WP Mail Logging


WP Mail Logging is the most popular plugin for logging emails sent from your WordPress site. Simply activate it and it will work immediately, no extra configuration is needed.

Are your WordPress emails not being sent or delivered?

Use this plugin to log all outgoing emails from your WordPress site. If there are any errors when sending the email from your site, our email logs will catch that error and display it to you.

Esto te permitirá depurar y solucionar tu problema de envío de correo electrónico.

Did a client not receive your email?

Nuestros registros de correo electrónico te permiten reenviar cualquier correo electrónico que se haya enviado desde tu sitio. ¡Se acabaron los correos perdidos!

Do you just want to keep a record of all emails sent from your site?

By default, WordPress and your web host do not log, store or keep track of emails sent from your website.

Este plugin te permitirá hacer precisamente eso. Nuestros registros de correo electrónico almacenarán todos los correos que se envíen desde tu sitio WordPress.

Puedes buscar y ver el registro de un correo electrónico concreto, inspeccionar su contenido o archivos adjuntos, e incluso reenviarlo.

What email information is logged?

Todos los correos electrónicos enviados desde tu sitio WordPress quedan registrados. Y ésta es la información que se almacena:

  • Email Subject
  • Email Content (HTML or text)
  • Email Attachments
  • Email Headers (to, from, reply-to, cc, bcc, …)
  • Error Message (in case there was an error while attempting to send the email)
  • IP Address of originating server (can be enabled in the settings)
  • Date and Time of the email
  • Receiver (the TO email address)

Why are my logged emails still not delivered to the inbox?

Los correos electrónicos tienen que seguir muchos pasos para llegar a la bandeja de entrada del destinatario.

When your WordPress site sends an email, there’s no guarantee it will be delivered.

Así es el recorrido del correo electrónico:

  1. WordPress creates an email
  2. WordPress passes the email to your website host and that email gets logged by our plugin
  3. The host server takes the email and sends it (SMTP or Mail Transfer Agent)
  4. Recipient server receives or blocks the email
  5. If the email is accepted, the spam filter decides if it goes to the inbox or the spam folder
  6. Recipients see the email and might open it.

This plugin does not track delivery after step 2.

Si tienes problemas de entregabilidad, te sugerimos que instales el plugin WP Mail SMTP.

WP Mail SMTP soluciona los problemas de entrega de correo electrónico de WordPress, puedes elegir entre 12 proveedores de correo electrónico (Gmail, Outlook, SendLayer, Mailgun, …) para resolver tu problema de envío de correo electrónico y es súper fácil de configurar. Más de 3 millones de sitios web confían en WP Mail SMTP.


The plugin was created and launched in 2014 by Christian Zöller.

Capturas de pantalla

  • The Email Log
  • The Detail Email Log View
  • The Settings – part 1
  • The Settings – part 2


  1. Instala WP Mail Logging a través del repositorio de plugins de WordPress.org o subiendo los archivos en tu servidor. (Consulte las instrucciones en cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress )
  2. Activar WP Mail Logging.


¿Este plugin registra los correos electrónicos enviados desde plugins de WordPress?

Sí, registra todos los correos electrónicos enviados desde tu sitio, incluidos los correos creados por tus plugins o tu tema.

¿Por qué no se registran algunos archivos adjuntos?

Este plugin solo almacena la ruta del archivo adjunto y no el archivo adjunto en sí. Si la ruta del archivo adjunto no existe o el archivo se ha eliminado, no aparecerá en los registros.

I need help!

Por favor, abre una nueva conversación de soporte y proporciona tanta información como sea posible, sin ninguna información privada (es un foro público).

Y trataremos de ayudarte lo antes posible.

Where can I report a bug?

Por favor, abre una nueva conversación de soporte y proporciona tanta información como sea posible, sin ninguna información privada (es un foro público).

E investigaremos el asunto lo antes posible.

Can I submit changes to the plugin?

Sí, puedes contribuir en GitHub.


Leer los 299 comentarios

Colaboradores & Desarrolladores

“WP Mail Logging” es software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han contribuido a este plugin.


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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código, echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN, o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS .

Historial de cambios

1.14.0 – 2024-12-30

Fixed: PHP warning notice when another plugin or code snippet passed an associative array to WPML_Plugin::get_mail_headers().
Fixed: PHP warning notice on non-english locale WP configuration.
Fixed: PHP warning notice when another plugin passed a non-array variable to the filter plugin_action_links and wp_kses_allowed_html.

1.13.1 – 2024-10-10

Added: Action hook when saving email logs.
Fixed: Issue with email content type.

1.13.0 – 2024-10-08

Improved: Allow admins to always have access to WP Mail Logging logs.
Improved: Use the wp_mail_content_type filter to determine the email content type when saving the logs.
Fixed: Issue when emails with subjects that are more than 200 characters long are not logged.
Fixed: Make “Delete” and “Rename” in Bulk Actions selection translatable strings.
Fixed: Update Sendinblue string instances to Brevo.

1.12.0 – 2023-06-21

Added: Support UTF-8 encoded subjects.
Added: Search by filter.
Added: New filter hook for mail data before it’s saved.
Improved: Hide unrelated notices in admin plugin pages.
Improved: Use transient to cache certain DB calls.
Improved: Search logs by message optimization.
Fixed: Missing security checks in AJAX dismiss notices feature.
Fixed: MySQL 8 syntax error when sql-mode = ANSI_QUOTES.
Fixed: PHP Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.
Fixed: Logger breaks if no array passed from wp_mail.
Fixed: Line breaks on plain text email on “HTML” preview.
Fixed: Non-admin users can see and access “Settings” and “SMTP” pages.
Fixed: Escape the subject in logs table and single view.

1.11.2 – 2023-06-14

  • Fixed: Email Log JSON preview security.

1.11.1 – 2023-06-08

  • Fixed: Email Log HTML preview security.

1.11.0 – 2023-03-15

  • Added: the ability to move the menu position in the top-level for easier access.
  • Added: the ability to filter email logs.
  • Improved: overall UI/UX.
  • Removed: Redux Framework.
  • Fixed: resend with HTML type email not working all the time due to headers parsing error.

1.10.5 – 2022-12-21

  • Fixed: automatic email log deletion via Log Rotation settings.
  • Fixed: PHP 8.1 issues.

1.10.4 – 2022-01-31

  • Improved: reduced zip archive size.

1.10.3 – 2022-01-31

  • Removed: Redux Framework template lib and banner loading. Thanks @kprovance!

1.10.2 – 2021-11-24

  • Updated: Redux framework version to 4.3.4.
  • Fixed: “disable_demo” PHP error. Thanks @Mike00mike!
  • Fixed: changelog date typos. Thanks @Spreeuw!
  • Removed: the Redux framework Gutenberg Library blocks. Thanks @Helenel!

1.10.1 – 2021-11-24

  • Removed: Redux Framework connection notice. Thanks Jesse!
  • Fixed: is_theme PHP error. Thanks @max3322!

1.10.0 – 2021-11-23

  • Updated: Redux framework to 4.3.3.

1.9.9 – 2021-09-12

  • Updated: support for WordPress 5.8.

1.9.8 – 2021-06-18

  • Changed ownership!

1.9.7 – 2020-09-02

  • Added: wpml_banner_display filter to hide MailPoet banner;
  • Updated: support for WordPress 5.5.

1.9.6 – 2020-05-05

  • Removed: contextual help tab.

1.9.5 – 2019-11-07

  • Updated: plugin author.

1.9.4 – 2019-11-07

  • Fixed: assets files.

1.9.3 – 2019-11-07

  • Fixed: typo in readme.

1.9.2 – 2019-11-07

  • Added: MailPoet banner;
  • Updated: assets;
  • Improved: menu position is now under wp-admin > tools.

1.9.1 – 2019-08-20

  • MailPoet has claimed ownership. We’re grateful to Christian for all the work committed to this project over the years.

1.9.1, 2019-04-18

  • Fix: log-view resources loaded on each page (performance issue)
  • Fix: attachment icon is not displayed (e.g. if mime-type is unsupported)

1.0, 2014

  • Hello matrix