? ?
Journal created:
on 14 August 2002 (#668362)
on 25 November 2012
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated


~ Moderated Open Membership- For now unless it creates problems (Note: Don't create a problem)

[+] Please do not post LiveJournal prohibited material, which can be found here and here, as your agreement with LiveJounral forbids you from doing so.
[+] Post (almost) anything... as long as it somewhat has to so with Central, its student body, or other such related parties.
[+] DO NOT spam this community.
[+] DO NOT post your roommates first and last names or other personal information without their knowledge and consent.
[+] It wouldn't kill you to use LJ-cut. Posts that are annoyingly long can be deleted without warning, although generally you will be given a chance to lj-cut the entry.
[+] Though not completely necessary, the spell check button is your friend. When you spell things in net speak you are opening yourself up for criticism, however bashing someone solely on how they type is rude and ignorant.
[+] By joining this community you agree to the above rules, which may be edited for the good of the community.
~ jax_1983
