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    • RS and GIS Application for Natural Resources Management
dxfla h iudc h:d¾:h kj,s nr,a Okjdofha .% yKhg yd jiÕhg k;= lr.ekS u mßmQ ¾K lrñka ;s fí' ;jÿrg;a fYa Ij mej;s udkj iïnka O;d ^tfia mej;s fha hehs Tn úYa jdi lrka fka kï& wêfõ. fhka len,s lrKhg ,la ls Ífï m% ;s M,h ùfha mgq fm!oa .,s l;a... more
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      Political EconomyPhilosophyPolitics
4'2 lDIs ld¾ñl wxYfha /ls hdjla f;da rd fkd.ekS fïoS n,mdk iudcS h idOl úYa f,a IKh 4'3 lDIs ld¾ñl wxYfha /ls hdjla f;da rd fkd.ekS fïoS n,mdk N+ f.da ,S h idOl úYa f,a IKh mia jk mßÉfPa oh ks .uk yd fhda ckd 5'1 ks .uk 5'2 woyia yd fhda... more
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    • Social Sciences
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      Human Resource DevelopmentSocial SciencesIndustrial training
m<uq mßÉfþoh yeos ka jS u 1'1 m¾fha IKh ye¢ka ùu j¾;udk Y% S ,xldfõ m% Odk úfoa Y úks uh bmehq ï ud¾.hla njg m;a ù we;a f;a úfoa Y /ls hdjhs ' 1970-80 w;r ld,h ;= < ueofmrÈ. rgj,s ka kq mq yq Kq Y% uh i|yd mej;s b,äu jeä jq w;r tys m% ;s... more
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      Women's StudiesSocial Sciences
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesUrban Heat Island Effect
Soil erosion is a widespread problem in Nillambe catchment and it accommodates a pulation that is mainly based on agriculture. Consequently it is important to identify the socio-economic risk in the area in order to carryout necessary... more
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      Disaster risk managementRisk Assessment & Risk ManagementSoil ErosionMulticriteria Decision Analysis
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      Sustainable DevelopmentStorm Water ManagementUrban agriculture (Sustainable Urban Environments)Urban Agriculture
Drought is a disastrous natural phenomenon and is generally viewed as a sustained and regionally extensive occurrence of below average natural water availability either in the form of rainfall, river runoff or groundwater. Droughts are... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationClimate Change ModellingGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Presently, the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, and its adverse impacts, are becoming major research foci in various interrelated fields due to rapid changes in urban ecological environments. Various cities have been investigated in... more
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Background: Landslides area controversial issue worldwide and cause a wide range of impacts on the socioeconomic systems of the affected community. However, empirical studies of affected environments remain inadequate for prediction and... more
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      Disaster ManagementLandslides
Landslide hazard is one of the most common global hazards. In Sri Lanka, landslides are considered as a disaster, and thus, scientific communities have paid attention to monitoring and prediction of landslide hazards. Landslide hazard... more
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      Spatial AnalysisSpatial ModelingRisk and Vulnerability - Natural HazardsLandslide Hazard mapping
Presently, the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, and its adverse impacts, are becoming major research foci in various interrelated fields due to rapid changes in urban ecological environments. Various cities have been investigated in... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceComputer ScienceMDPI
Background: Landslides area controversial issue worldwide and cause a wide range of impacts on the socioeconomic systems of the affected community. However, empirical studies of affected environments remain inadequate for prediction and... more
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      Disaster ManagementLandslidesLandslideNatural hazard
A landslide inventory is a detailed register of the spatial distribution, geometry, and attributes of landslides and is essential for landslide hazard analysis, risk management, regional planning, and land use management and development,... more
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      Applied MathematicsGeologyComplexityLandslide
The concept of landslide vulnerability to a given location is hard to quantify. Few studies have been carried to determine susceptibility using social and physical factors. This study is the first attempt in Sri Lanka to quantify level of... more
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      GeographyCartographySri LankaSocial vulnerability
The basic principle for the recovery of residential area from a landslide disaster is restoring the damaged area to its condition before the disaster. This study focuses on evaluates the recovery process and reinstallation of pre-disaster... more
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      GeographySri LankaLandslideEconomic Recovery
Mass movement in Sri Lanka is mainly triggered by heavy rainfall. International literature is rich of works defining rainfall intensity-duration models to identify the rainfall threshold for various types of Mass movement. However,... more
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      Environmental ScienceSri Lanka
Changes in the urban landscape resulting from rapid urbanisation and climate change have the potential to increase land surface temperature (LST) and the incidence of the urban heat island (UHI). An increase in urban heat directly affects... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceComputer ScienceUrbanization