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Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (CLASS) protects the well-being of students by monitoring, classifying, and evaluating physical education and nutrition across the United States.

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Research Areas

CLASS follows a mix of statutory laws passed by state legislatures and administrative laws enforced by state administrative agencies. These guidelines aim to improve the health of students and the conditions in which they learn by focusing on physical education and nutrition. Because CLASS monitors, classifies, and evaluates these data, the American public have access to trusted data with which they can examine the relationship between student behavioral and health outcomes and school environment guidelines, state by state.

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Policy Icon of Apple and Tape Measure
Policy Icon of Weight Scale
Policy Icon of Stop Watch
Policy Icon of Heart Beat
Policy Icon of Flexed Arm
Policy Icon of Sneakers
Policy Icon of Clipboard
Policy Icon of Dumbbell
Policy Icon of Ball
Policy Icon of Jump Rope

State Profiles

Compare how each state has scored with our library of state profiles. Get customized state reports and charts depicting CLASS codified law scores across all grade levels for each behavioral area, along with national average comparisons. Also, download full data sets for each state or selected area.

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