Clinical Domain Working Groups

Lysosomal Diseases Variant Curation Expert Panel

Membership Documents

Our main goal is to curate genes and variants involved in metabolic storage diseases. Initially, we are focusing efforts on modification of the ACMG-AMP criteria for interpretation of variants within GAA. Deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase, encoded by GAA, causes Pompe disease (glycogen storage disease type II; acid maltase deficiency). Accurate interpretation of variants within GAA is important for confirmation of the diagnosis in symptomatic patients of any age, asymptomatic infants identified by newborn screening, as well as testing for family members.

Curators within the GAA subgroup are: Jenny Goldstein, Dona Kanavy, Jennifer McGlaughon, Shelly Goomber, Yinghong Pan, Xiangwen Chen-Deutsch, Erin Huggins, Eric Miller, and Chen Yang.

This expert panel is also now curating variants within IDUA. Curators within the IDUA subgroup are: Jenny Goldstein, Roberto Mendez, Xiangwen Chen-Deutsch, Amber Waddell, Matthew Ellinwood, Irina St. Louis, Carlos Aschoff, Kristen Brown, Arty Selvanathan, and Melanie Lacaria.

Please note, in February 2023 the Lysosomal Diseases VCEP was renamed from Lysosomal Storage Disorders VCEP.

Expert Panel Status

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Define Group
Completed Feb. 2018
Develop Classification Rules
Completed Sep. 2018
Pilot Rules
Completed Aug. 2019
Expert Panel Approval
Completed Aug. 2019


Expert Panel Membership

Membership spans many fields, including genetics, medical, academia, and industry.