Interested in Gene Curation? The following documents and presentations are available to help people learn and understand the Gene-Disease Validity curation process. In order to get involved with our Gene Curation activities, please review the information on our ClinGen Community Curation Working Group page and fill out our volunteer survey. Please note that Gene Curation is a comprehensive volunteer activity and on average, 8-10 hours of effort is required each month. For questions about existing materials or requests for new materials, contact us at [email protected].

Training Modules


The Publication

Read the publication describing the ClinGen gene-disease validity evaluation process.



Precuration is the process of gathering information to determine which disease entity is being curated and the disease entity's mode of inheritance. ClinGen uses lumping and splitting guidelines to help make decisions about which disease(s) to curate for any given gene.


Curation Scoring Overview and Standard Operating Procedures

Detailed documentation outlining the gene-disease validity process.


Standardized Evidence Summary Text

Evidence summaries are an important part of the gene-disease validity curation. These evidence summaries are made publicly available on our website,, and can be accessed by different types of users, including those who may not be readily familiar with a given gene-disease relationship. Evidence summaries should include an overview of the evidence used to make the classification, as well as any other information necessary to understand the relationship between the gene and the disease. Please see the linked document for example text.


Live GCI Training

Attend a live Gene Curation Interface (GCI) training to learn more about how to enter information for curations. The ClinGen Community Curation Group will contact you regarding this training, once you have either emailed [email protected] or filled out the volunteer survey below. (Please use this option if you would like to volunteer to curate with ClinGen).


Attestation & Group Assignment

Once you have read through all of the information and attended a live GCI training session, you will be sent an attestation form to fill out. Once your attestation form is complete, the ClinGen Community Curation Group will contact you with your group assignment.


Gene Curation Interface Help Document

This document provides information about how to use the Gene Curation Interface (GCI).


Gene Curation FAQ Document

This document provides examples and explanations to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the gene curation process. It may be a helpful supplement to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), especially for new biocurators.


Video Tutorials

Videos describing how to use the ClinGen Allele Registry, as well as an overview of searching the literature for sequence variant evidence, including tips and tricks on effective use of variant nomenclature in your search, where to look and common literature search speed bumps, and how to overcome them.


RARE-GEN Gene Curation Workshop Materials

From the Sidra Medicine "Masterclass in Genomic Analysis" in December 2024. Contains slide decks describing "The Importance of Gene Curation", "ClinGen Gene Curation" and "Gene Curation Example: BICC1".

Supporting Materials

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 11

Curation Activity Procedures - September 9, 2024 - These materials correspond to updates to the ClinGen Gene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, version 11, released in September 2024. A document tracking the changes is provided in the Supporting Materials. It is not required that you review this document, but it may assist in a review of the Standard Operating Procedures.

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedure

Training Materials - September 9, 2024

ViewClinGen Gene Curation Expert Panel (GCEP) Protocol

Supporting Documents - January 4, 2024 - The purpose of the Gene Curation Expert Panel (GCEP) Protocol is to provide an outline for the establishment and management of a ClinGen GCEP.

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 10.1

Curation Activity Procedures - November 9, 2023 - These materials correspond to updates to the ClinGen Gene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, version 10, released in November 2023. A document tracking the changes is provided in the Supporting Materials. It is not required that you review this document, but it may assist in a review of the Standard Operating Procedures. Archived Document

ViewGene Curation FAQ

Supporting Documents - September 28, 2023 - This is a document that lists frequently asked questions (FAQ) that arise during the gene curation process with examples, explanation, and guidance.

ViewExample Precuration Presentation Video Tutorial

Training Materials - September 1, 2022

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 9

Curation Activity Procedures - May 31, 2022 - These materials correspond to updates to the ClinGen Gene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, version 9, released in May 2022. A summary of the updates for version 9, as well as a document highlighting the changes are provided in the Supporting Materials. It is not required that you review these documents but may assist in a review of the Standard Operating Procedures. Archived Document

ViewGenetic Evidence Scoring Metric, SOP Version 8

Supporting Documents - December 28, 2020 - Scoring metric to guide curators in assessing genetic evidence using ClinGen's SOP Version 8.

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 8

Curation Activity Procedures - October 28, 2020 - These materials correspond to updates to the ClinGen Gene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedure, version 8, released on October 28, 2020. A summary of the updates for version 8, as well as a highlighted and annotated pdf version are provided. Archived Document

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 7

Curation Activity Procedures - August 12, 2019 - These materials correspond to updates to the ClinGen Gene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedure, version 7, released on August 12, 2019. A summary of the updates for version 7, as well as a highlighted and annotated pdf version are provided. Archived Document Gene Annotation SOP

Supporting Documents - August 5, 2019 - is a web-based annotation tool. An SOP has been developed using standardized terms for evidence capture to augment the ClinGen Gene Clinical Validity Curation Process. This tool has been shown to reduce curation time and facilitate data transfer into the Gene Curation Interface.

ViewGene-Disease Validity Recuration Process

Supporting Documents - March 20, 2019 - ClinGen's recommendations for re-evaluating previously approved gene-disease validity classifications.

ViewLumping and Splitting Curation Guidelines (Version 1)

Curation Activity Procedures - March 19, 2019

ViewSupplemental Methods for Validation

Supporting Documents - March 19, 2019 - Brief description of how the gene-disease pairs in the original publication were validated.

ViewSummary Scoring Metric

Supporting Documents - March 19, 2019 - Once genetic and experimental evidence has been assessed, this summary scoring metric can be used to arrive a clinical validity classification.

ViewExperimental Evidence Scoring Metric

Supporting Documents - March 19, 2019 - Scoring metric to guide curators in assessing experimental evidence.

ViewGenetic Evidence Scoring Metric

Supporting Documents - March 19, 2019 - Scoring metric to guide curators in assessing genetic evidence. This version of the genetic evidence scoring metric was used for Version 7 of the ClinGen SOP. Archived Document

ViewPrecuration Evidence Tracking Template

Supporting Documents - March 19, 2019

ViewMethods for Validation of Curation Framework

Supporting Documents - March 5, 2019

ViewGene Disease Validity SOP Version 5 Appendix B

Supporting Documents - February 22, 2019 - Appendix B to SOP version 5 was originally released as a separate document. This information was included in the main SOP document, Version 6.

ViewLumping and Splitting Video Tutorial

Training Materials - November 8, 2018

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 6 (Archived)

Curation Activity Procedures - August 29, 2018 Archived Document

ViewClinGen Gene-Disease Scoring Overview [Video]

Training Materials - January 25, 2018

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 5 (Archived)

Curation Activity Procedures - November 1, 2017 - Version 5 of the SOP, released November 2017. Archived Document

ViewGene-Disease Validity Standard Operating Procedures, Version 4 (Archived)

Curation Activity Procedures - May 1, 2017 - Version 4 of the SOP, released May 2017. Archived Document

All Gene-Disease Clinical Validity Training Materials