introduction; Welcome to clamp_icontest, founded and maintained by wildmusings. This is a weekly themed icon challenge for all works by CLAMP, a team of four female Japanese manga artists that have brought the world a large number of manga and anime. All their series are welcome here, as well as any official stand-alone artwork, cover designs, promotional illustrations, etc. they may have produced. We encourage the diversity!
Please join the community in order to participate, however only the moderator is given posting access as everything else is done through screened comments. If you have any general questions, suggestions, comments or complaints go here.
rules; The rules are simple: don't cheat and don't cause drama. This is about having fun, being inspired by new themes and improving your skills... not about winning; no sore sports please. You are also expected to be courteous towards the other members, this means not picking fights, openly accusing them of anything (please discuss any suspicions/complaints privatly with the mod) and/or criticizing their icons.
Please note that this is not an icon community it is an icontest, and that means the icons featured here are not necessarily up for grabs. Please do not take icons from the challenges without permission from the icon maker. If you don't know their identity just leave a comment at the result post as the maker might see it and reply, otherwise watch icon communities to see if they share it publicly after winners have been announced. So please ask first, don't just take and assume it was up for grabs.
timeline; |MINI CHALLENGES Every other week you will be given specifications to make a set of 4-6 icons based around a general theme.
|STANDARD CHALLENGES Each week you will be given three themes from which to choose to work with: a general (conceptual or technical), visual (image, stock photo/vector, texture/brush etc.) and textual (lyrics, poetry, quote, etc.) based one. This is for the sake of variety, you can repeat, alternate or combine themes as you wish as long as your icon(s) fit at least one of the challenges provided. Please suggest theme ideas for future challenges at this post.
The submission post goes up Friday night/Saturday morning, prior to the voting post. This is to ensure members have a longer time period to submit. You will have from then until the next (or after next) Friday at 11:00 PM (Eastern Time) to submit your entry to the designated screened post only.
The voting post will follow shortly thereafter and you will have from then until Sunday at 11:00 PM (Eastern Time) to cast your vote to the designated screened post only. A comment will be left when voting is officially closed, no late votes will be accepted at that time.
Winners will be announced within 24 hours depending on my schedule, but I do aim to have results posted on Sunday night.
I try to keep my icontest running as on time as possible, but please understand if sometimes I must be later than originally intended, at which point any necessary changes to the usual timeline will be made. There will also be times when I must change or extend the deadline due to arising circumstances, notice will always be given.
submitting; In order for a challenge to run as normal, we need at least five entries. Mid-week reminder posts are always made to note entry status. Additionally, a final reminder post will be made within twenty-four hours of the submission deadline to inform members if we have met our minimum requirement yet and encourage any last minute submissions. It is at my discretion whether or not to extend the submission period in these cases. Going forward to avoid constant delays, if we have less than the minimum number of entries the ballot will be adjusted as necessary.
|MINI-CHALLENGE SUBMISSIONS Make a post at clamp_icontest, it will be put in mod-queue for approval. Include 1-3 sample icons and link to the rest of your set or place it behind an lj-cut, a table code will be provided in each submission post for your convenience. Your subject line should read Entry: Week ###. I will tag your posts afterwards, no need to worry about that part. We need at least two non-mod entries to have voting, but either way your icons will be public and a showcase will be made to encourage members to browse your work.
|STANDARD SUBMISSIONS Each member (excluding multiple accounts) may submit two icons, unless otherwise stated, provided they follow the guidelines/rules outlined in each submission post.
To submit simply host your icon on an external server that allows direct linking (e.g. Photobucket) and leave a comment in the designated post, it will automatically be screened. All submissions should look similar to this:
I rename and host all submissions on my own server to maintain anonimity and keep voting as fair as possible. You are welcome to make changes to your icon or swap it with a new one up until the deadline, but please leave a comment letting me know or I may not notice/realize and will upload the older version I previously saved.
voting; In order for voting to be fair and accurate, we need at least ten votes. A call for votes post will be made within twelve hours of the voting deadline to inform members if we have met our minimum requirement yet and encourage any last minute ballots. It is at my discretion whether or not to extend the voting period in these cases, as well as in the situation of multiple ties. Going forward to avoid constant delays, if we have less than the minimum number of votes only First Place will be awarded instead of a full ranking order.
All available members should vote regardless of whether they submitted an icon that week or not (but especially if you entered to be fair to the other contestants) as the more votes we receive ensure more accurate results. Each member (excluding multiple accounts) may cast one vote, provided they follow the guidelines/rules outlined in each voting post.
To vote simply leave a comment in the designated post, it will automatically be screened. All votes should look like this:
First Place: 87 Second Place: 23 Third Place: 54
Or this:
You must vote in this order as that is how the points will be awarded: first choice gets 3 points, second choice gets 2 points and third choice gets 1 point. This system was created by fatali of ff_awards.
You are welcome to cast a re-vote up until the deadline, just make sure I'm aware it is a re-vote by indicating in your subject line or comment area. It is preferred that you do not delete your previous vote as it may mess up my count.
winners; Based on popular vote, there will be a first, second and third place icon for Best Overall. An additional non-placing icon will be selected by myself as Moderator's Choice when we have at least eight icons, provded there are enough entrants left to avoid a default selection and no multiple ties that cause the remaining entry level to drop significantly or half the entries to have already placed. All winners may receive banners if they wish to have one made.
Two-way ties will stand, but anything greater will result in a tiebreaker round that will last for approximately twelve hours. The winner(s) of the tiebreaker round will earn their respective placement(s). The remaining icon(s) will receive honourable mentions in recognition of their efforts, but not a banner.
In the case of standard challenges, along with the winners I will be listing the runner-ups icons anonymously in order of ranking. This isn't meant to make anyone feel bad, its to let you know how you did and encourage everyone to keep trying. I think it's important to get such feedback. If this really makes you uncomfortable though, please mention so in your submission comment and I'll simply leave your entry number(s) unlisted.
In the case of mini challenges, a showcase will be made to promote everyone's sets. No ranking list will be posted as it would not be anonymous, but you can always PM/email me and ask for your ranking privately if you're curious.
banners; If you have placed (1st, 2nd, 3rd or MC), please leave a comment at the results post stating whether or not you would like a banner and the moderator will make you one if requested. Kindly also provide any fonts/images/resources you used, as that would be very helpful, and specify if there is a certain type/style of banner you prefer.
Participation banners will be made for all members who take part in a mini-challenge. They will each be visually similar, designed to match the overall theme, but with your username edited on them instead.
Please check this tag for past banners made during Week 1-173 and from Week 334 going forward. All other banners (Week 174-333) were outsourced to either custom_banners or cb_overflow, with the exception of special milestone challenges.
We do not currently have a staff of bannermakers, as your moderator just doesn't have the time to manage one. If you are interested in helping to make banners for other icontests, then consider volunteering at the above mentioned communities.
Remember to treat your bannermakers with respect: be patient and always say thank-you when you claim yours. Do not direct link the banners, upload the files to your own host please.
affiliates; If you'd like to be an affiliate, please add our link first and comment on this post. We will affiliate with any icon or CLAMP related community. We will not affiliate with any personal icon journals just to be fair to all members.
This community is also affiliated with tcg_exchange, which means you can earn cards for your collection there by participating in various ways here. Read this post for more information.
All icons displayed here are the intellectual and creative property of their respective owners, they may not be taken without their permission.
The current S2 layout stylesheet was designed and coded by refuted. The current header graphic was made by kiscinca and selected by our members here during our special Week 400 Part B: Community Header challenge.
The current profile layout was designed and coded by tomorrow_brings. Image Mapping help provided by htmlcodetutorial. The header features icons made by members that participated here in our special Week 300 Part B: CLAMP Icon challenge.