? ?
Journal created:
on 4 October 2007 (#13960909)
on 17 July 2008
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
Clex Fans Comm
HI ALL!! This is not another clex community, this is the perfect place to post your Clex stuff, introduce yourself and get to know other Clex fans (and maybe, get a couple of friends). This is the place to post your Clex fics, icons, banners, manips, fo banners, headers, wallpapers, moodthemes, to find betas, etc.

The rules are very simple: NO CLEX BASHING. If you don't like Clex, it's okay, but this is clearly not the place for you. Here, we like slash, gay sex, Clark Kent and Lex Luthor.OH! And, you must be over the legal age in your country to post here.

The layout is from premade_ljs

The WONDERFUL header and the BEAUTIFUL icon were made by the AWESOME musamusabobusa

The header and the icon belong to the community, please don't use them elsewhere.

Introduce Yourself: (this is only a guide, you don't have to use it if you don't want)

Favorite Character:
Favorite Fic:
Things you like:
Things you hate:

If you have any problem, please contact me: anne_marie1984
