This plugin allows to create categories for Posts, Woocommerce Products, or other taxonomies.
In the admin page, it detects your Polylang languages and builds a form to create the category for each language in the same page, creating all at same time.
If having trouble post the issue on support section.
Available Fields
- Taxonomy (dropdown select)
- Parent Category (dropdown select)
- Category Name
- Category Slug
- Category description
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan(New)
- Upload this plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to Multilang-Cat section to create categories for all languages.
- Installation Instructions
- Upload this plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
- Go to Multilang-Cat section to create categories for all languages.
- What requires?
Only Polylang Plugin.
- How it Works?
Select the taxonomy, optionally select category for parent, and fill each language for create the categories.
- Does it work with custom taxonomies?
Tested with Woocommerce, Category and Tags for posts. It should work with custom taxonomies, if not, you can ask for it in support page.
2019 年 12 月 10 日
I like this tool as it has saved me a lot of time by creating categories.
- Added Catalan language
- Edited some interface
- Corrected some language translations
- Removed update system
- Added Nonce field for form
- Added validating for form:
** set CATEGORY NAME (2 to 26 length)
** set CATEGORY SLUG (0 to 26 length)
** set CATEGORY DESCRIPTION (0 to 40 length) - Added sanitize for NAME, SLUG, DESCRIPTION
- Added check taxonomy_exists() for Taxonomy selected
- Changed the translations to esc_html_e()
- Added a temporary update system through GitHub, hope get in wordpress directory and use default wordpress system 🙂
- Changed the Taxonomy picker and Parent Category
- Added some protection when creating category to filter the fields values
- Parent Category is now applying to translations
- Filtered only taxonomies that are translated
- Removed the requirement of filling slug and description
- Changed text to textarea the description field
- Initial release