Claim please? |
[11 Dec 2009|03:44pm] |
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I would like to claim these two actors, if I can :)
Robert Carlyle and David Tennant
Thanx :D
Claim~ |
[14 Apr 2007|05:40am] |
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May I claim Sir Percy Blakeney/The Scarlet Pimpernel from the book The Scarlet Pimpernel, pretty pretty please? :3
[26 Dec 2006|10:19pm] |
Ok, cool....Can I claim Dr. Wilson from House? I'm not sure who else yet....
[26 Dec 2006|01:57am] |
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Hello! I really like the idea of claiming a fella... and two is even better! Can I, please, claim the fictional characters Dr. Jack Shephard, from Lost and John Winchester, from Supernatural? Thanks a lot!
[29 Sep 2006|12:35pm] |
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Hee, this comm rocks. I'd like to claim Desmond David Hume from "Lost" and Gregory House from "House," please!
[01 Sep 2006|10:24am] |
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I'm allowed one more claim...
I would like to claim actor/singer Ralston Hill from movie 1776...and tent & dinner theatre fame.
[12 Jul 2006|06:49pm] |
hey there, i'm leaving this community, so I'd like to drop my claims (Philip Sy, under friends, and Kyle from 104.1 under radio hosts). Thanks.
[08 Jul 2006|10:07am] |
I'd like to claim Skandar Keynes, an actor from "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe".
[29 Jun 2006|11:30pm] |
Hi! I'd like to claim Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki, if I may! Thanks!!!
{claimness; |
[28 Jun 2006|07:37pm] |
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Hallo! I would like to claim Miyavi (solo J-rock singer) and Miyabi (the musician) from Due Le Quartz. Thanks in advance! ^_^
[18 Apr 2006|10:55pm] |
I'd like to claim the character Murtagh from the book Eragon, and the character Dean Winchester from the tv-show Supernatural, please :)
[21 Mar 2006|09:20pm] |
I would like to give up my claim for William Moseley and claim Zac Efron instead. Thank you!
Zac Efron plays in high school musical
Leaving |
[06 Feb 2006|08:01am] |
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I give up my claim for Matt Skiba
Yay, another! |
[03 Feb 2006|08:32pm] |
WOW I have another claim! I didn't realize I had two!
I claim:
Brandon Flowers-lead singer of The Killers.
Claim! |
[03 Feb 2006|06:26pm] |
Because the username erabell has been deleted and purged, I would like to claim the fella they deserted. As well as the fact that most of the celebrities I would marry at will are already taken EXCEPT for one:
That being said, I claim Joseph Fiennes.
Claim, if you please... |
[27 Jan 2006|10:20pm] |
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May I please claim Santana Moss of the Washington Redskins? Thanks a bunch. :D
whew, finally. |
[23 Jan 2006|01:35pm] |
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Okay, I am SO, SO sorry about the severe lack of updates. As I said before, I've been having a lot of health and other personal problems and I shouldn't have let this go so long. I'm really sorry, guys, and I totally understand if any of you are upset. I've finally updated the list, and if you don't see your claim there, it's because someone had beaten you to requesting them. I dropped those users' claims who asked and added new ones if they requested them, and I've switched over the claims for those who got new LJs. If there's anything missing or incorrect, let me know.
Also, in the event that my health problem should return (gods, I hope not), would anyone like to volunteer to be a co-mod? I really should have had one.
We now have two new co-mods, grimmerlove and snowstar_59. As of right now, I don't think we'll need any more but I will keep an open mind for the future. :)
( additionsCollapse )
Later today I'm going to be clearing out all the deleted journals so more claims will be up for grabs. Thanks for being so cool.
[23 Jan 2006|06:33pm] |
I would like to claim Alexander Kapranos from the band Franz Ferdinand
[02 Jan 2006|07:39pm] |
I would like to claim two actors please!
1. Garrett Hedlund 2. Jared Padalecki
[31 Dec 2005|07:56pm] |
I would like to claim William Moseley (he played in the Chronicles of Narnia)
I would also like to claim James Potter (Harry's dad in Harry Potter)