? ?
hi guys.. does anyone know which sections of ford field will be cmu fans? i can't remember from the last two years i was there, as i managed to get student tickets. any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

graduation ticket

i need 1 ticket to 5pm graduation. my mom wants my grandpa to go. i will pay 10 or 20 or 25$. please email shant1am @ cmich .edu

wireless routers

does anyone know anything about wireless routers? I want to buy one, but I'm not sure which ones are any good or will work well. I don't really want to spend much more than $50 and I know that narrows my search down quite a bit, but I was hoping that maybe someone could point me in the right direction in terms of what to look for in a quality piece of equipment.

I ended up buying a linksys for $49.99 at circuit city and looove it! thanks for the help!

Car Insurance

I need to renew my car insurance soon and thought I would see if anyone can recommend a good place in town. Thanks either way.


Hey everyone,

I'm hoping someone out there can help me out.

I'm living at Jamestown Apts and I used to download music using Ares, but that hasn't worked for me for awhile now. I was wondering if anyone knew of any sites that aren't blocked? If anyone knows anything, I'd really appreciate it!

Couch for sale

I have a couch I am selling if anyone is interested. I'm moving and have no need to keep it. It is green and still in pretty good shape. Obviously you would have to come get it since I have no way of moving it. Sorry, but I do not have a pic of it. I can try and get one but anyone is welcome to stop by anytime and take a look at it.

I was hoping for $15 OBO. I'm willing to negotiate if need be.

If anyone has any questions or is interested, just let me know. My email is [email protected] or you can reply on here. 

nom nom

I know this is kind of last minute...but does anyone know of any other places besides Mt. Town that takes reservations for graduation? Of course Mt. Town is booked....

graduation tickets!

 Hey all--My brother is graduating at 5:00 on May 3rd, I was hoping someone here might possibly have an extra ticket for it that I could have!?! I would be willing to discuss paying for it if need be...Please let me know ASAP! Thanks!

Grad Ticket

I could use one ticket for the 9:30 graduation. Need one so my grandpa can come. Leave me a message here, or send me an e-mail - DanielRAbbey @ gmail

One thing left to go....

Hey Everyone,

   I have one more piece of furniture I need to sell before I move. It is my TV stand. I really wish I could take it with me since it is so strong and sturdy but alas, I need the space in my car for more important items. I'd really like to get 15 or best offer, so let me know if you're interested.


Central Michigan University

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December 2008


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  • cmu
    29 Aug 2008, 02:10
    My roommate and I bought one from Best Buy. Make sure you know the approximate size you want the router to cover. We got a Dynex- the Best Buy house brand. It was very easy to set up!
  • cmu
    29 Aug 2008, 02:07
    I can help you out. IM me: PeytonFalcor.
  • cmu
    22 May 2008, 22:10
    lime wire might work
  • cmu
    21 May 2008, 19:02
    AAA all the way or allstate but they have some funky qualifications so they can be a paid to actually get in the door so to speak
  • cmu
    8 May 2008, 20:52
    I still have the couch. I'm willing to lower the price to $5 for it. I'm moving in a week, I have no need for it, and I have to get rid of it. If anyone is interested, please let me know. It is still…
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