Hi and welcome to the fan community for discussing and sharing everything related to Cross Game!
About Cross Game For further information about the sports series by Adachi Mitsuru, check out the following links: mangaupdates || Wikipedia || anidb
This community's purpose is to spread the love and all kinds of fanwork like fanfics, fanarts, icons etc. is welcome and encouraged here!
Community rules
→ Put long posts, big pictures, NSFW stuff under a cut → Posts must be relevant to Cross Game/Adachi Mitsuru → Tag your posts, please → Multi-fandom RPG advertisement posts are not allowed → Include spoiler warnings, anything about/beyond the most recent anime episode is considered to be a spoiler → Be polte → Media/Download posts should be locked to members-only → Have fun ♥
Please indicate the rating/characters/pairings when posting fanarts and fanfiction and don't forget to include a warning for NSWF and spoiler posts!