket 的兼容性
- 改进了设置 UI,仅在支持正式性选项的语言和翻译引擎中显示正式性选项
- 修复了在设置中打开语言下拉菜单时搜索输入的焦点问题
- 删除了营销选择功能的不必要调用
- 使用子标签重新设计的 TranslatePress 设置高级选项卡用户界面
- 改进了翻译编辑器中同时显示多个字符串时的翻译状态图标
- 修正了 php 8 中的过时通知
- 更新了简码生成和浮动选项的语言切换器外观
- 已在 TranslatePress 设置中添加通知,以避免添加手续不同的重复语言
- 修正了 date_create 函数触发的已过时警告
- 修正了翻译编辑器中某些字符串不可编辑的错误
- 通过转义表单操作提高安全性
- 修正了在字符串翻译中通过 gettext 域过滤的问题
- 修复了字符串翻译用户界面中的标题定位问题
- 在我们的选择性非敏感诊断跟踪中添加了更多信息
- 重新设计了翻译编辑器用户界面,以符合最新的 WordPress 风格
- 修正了 hreflang 语言代码属性,以便在默认代码中使用正式/非正式语言
- 添加了缺失的阿拉贡语标志
- 在古腾堡编辑器中添加了语言切换器区块
- 修正了有关 __return_true 函数的边缘情况错误
- 改进不同语言URL的转换
- 修复了语言切换器在某些边缘情况下指向未找到页面的问题
Click Here to view the full changelog.