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Phibatola [userpic]
The time traveller's wife.
by Phibatola (phibatola)
at 6th September 2009 (17:00)

current mood: amused

Book: The time traveller's wife.
Author: Audrey Niffenegger.

"Gosh," says Catherine. "It's like working with Clark Kent."
"I feel like Jimmy Olsen," says Matt. "Ugh."
"That makes you Lois Lane," Roberto teases Catherine.
"No, no, Clare is Lois Lane," she replies.
Matt says, "But Lois Lane was oblivious to the Clark Kent/Superman connection, whereas Clare..."
"Without Clare I would have given up a long time ago," I say.
"I never understood why Clark Kent was so hell bent on keeping Lois Lane in the dark. "
"It makes a better story," says Matt.
"Does it? I don't know," I reply.

Phibatola [userpic]
Any opinions on how we could better this community?
by Phibatola (phibatola)
at 25th November 2008 (19:58)

I was thinking of changing the tags not only by show but by episode too. What do you think? Any other ideas? Anything you like or don't like about this community? I am open to suggestions.

Phibatola [userpic]
by Phibatola (phibatola)
at 22nd November 2008 (10:02)

Season 8

Episode 04 "Instinct"

What if my soul mate comes along and I’m too blind to see it?
I don’t know, Smallville. I think that when the right girl walks into your life you’ll know.

Phibatola [userpic]
by Phibatola (phibatola)
at 22nd November 2008 (09:54)

Season 7

Episode 11 "Siren"

Enter at your own caloric risk.

How you doin?

Aside from the metaphor, I was hoping Rocky Road would help, but nothing. Nada. Not even a dent. You know, I thought Grant would help me get over Ollie. And if that didn't end badly enough, the moment I saw Ollie again, all those feelings just came rushing right back up.

Maybe it could still work between you.

You don't know Ollie like I do. There are parts of him you've never seen.

That's a given.

I mean sides of him. He's got this one side that I'm not sure I can live with.

And how would you know if you don't give it a chance?

We're not you and Lana. We're not the perfect couple. We're not destined for eachother.

Lois, this isn't like you. Normally when things get challenging, that's when you get interested.

This is different. My dad was a general, and he cared about me. But I learned really early that his role in the world was a lot more important than being a father. And you know what, for good reasons. And Ollie's life is demanding, too.

Lois, just because someone's life has great responsibility doesn't mean your life has to take second place.

Of course it does, Clark. Can you imagine what it would be like to look into somebody's eyes and know that their destiny is so much greater than yours that you will never compete? You will always be left behind?

That would be hard for anyone, but...

No. I can't be left behind one more time. You know, where Ollie's life is going, there's not room for me in it. And I know he'd never admit that, so...I had to. I just, um, I can't face another heartbreak down the road. Besides... you know, why settle for hot, rich and famous when I can hang out with you?

dis_netis [userpic]
Smallville new episode quotes!
by dis_netis (dis_netis)
at 8th November 2008 (22:21)

Season 8 Episode 8 "Bloodline"

Lois: We're gonna die, us, together, no more farm house, no more Daily Planet-
Clark: Listen to me! Listen to me. No one's going to mess with Lois and Clark, right?
Lois: They better not.

*Squee!* ICONIC!

Me [userpic]
My First Post! I think I'm gonna love it here!
by Me (brdwaybebe)
at 19th September 2007 (00:21)

Lois  & Clark: TNAOS

Clark: Alone in paradise with the woman I love. It's almost biblical. 

Clark: Honey, honey. Please, I'm trying to superhear right now. When I'm superhearing, and you're standing this close, and you're talking to me it feels like you're sticking a knife in my head, honey. So, if you could just stop, for just a second, please. 

Lois: You, being irrational; I sort of love that. 

Clark: Can I ask you a question?
Lois: Yes, sweetheart?
Clark: Are you crazy? The guy that put you away is right in there!
Lois: You are upset. (whispers) Your suit's showing.

Phibatola [userpic]
by Phibatola (phibatola)
at 24th August 2007 (16:24)

current mood: creative

Season 6

Lois: Stop beating yourself up.
Thats my job!

Storybook Girl [userpic]
by Storybook Girl (storybookgirl)
at 10th June 2007 (23:48)

current mood: chipper


Easy, miss. I've got you.

Lois Lane:
You, you've got me? Who's got you?

Storybook Girl [userpic]
The Simpsons
by Storybook Girl (storybookgirl)
at 10th June 2007 (23:41)

current mood: chipper
current song: Last of the Mohicans OST

Homer: “I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman”

Storybook Girl [userpic]
Superman Returns
by Storybook Girl (storybookgirl)
at 7th June 2007 (21:15)

current mood: giggly

Lois: I've done Superman

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