Etiqueta del Plugin: xhtml
(5 evaluación total)This plugin will allow you to check your pages/posts HTML against the W3C Validator.
Gallery Shortcode Style to Head
(1 evaluación total)Moves the gallery shortcode styles to the head so it doesn't break XHTML validation; allows disabling or modifying the default gallery styles.
HTML Purified
(0 evaluación total)HTML Purified replaces the default comments filters with the more secure HTML Purifier.
(0 evaluación total)Easily post source code such as PHP or HTML and display it in a styled box.
AddThis xmlns
(0 evaluación total)This plugin adds the xmlns:addthis="" entry to the HTML tag. This head entry is required to make it Val …
(x)html easy validator
(1 evaluación total)Check the doctype validity using W3c validator (html , xhtml , … ) when creating or updating page / post / custom post type and show the result in …
XVE Various Embed
(0 evaluación total)XVE (XVE Various Embed) is a simple yet powerful way to add media content to your WordPress blog.
Widget para añadir los iconos de validación de W3C Validator
(0 evaluación total)Este Plugin nos muestra en cualquier lugar que se pueda añadir un Widget de texto los distintivos de validación de W3C Validator.
Batch Validator
(0 evaluación total)This plugin performs a batch markup validation check over your entire WordPress website.
Code View
(0 evaluación total)Easily use highlightjs and line-numbers to syntax-highlighted sample code on your blog posts
MoFuse WordPress Plugin
(0 evaluación total)Requires at least 2.0.2 Test up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: 2.7.1 This plugin works with a MoFuse account. This plugin will automatically detect and redir …
(0 evaluación total)WP-Validate collects all the pages on your site and runs them through the W3C's HTML Validator.
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved: ABAP Brush
(0 evaluación total)This is a Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) brush for the "SyntaxHighlighter Evolved" plugin.