Interested in Dosage Sensitivity Curation? The following documents and presentations are available to help people learn and understand the Dosage Sensitivity curation process. In order to get involved with our Dosage Sensitivity Curation activities, please review the information on our ClinGen Community Curation Working Group page and fill out our volunteer survey. Please note that Dosage Curation is a comprehensive volunteer activity and on average, 8-10 hours of effort is required each month. For questions about existing materials or requests for new materials, contact us at [email protected].


Standard Operating Procedures

Detailed documentation outlining the dosage sensitivity process.


Live Dosage Sensitivity CurationTraining

Attend a live dosage sensitivity curation training to learn more about our scoring guidelines and tracking system. The ClinGen Community Curation Group will contact you regarding this training, once you have either emailed [email protected] or filled out the volunteer surveybelow (Please use this option if you would like to volunteer to curate with ClinGen).


Attestation & Group Assignment

Once you have read through original publication and attended a live training session, you will be sent an attestation form to fill-out. Once your attestation form is complete, the ClinGen Community Curation Group will contact you with your group assignment.

ViewDosage Standard Operating Procedure- Data Entry

Curation Activity Procedures - June 2, 2021

ViewDosage Standard Operating Procedure- Scoring Guide

Curation Activity Procedures - May 3, 2021