Central Mindanao University
Mathematics Department
In this paper, the concept of fuzzy sets is applied to Γ-semimodules over Γ-semirings. In this fuzzification, the notion of fuzzy SΓ-subsemimodule is introduced and related properties are investigated.
For the linear Lagrange interpolation over a triangular domain, we propose an efficient algorithm to rigorously evaluate the interpolation error constant under the maximum norm by using the finite-element method (FEM). In solving the... more
One of the more recent measures of centrality in social network analysis is the normalized harmonic centrality. A variant of the closeness centrality, harmonic centrality sums the inverse of the geodesic distances of each node to other... more
The study looked at the structure of social understanding of mathematics among experts and non-experts using Social Representation Theory. Survey questionnaire was used to gather the data and the hierarchical evocation technique of Abric... more
- by Bryan Susada
This article is distributed under the Creative Commons by-nc-nd Attribution License.
This article is distributed under the Creative Commons by-nc-nd Attribution License.
This article is distributed under the Creative Commons by-nc-nd Attribution License.
This article is distributed under the Creative Commons by-nc-nd Attribution License.
A weakly connected 2-dominating set of a connected graph G is a set D ⊆ V (G) such that every vertex in V (G)\D is adjacent to at least two vertices in D and the subgraph 〈D〉w, which is the one weakly induced by D, is connected. In this... more
A weakly connected 2-dominating set of a connected graph G is a set D ⊆ V (G) such that every vertex in V (G)\D is adjacent to at least two vertices in D and the subgraph, 〈D〉w, weakly induced by D is connected. In this paper, the weakly... more
Let G be a connected graph u and v be two vertices in V (G). The set JG[u, v] denotes the closed interval consisting of u, v and all vertices lying on some u-v m-path in G. A subset C of V (G) is m-convex if JG[u, v] ⊆ C for every pair of... more
The domination number of a graph G denoted by γ(G) is the minimum number of vertices required to dominate all the vertices of G. The minimality of γ(G) implies that if W ⊆ V (G) such that |W | < γ(G), then there is at least one vertex... more
This article is distributed under the Creative Commons by-nc-nd Attribution License.
One of the more recent measures of centrality in social network analysis is the normalized harmonic centrality. A variant of the closeness centrality, harmonic centrality sums the inverse of the geodesic distances of each node to other... more
Centrality describes the importance of nodes in a graph and is modeled by various measures. Freeman’s centralization, on the other hand, is a general method for calculating a graph-level centrality score based on a node-level centrality... more
Harmonic centrality calculates the importance of a node in a network by adding the inverse of the geodesic distances of this node to all the other nodes. Harmonic centralization, on the other hand, is the graph-level centrality score... more
Clustering coefficient is one of the most useful indices in complex networks. However, graph theoretic properties of this metric have not been discussed much in the literature, especially in graphs resulting from some binary operations.... more