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Journal created:
on 21 June 2004 (#3557967)
on 16 November 2010
Clawson, Michigan, United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
About the community:
This is a community dedicated to the small quaint town of Clawson, MI. This community is open to anyone who lives in Clawson, attends school there, wants to learn about the city, or just plain likes the city! I encourage you to join and talk/learn about all this small town has to offer!

1.Write about anything related to coming up, Trojan winnings, facts..anything goes!
2. Please do not dis the city or other people in this community.
3. I dont care if if u advertise about other communties but please do not over advertise.

About the City:
Clawson is a small town that is approximately 2.4 square miles in diameter that is between Royal Oak and Troy. It has a population of 12,732 (according to the 2000 census) people and has about 5,615 households throughout the city. It prides itself on its annual Fourth of July festivites and the Clawson High School sports teams. The people all seem to know each other and all seem to move at a different pace than the rest of Oakland county.
