? ?
12 September 2010 @ 06:33 pm
Hello everyone at clover_cafe! Cross Game has ended a few months ago and there haven't been any new posts in half a year.

Are there any objections of turning this into a general Adachi Mitsuru fan community?
Poll #1617893 General Adachi community

Should we turn this into a general Adachi community?

Yes, I'd love to discuss other works.
No, keep it Cross Game only.

Also I'd like to bring this to your attention: manga_character LIMS challenge is open for sign-up, the theme being "AROUND THE WORLD". Check it out; I know there are very talented icon-makers in this community (:
13 January 2010 @ 09:05 pm
Discuss in the comments and tell everyone what you thought about this episode :D
Spoilers up to ep 40!

Anyone noticed that the last love quadrangle shot in the opening sequence changed in EP40?
Screenshots behind cutCollapse )
What is Akaishi doing there :O?

Poll #1511218 Akaishi & Akane

Do you think that Akaishi has a chance with Akane?

Don't know.
20 December 2009 @ 04:46 am
Hey all, I'm de-lurking to bring you icons! (And to say thanks for the v-gift)
Possible spoilers for ep. 35-37

Baccano!: 31
Cross Game: 26
TOTAL = 57

(Words can not express my love for this series.)

Since it's the Holidays and I have too much free time I'm taking requests! Go ahead and leave a comment with the image and any text etc. you want and I'll make it for you.
07 December 2009 @ 10:31 am
Discuss in the comments and tell everyone what you thought about this episode :D
Spoilers up to ep 36!
02 November 2009 @ 06:25 pm
Discuss in the comments and tell everyone what you thought about this episode :D
Spoilers up to ep 31!

Poll #1479846 Who do you want Kou to end up with?

Who do you want Kou to end up with?

other (someone that doesn't start with A)

Official wallpaper: Dec 2009
27 October 2009 @ 12:07 pm
Discuss in the comments and tell everyone what you thought about this episode :D
Spoilers up to ep 30!

This was basically ep 01 :O

I'm really sorry for the lack of live here in this community, but I'm really busy ;-; I'd like to ask you all to help; whenever you see a new fansub/scanlation release, feel free to post a new discussion entry for that episode/chapter, please?
19 October 2009 @ 07:27 pm
Discuss in the comments and tell everyone what you thought about this episode :D
Spoilers up to ep 29!

I'm really sorry for the lack of live here in this community, but I'm really busy ;-; I'd like to ask you all to help; whenever you see a new fansub/scanlation release, feel free to post a new discussion entry for that episode/chapter, please?
11 October 2009 @ 09:28 pm
I joined this community like a week ago (?)
So I thought I'd share some Cross Game wallpapers to bring more life in this comm xD

Current Location: (not) my room
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: flumpool - Mirai Kanai
30 September 2009 @ 03:04 pm
I am pretty sure fan stuff is allowed here. XDD sooo here have a fanfic I wrote a long time ago-

Title: Wedding Dances
Author: deecherrywolf
Fandom: Cross Game
Pairing: Azuma Yuhei/Tsukishima Aoba
Rating: PG-13
A/N: As it is Azuma/Aoba, I'd appreciate no flaming or anything of the sort. Constructive Criticism is always welcome, but no 'KohxAoba is otp!! >[' stuff. kthnxbai

Current Mood: boredbored
15 September 2009 @ 01:34 pm
under construction
Hi and welcome; join and say hello!
clover_cafe is a fan community for the manga series Cross Game by Adachi Mitsuru and its anime adaptation.

Please read the rules and tag your posts!
If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment on this post and I'll get back as soon as possible.