Papers by Georg Goldenberg
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2002
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2008
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 2008
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 1999
The Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2010
Tool Use and Causal Cognition, 2011
Cortex, 2014
Journal homepage: c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 7 0 e2 7 4 0010-94... more Journal homepage: c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 7 0 e2 7 4 0010-9452/$ e see front matter ª
Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 2002

Neuropsychologia, 1998
Moorlaas (1928) proposed that apraxic patients can identify objects and can remember the purpose ... more Moorlaas (1928) proposed that apraxic patients can identify objects and can remember the purpose they have been made for but do not know the way in which they must be used to achieve that purpose. Knowledge about the use of objects and tools can have two sources: It can be based on retrieval of instructions of use from semantic memory or on a direct inference of function from structure. The ability to infer function from structure enables subjects to use unfamiliar tools and to detect alternative uses of familiar tools. It is the basis of mechanical problem solving. The purpose of the present study was to analyze retrieval of instruction of use, mechanical problem solving, and actual tool use in patients with apraxia due to circumscribed lesions of the left hemisphere. For assessing mechanical problem solving we developed a test of selection and application of novel tools. Access to instruction of use was tested by pantomime of tool use. Actual tool use was examined for the same fam...
ABSTRACT Apraxien sind keine einheitlichen Störungen, sondern unterschiedliche Symptome an der Gr... more ABSTRACT Apraxien sind keine einheitlichen Störungen, sondern unterschiedliche Symptome an der Grenze zwischen Kognition und Motorik. Sie sind in erster Linie Folgen linkshirniger Läsionen, die motorischen Fehlhandlungen betreffen jedoch beide Körperseiten. Ihre Alltagsrelevanz ist verschieden und hängt auch von der Kombination mit anderen Symptomen der Hirnschädigung wie Hemiplegien oder Aphasie ab.
Brain : a journal of neurology, 2014
This scientific commentary refers to 'Critical brain regions for tool-related and imitative actio... more This scientific commentary refers to 'Critical brain regions for tool-related and imitative actions: a componential analysis', by Buxbaum et al., (doi:10.1093/brain/awu111).

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2013
The term apraxia refers to 'higher level&... more The term apraxia refers to 'higher level' disorders of motor control. Apraxia differs from other motor symptoms of unilateral brain damage by the bilaterality of symptoms following unilateral lesions. Lesions causing apraxia are located predominantly in the left hemisphere and apraxia is frequently, although not invariably, associated with aphasia. Examination for apraxia traditionally assesses imitation of gestures, performance of communicative gestures on command, and use of tools and objects. It has, however, been amply demonstrated that these three domains can be affected more or less independently from each other. This review discusses current topics of research and controversy from each of these domains concentrating on questions that are relevant for determining the border between motor and cognitive mechanisms underlying apraxic errors. For imitation, the proposal of a direct link from perception to motor execution is confronted with the hypothesis that body part coding is interpolated between perception and motor replication of gestures. Discussion of communicative gestures concentrates on pantomime of tool use and argues that pantomime is not equivalent to reproduction of the motor programs of actual tool use but that pantomimes are created by selection and combination of distinctive features of the object and its use. For tool use the boundary between visuo-motor coordination and knowledge about tool use is addressed by discussion of the selection of grips for use or for transport of tools. WIREs Cogn Sci 2013, 4:453-462. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1241 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website. The author has declared no conflicts of interest for this article.

Neuropsychologia, 1997
In two patients with damage to the inferior portion of the left angular gyrus severely defective ... more In two patients with damage to the inferior portion of the left angular gyrus severely defective imitation of meaningless gestures contrasted with preserved performance of meaningful gestures to verbal command and with preserved imitation of meaningful gestures[ In one patient the imitation de_cit was restricted to the imitation of hand positions while imitation of _nger con_gurations was normal[ In both patients replication of the hand positions on a mannikin was as defective as imitation on themselves[ This pattern of preserved and impaired performances is incompatible with two!stage models of apraxia which posit that defective imitation stems from damage to an executional stage of gesture production[ Interruption of a direct route from perception to execution of action could account for the dissociation between defective imitation of meaningless and preserved performance of meaningful gestures [ We propose that functioning of this route requires the integrity of general knowledge about the structure of the human body[ Þ 0886 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[ Key Words] apraxia^motor control^parietal lobe^imitation[ * ÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐÐ than the pantomime of object use even in controls[ Neuropsychologische Abteilung Krankenhaus Mu à nchenÐ They concluded that only the reverse dissociation was Bogenhausen Englschalkingerstrasse 66 D 70814 Mu à nchen\ FRG^tel[] ¦38!78!8169 1095^fax] ¦38!78!8169 1978[ speci_c for left!brain damage ð3Ł[ Single case studies cast

Neuropsychologia, 1995
Imitation of meaningless gestures was examined in patients with left brain damage (LBD), right br... more Imitation of meaningless gestures was examined in patients with left brain damage (LBD), right brain damage (RBD) and controls. In addition to imitation on the own body, patients were asked to replicate the gestures on a life-sized mannikin. Manual dexterity was assessed by manipulation of beads, and general visuospatial abilities by block-design. LBD patients who displayed apraxia when imitating gestures on their own bodies scored dramatically worse than any other group when imitation was assessed on the mannikin. By contrast, on block-design and manipulation of beads patients with RBD were inferior not only to LBD patients without apraxia but also to apractic patients. Analysis of CT scans revealed that apraxia occurred with frontal, parietal and deep lesions, and that the impairment on the manipulation of the mannikin was present regardless of lesion site. The results support the contention that the basic deficit underlying impaired imitation of meaningless gestures in apraxia is to be sought at a conceptual level. Possibly, patients with apraxia are not able to evoke and represent conceptual knowledge about the human body which is necessary for performing the apparently simple task of imitating gestures.

Neuropsychologia, 1999
To disentangle perceptual\ conceptual and motor aspects of imitation of gestures\ reproduction of... more To disentangle perceptual\ conceptual and motor aspects of imitation of gestures\ reproduction of meaningless postures of either the hand or the _ngers was examined in two conditions[ In the matching test a target gesture had to be identi_ed among an array of four gestures performed by di}erent persons and seen under di}erent angles of views[ For imitation\ the same gestures had to be imitated[ Thirty _ve patients with LBD\ 10 patients with RBD\ and 06 healthy controls were examined[ LBD patients had more di.culties with imitation than with matching while RBD patients had more di.culties with matching than with imitation[ Regardless of whether imitation or matching was tested\ LBD patients made more errors with hand than with _nger postures whereas RBD patients made more errors with _nger than with hand postures[ This constellation of results is compatible with the assumption that errors are caused by faulty visuoperceptual processing in RBD\ and by defective conceptual mediation in LBD[ Defective motor execution does not appear to be a signi_cant source of imitation errors in either group[ Þ 0888 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[ Keywords] Apraxia^Visuospatial^Right brain damage^Left brain damage^Body schema Corresponding author[ Tel[] ¦38!78!8169 1095^fax] ¦38!78!8169 1978^e!mail] georg[goldenbergÝlrz[tum[de
Papers by Georg Goldenberg