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for the most AWESOME fic EVER

I can't believe I haven't recced this here yet.
Performance in a Leading Role. WIP John/Sherlock Hollywood AU.

Sherlock is an Oscar-winning actor in a rut, John is an everyman actor stuck in romcoms, and when the two of them are cast as a gay couple in an indie romance, it's unclear whether they'll get along. They both desperately need this picture to succeed - can they do whatever's necessary to make that happen?

At first when I read the prompt I was like

because Hollywood AU? What? But it sounded like it could be fun, so I started reading.

And then I was like

And now every time it updates, I'm like

So I think you should read it, too. And then we can be


You need to read this.
I don't understand that reference.
Preferably aloud, in your most Minnesotan accent.

Kirk and Spock Go Ice Fishing -OR- If My Aunt From Minnesota Wrote Fanfic

It involves the line "Jim, it's the pon farr, doncha know."

I just.

I can't.

It's genius.

Slash Therapy

So here's the picture I mentioned Friday. If anyone can figure out how they came to be taking this picture together, please share!

Some Sherlock fic recs
This fandom is like quicksand, only the sand is made of awesome fic. Here are some fics I've been reccing around - all are Sherlock/John.

Thought Experiments by entangled_now - 7300 words

Pick up more milk while you're having your sexual identity crisis.

If you don't want to read this based on that line alone, I don't know why we're friends.

Behavior Modification by bendingsignpost - ~24k words
Whatever it took, he was going to make this work.

Sherlock is an excellent unreliable narrator in this. He thinks he's got this whole relationship with John thing figured out, but he so, so does not. Great characterization and an interesting take on asexual!Sherlock.

The Theory of Narrative Causality by falling_voices - no idea how many words
From the prompt: Sherlock is a well-known fanartist whose online antics always land him on fandom_wank. John's a beloved BNF fanfiction author. They meet at a convention; geeky love ensues.

A love story told in fandom wank reports, PMs, LJ entries, and chats. It's the most meta thing you've ever read in your life, but it's also fantastic, engaging feel-good fic. This is the closest thing I've found to an "Asunder" in Sherlock fandom, in terms of a fic being my happy place.

It's all in comments currently, so here's the master list (code by let_us_trade:
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 1g
2a 2b 2bb 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g
3a 3b 3c (there is no 3d) 3e 3f 3g (1) 3g (2) 3h
4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 4g 4h 4i 4j
5a 5b 5c 5d 5e 5f 5g 5h (there is no 5i) 5j
Epilogue a Epilogue b Epilogue a (c) Epilogue d

And last, if you want fic that will make you want to read the original Arthur Conan Doyle series, katieforsythe's "Love" series is amazing. (The entries aren't linked together - just look under the first entry in her journal for the list.) God only knows what the word count is on this beast, but it spans almost the entirety of Holmes and Watson's 40 or so years together. You don't need any prior knowledge of the ACD series to get it.

The love in this fic is palpable. Holmes and Watson find each other as broken men - a veteran made unrecognizable even to himself by war and a hopeless, near-destitute addict - and neither thinks he deserves the other. They help each other heal, and over the decades, they build a secret life together, hidden from the Victorian anti-sodomy laws.

Did I mention it's really fabulous first person? And that the prose matches ACD's style, except that it's better written and more tightly plotted? Because yeah.

PS not fic, but Texts From Baker Street is brilliant.