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The EU Regulation 1305/2013 on support for rural development and its In order to shed light on the interactions between the sectoral policies and heritage protection objectives, this article focuses on the preservation of agricultural... more
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      Rural DevelopmentWorld Cultural HeritageCultural LandscapeMultifunctional landscapes
An increasing necessity in the inter-sectoral cooperation and coordination of the sectoral policies. Given the multifunctional nature of agriculture, the protection of agricultural landscapes involves the legal and institutional... more
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      Urban PlanningCultural LandscapesRural DevelopmentAgricultural landscapes
Ente di afferenza: () Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per... more
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    • Political Science
The project EU-MACS is funded by the EU (Horizon programme) and aims to clarify how the market for climate services could abound by improving the matching of supply of and demand for climate services (CS). CS are understood as services... more
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      Quality AssuranceBusiness ModelsClimate servicesBarriers to market entry
Climate services are technology-intensive, science-based and user-tailored tools providing timely climate information to a wide set of users. They accelerate innovation, while contributing to societal adaptation. Research has explored the... more
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River floods are a common natural hazard in Europe, causing high mortality and immense economic damage . Human-induced climate change will alter intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, hence flood risk . While large-scale... more
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Water security embraces affordable and reliable access to clean water, and an effective protection from natural hazards induced by climate variability. This requirement has major implications both on the standards which the essential... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyCaribbean StudiesNatural Hazards
Flood damage assessments are often based on stage-damage curve (SDC) models that estimate economic damage as a function of flood characteristics (typically flood depths) and land use. SDCs are developed through a site-specific analysis,... more
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      Spatial AnalysisFlood Risk ManagementNatural HazardsRisk Management
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      BusinessDisaster risk reduction
Significance Statement Landscape fragmentation is increasingly undermining the capacity of ecosystems to provide services and benefits to humans. The development of a green infrastructure network can enhance the provision of ecosystem... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesPrioritizationEcosystemSpringer Ebooks