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      NeurologyTreatment OutcomeVibrationActivities of Daily Living
Cortical activation patterns as measured by negative shifts of the scalp-recorded cortical steady potential ("DC shifts") were assessed in 28 normal subjects during imagining colours, faces, and a spatial map. Imaging... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionElectroencephalography
Patterns of cortical activity as measured by scalp-recorded event-related slow negative DC potential shifts were recorded in 9 early blind and 23 sighted normals while they imagined the feel of textures with the fingertips of one hand.... more
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Event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded in a recognition memory task in 5 healthy subjects and an amnesic patient. A list of high-imagery words with low probability in everyday language was presented visually for 200 ms each. A... more
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      BehaviorMagnetic Resonance ImagingRecognition memoryMemory
Technological progress in the area of informatics and human interface platforms create a window of opportunities for the neurorehablitation of patients with motor impairments. The CogWatch project ( aims to create an... more
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      Clinical SciencesNeurosciencesBrain Damage
tracking protocole. The role of the cerebellum is determined through comparative analysis of the tracking performance before and after systemic injection of Harmaline or electrolytical lesions of specific cerebellar structures. The... more
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      Motor ImagerySingle Photon Emission Computed TomographyRegional Cerebral Blood Flow
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      CognitionVisual perceptionMemoryDiscrimination Learning
The praxic semantic system comprises a conceptual knowledge system, which stores functional information about objects, and an action knowledge system, which stores information about the correct manipulation of objects. Moreover,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSemanticsFace recognition (Psychology)Problem Solving
Pantomime of tool use is a frequently used test for apraxia. For basic cognitive neuroscience, pantomime of tool use is of interest because it constitutes a link between instrumental and communicative manual actions. We used lesion... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionAphasiaMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Studying the characteristics of movements performed under different action conditions may foster the understanding of disturbed tool use in apraxia and may enhance the knowledge about the links between states of action representations.
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      Cognitive ScienceStrokeBrainMovement
Apraxia Aphasia Non-verbal semantic processing a b s t r a c t Patients suffering from severe aphasia have to rely on non-verbal means of communication to convey a message. However, to date it is not clear which patients are able to do so.
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      Cognitive ScienceSign LanguageSemanticsAphasia
To determine whether the left and right hemispheres play specific roles in goal-directed movements, prehension with the ipsilesional hand was tested in patients with unilateral brain damage. The task required that subjects rotate the hand... more
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      Right Hemisphere FunctionsStrokeUltrasonicsReaction Time
Movement goals and task mechanics differ substantially between actual tool use and corresponding pantomimes. In addition, apraxia seems to be more severe during pantomime than during actual tool use. Comparisons of these two modes of... more
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The ability to predict and anticipate the mechanical demands of the environment promotes smooth and skillful motor actions. Thus, the finger forces produced to grasp and lift an object are scaled to the physical properties such as weight.... more
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      ForecastingEveryday LifeMovementYoung Adult
Humans differ from other animals in the way they can skilfully and precisely operate or invent tools to facilitate their everyday life. Tools have dominated our home, travel and work environment, becoming an integral step for our motor... more
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    • Psychology
Thirty six patients in the chronic stage after severe closed head injury were examined with tests of executive function, memory, intelligence, and fimctional capacities in daily livlng. Correlations were sought between test results and... more
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      Executive FunctionTemporal LobeBrainFunctional Capacity
Thirty six patients (31 male, 5 female) who had suffered severe closed head injury were re-examined at an average of 39-3 (SD 12-8, range 7-66) months after the injury. Behavioural symptoms were measured using the Giessen test. The... more
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      NeurologyData AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisPersonality Disorders
We correlated impaired unimanual motor learning with the lesion site in 53 patients with chronic lesions predominantly of the frontal lobe. The lesions were assessed using computed tomography (CT), then transferred to standard templates... more
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      NeurologyComputed TomographyMotor LearningAnterior Cingulate
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      NeurologyTreatment OutcomeVibrationActivities of Daily Living