Papers by Felipe Meneguzzi
Special interest tracks and posters of the 14th international conference on World Wide Web - WWW '05, 2005
Page 1. Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO A proposal for extending XSL-FO semantics and pro... more Page 1. Support for Arbitrary Regions in XSL-FO A proposal for extending XSL-FO semantics and processing model Ana Cristina B. da Silva Joao BS de Oliveira - PUCRS/FACIN {benso,oliveira} Fernando TM Mano ...
Providing printing Web services
Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, 2002
Andrei Oliveira da Silva, Felipe Rech Meneguzzi, Paul0 Henrique de S ow Schneider, Rodrigo Borges... more Andrei Oliveira da Silva, Felipe Rech Meneguzzi, Paul0 Henrique de S ow Schneider, Rodrigo Borges Barcelos, Vicente Oberto Rodrigues, Daniel Waldman, and Ana Cristina Benso da Silva. CPSE -Research Center on Embedded Software AV. Ipiranga, 6681 - Predio 30 - ...
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '04, 2004
This paper aims to describe the relationship between propositional planning systems and the proce... more This paper aims to describe the relationship between propositional planning systems and the process of means-end reasoning used by BDI agents. To show such relationship, we define a mapping from BDI mental states to propositional planning problems and from propositional plans back to mental states. In order to test the viability of such mapping, we have implemented it in an extension of a BDI agent model through the use of Graphplan as the propositional planning algorithm. The implementation was applied to model a case study of an agent controlled production cell.
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '05, 2005
This paper describes the use of fault tolerance in a multiagent system. Such an approach is based... more This paper describes the use of fault tolerance in a multiagent system. Such an approach is based on the modeling of autonomous agents with planning capabilities. These capabilities are used by the agent to recover from faults occurring in its surrounding environment, e.g. hardware faults, or in its internal representation thereof, e.g. software faults. The expected fault-tolerant behavior is tested using fault injection either in the system described by the agent or in the environment in which the agent (system) is embedded into.

Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Document engineering - DocEng '04, 2004
Recent advances in digital press technology have enabled the creation of high-quality personalize... more Recent advances in digital press technology have enabled the creation of high-quality personalized documents, with the potential of generating an entire batch of one-of-a-kind documents. Even though digital presses are capable of printing such document sets as fast as they would print regular press jobs, raster image processing might possibly be performed for every different page in the job. Such process demands a large computational effort and it is therefore interesting to gather repeated images that are used throughout all documents and rasterize them as few times as possible. Moreover, performing such process separately from document production in the publishing workflow allows optimization to be performed prior to final printing, thus allowing it to take press hardware specifics into account, and reducing the time taken for it to produce the final output. This paper describes techniques to perform this task using PPML as the document description language, as well as the main issues concerning this kind of document optimization. Several gathering policies are described along with explanatory examples. We also provide and discuss experimental data supporting the use of such strategies.
This paper describes the Intelligence Control Engine (ICE), a lightweight AI engine aimed at the ... more This paper describes the Intelligence Control Engine (ICE), a lightweight AI engine aimed at the implementation of autonomous agents for computer games. The engine thus described comprises a simple agent language that can be compiled into an objectoriented programming language, as well as a set of libraries to bind the agent into a game. Usage of such engine is described as well as examples of operation.
Most BDI agent architectures rely on plan libraries in order to ensure bounded time for means-end... more Most BDI agent architectures rely on plan libraries in order to ensure bounded time for means-ends reasoning. Nevertheless, the usage of fast planning algorithms to provide the agent with runtime planning capabilities is an alternate approach to augment agent autonomy and flexibility. This paper proposes an autonomous agent architecture based on the integration of a logic-based BDI model with propositional planning algorithms through a mapping process.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
The behaviours of autonomous agents may deviate from those deemed to be for the good of the socie... more The behaviours of autonomous agents may deviate from those deemed to be for the good of the societal systems of which they are a part. Norms have therefore been proposed as a means to regulate agent behaviours in open and dynamic systems, and may be encoded in electronic contracts in order to specify the obliged, permitted and prohibited behaviours of agents that are signatories to such contracts. Enactment and management of electronic contracts thus enables the use of regulatory mechanisms to ensure that agent behaviours comply with the encoded norms. To facilitate such mechanisms requires monitoring in order to detect and explain violation of norms. In this paper we propose a framework for monitoring that is to be implemented and integrated into a suite of contract enactment and management tools. The framework adopts a non-intrusive approach to monitoring, whereby the states of a contract with respect to its contained norms can be inferred on the basis of messages exchanged. Specifically, the framework deploys agents that observe messages sent between contract signatories, where these messages correspond to agent behaviours and therefore indicate whether norms are, or are in danger of, being violated.
2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 2012
Abstract In coalition operations, information from different sources belong to different organisa... more Abstract In coalition operations, information from different sources belong to different organisations have to be gathered and aggregated. The information from these resources may not be consistent. Inconsistencies in the gathered information creates severe uncertainties that hinders the usefulness of the information. In this paper, we have propose a Subjective Logic based approach for modelling the trustworthiness of information sources within a specific context. This model is used to handle inconsistencies through filtering ...

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
The behaviour of deliberative agents is often guided by a plan library designed to achieve goals ... more The behaviour of deliberative agents is often guided by a plan library designed to achieve goals given certain environmental conditions. Plans in these plan libraries are designed to achieve individual goals, and cannot possibly account for all possible variations of restrictions in the societies within which these agents must operate. These restrictions, captured through norms, include obligations, prohibitions, and permissions. Unlike traditional planning restrictions, norms can often be contradictory and impossible to achieve simultaneously, necessitating some form of compromise. In this paper we describe a technique for taking norms into consideration when deciding how to execute a plan. Our norms are constraint based, allowing for fine-grained control over actions. Our technique allows for reasoning about the interactions between norms, and resolves conflict by selecting actions where the cost of violating one set of norms is outweighed by the reward obtained in complying with another.

Models, Methodologies and Applications, 2010
Electronic contracts mirror the paper versions exchanged between businesses today, and offer the ... more Electronic contracts mirror the paper versions exchanged between businesses today, and offer the possibility of dynamic, automatic creation and enforcement of restrictions and compulsions on service behaviour that are designed to ensure business objectives are met. Where there are many contracts within a particular application, it can be difficult to determine whether the system can reliably fulfil them all, yet computer-parsable electronic contracts may allow such verification to be automated. In this chapter, we describe a conceptual framework and architecture specification in which normative business contracts can be electronically represented, verified, established, renewed, and so on. In particular, we aim to allow systems containing multiple contracts to be checked for conflicts and violations of business objectives. We illustrate the framework and architecture with an aerospace aftermarket example. Xu, L. (2004). A multi-party contract model. ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 5(1), 13-23.

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013
In this paper we describe a software assistant agent that can proactively assist human users situ... more In this paper we describe a software assistant agent that can proactively assist human users situated in a time-constrained environment to perform normative reasoning-reasoning about prohibitions and obligations-so that the user can focus on her planning objectives. In order to provide proactive assistance, the agent must be able to 1) recognize the user's planned activities, 2) reason about potential needs of assistance associated with those predicted activities, and 3) plan to provide appropriate assistance suitable for newly identified user needs. To address these specific requirements, we develop an agent architecture that integrates user intention recognition, normative reasoning over a user's intention, and planning, execution and replanning for assistive actions. This paper presents the agent architecture and discusses practical applications of this approach.

As various militaries move towards a vision of Network Centric Warfare and Network Centric Operat... more As various militaries move towards a vision of Network Centric Warfare and Network Centric Operations, multiple issues regarding information acquisition and presentation arise as one tries to use the full potential of a networked environment while overcoming the limitations imposed by the realities faced by the warfighter. In such an environment, a user processes, communicates, and shares information electronically, creating a demand for intelligent software agents for information gathering and management. When a user must make critical decisions under time pressure, such an agent can anticipate the user's information needs, prefetch and present information to the user in an appropriate format at the right time. In this paper, we discuss some of the key challenges in designing unobtrusive information agents, and suggest directions for further research in order to overcome or mitigate these challenges. 1

Human users trying to plan and accomplish information-dependent goals in highly dynamic environme... more Human users trying to plan and accomplish information-dependent goals in highly dynamic environments with prevalent uncertainty must consult various types of information sources in their decision-making processes while the information requirements change as they plan and re-plan. When the users must make time-critical decisions in informationintensive tasks they become cognitively overloaded not only by the planning activities but also by the information-gathering activities at various points in the planning process. We have developed the ANTicipatory Information and Planning Agent (ANTIPA) to manage information adaptively in order to mitigate user cognitive overload. To this end, the agent brings information to the user as a result of user requests but most crucially, it proactively predicts the user's prospective information needs by recognizing the user's plan; pre-fetches information that is likely to be used in the future; and offers the information when it is relevant to the current or future planning decisions. This paper describes a fully implemented agent of the ANTIPA architecture using a decision-theoretic user model, and reports preliminary user study results.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs)... more In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs) as an effective method for agents to plan under conditions in which their problemsolving knowledge is uncertain, and the environment is nondeterministic. In such situations it is natural to model the environment as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). We show that using Earley graphs, it is possible to bridge the gap between HTNs and MDPs. We prove that the size of the Earley graph created for any given HTN is bounded by the total ...
The 10th International …, May 2, 2011
In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs)... more In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs) as an effective method for agents to plan in conditions in which their problem-solving knowledge is uncertain, and the environment is non-deterministic. In such situations it is natural to model the environment as a Markov decision process (MDP). We show that using Earley graphs, it is possible to bridge the gap between HTNs and MDPs. We prove that the size of the Earley graph created for given HTNs is bounded by the total ...
AAAI2011 Workshop on Generalized Planning, Aug 8, 2011
In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs)... more In this paper, we propose a new approach to using probabilistic hierarchical task networks (HTNs) as an effective method for agents to plan under conditions in which their problemsolving knowledge is uncertain, and the environment is nondeterministic. In such situations it is natural to model the environment as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). We show that using Earley graphs, it is possible to bridge the gap between HTNs and MDPs. We prove that the size of the Earley graph created for any given HTN is bounded by the total ...
Sixth International Workshop From Agent Theory …, 2008
The development of practical agent languages has progressed significantly over recent years, but ... more The development of practical agent languages has progressed significantly over recent years, but this has largely been independent of distinct developments in aspects of multiagent cooperation and planning. For example, while the popular AgentSpeak (L) has had various extensions and improvements proposed, it still essentially a single-agent language. In response, in this paper, we describe a simple, yet effective, technique for multiagent planning that enables an agent to take advantage of cooperating agents in a ...
Proceedings of the 7th …, May 12, 2008
Distributed systems comprised of autonomous self-interested entities require some sort of control... more Distributed systems comprised of autonomous self-interested entities require some sort of control mechanism to ensure the predictability of the interactions that drive them. This is certainly true in the aerospace domain, where manufacturers, suppliers and operators must coordinate their activities to maximise safety and profit, for example. To address this need, the notion of norms has been proposed which, when incorporated into formal electronic documents, allow for the specification and deployment of contract-driven ...
Papers by Felipe Meneguzzi