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      Language StudiesCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Film StudiesMarxismGerman CinemaFritz Lang
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      Translation StudiesFilm StudiesTrauma StudiesHolocaust Studies
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    • Thomas Mann
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      German LiteratureHerta MüllerNobel Prize in Literature
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      AestheticsJohann Gottfried HerderKunstgeschichteLiteratur und Bildende Kunst
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      German StudiesGerman Literature19th century German literature18th Century German (Literature)
Robert Musil’s epic novel "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften" comes back time and again to the case of Christian Moosbrugger, an enigmatic figure accused of brutally killing a prostitute. Musil never resolved this character’s fate, or his exact... more
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      NarrativeRobert MusilResponsibilityMoral Responsibility
This monograph examines how the incidence and role of physical descriptions in German novels changed between 1771 and 1929 in response to developments in the study of the human face and body. In addition to engaging the tools and methods... more
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      German LiteraturePhysiognomyLiterature and Medicine20th Century German Literature
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      German StudiesArt HistoryEighteenth-Century literatureMedia History
Sophie von La Roche's novel, which now takes pride of place in the canon of eighteenth-century German literature, was published one year before Von der Physiognomik (1772), the essay in which Johann Caspar Lavater laid the groundwork for... more
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      ArtLiterature and MedicineEpistolary literature18th Century German (Literature)
may not automatically spring to mind as one of the giants of German literature, but he is undoubtedly a prominent figure in the field of narrative theory, where many regard him as Friedrich von Blanckenburg's most notable successor in the... more
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      ArtNineteenth Century StudiesLiterature and Medicine19th century German literature
prose author, essay writer, theorist, doctor, and film buff. One name, multiple personalities-and not all of them compatible, as Döblin himself acknowledged. In an autobiographical essay from 1928, whose title "Zwei Seelen in einer Brust"... more
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      German LiteratureLiterature and MedicineModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Twentieth Century Literature
Estudio de la obra literaria de A. Muñoz Molina, desde el concepto de la finalidad de la misma, que S. Oropesa concibe como placer y civismo, estudiando detenidamente las principales obras de su autor: desde el Beatus Ille a Plenilunio
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    • Hispanic issues
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      Novela mexicana contemporáneaMonographie
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    • Novela mexicana contemporánea
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      Spanish CinemaSpanish cinema (Film Studies)Transición españolaHablas andaluzas
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      Mexican CinemaCine MexicanoAlfonso Cuarón