Papers by Oluyemi A Okunlola

Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, Oct 30, 2023
Introduction: Adherence to full vaccination is important in preventing childhood diseases. The ai... more Introduction: Adherence to full vaccination is important in preventing childhood diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of compliance to full vaccination and identify the socio-cultural factors associated with full vaccination compliance in children. Methodology: The socioeconomic variables associated with each of the four binary dependent variables of whether or not a child is fully vaccinated against tetanus, BCG, measles, and pentavalent were determined using logistic regression. Results: While compliance to full tetanus and BCG vaccinations was > 60% at the national level, less than 50% and 10% full vaccination compliance were recorded for pentavalent and measles vaccinations, respectively. The South East region of Nigeria recorded the overall highest full vaccination compliance while the least performing region was the North West zone. The mother or guardian literacy level, employment status, antenatal care attendance, and internet usage were strong predictors of full vaccination compliance (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The socio-cultural factors associated with achieving full vaccination coverage in Nigeria in this study should drive the implementation of policies that will be best suited to each geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 11, 2022
Background: There has been an increase in the prevalence of caesarean births in recent decades, a... more Background: There has been an increase in the prevalence of caesarean births in recent decades, a development that has assumed a public health issue of global concern. An analytical technique that reduces loss of information in caesarean section modeling by accounting for grouping effect is of great need. This study assessed the correlates of caesarean deliveries in Nigeria using a generalized logistic mixed model and adopted the Adaptive Gaussian Quadrature estimation techniques. Methods: The study extracted data on women of childbearing age from the Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2013. Generalized logistic mixed model was used to assess the correlates of caesarean deliveries. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: The overall prevalence of caesarean section delivery is 6.8% and in keeping with the WHO recommendation for caesarean section birth rates. The predictors of caesarean section were history of caesarean section, ever having a termination of pregnancy, maternal age, birth order, if current pregnancy is a twin, size of the baby and distance of clients' residence to the health facility. The prevalence of caesarean section births was higher among mothers living in urban communities, mothers with higher educational attainments and those with high ranks in the wealth index. The covariates found to signicantly inuence caesarean births in this study are in line with WHO recommendations. Conclusion: Wide variations exist in the predictors of caesarean section births, and this calls for a region-specic programme design aimed at ensuring rational indications for caesarean section delivery, hence avoiding preventable caesarean section.

In Nigeria, the high dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation and utilization in various ... more In Nigeria, the high dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation and utilization in various sectors of the economy has resulted in the emission of a large quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of the criteria gaseous pollutants that is frequently encountered in the environment. The high quantity of CO2 has adverse implications on human health and serious damaging effects on the environment. In this study, multi-decade (1971–2014) CO2-emissions data for Nigeria were obtained from the World Development Indicator (WDI). The data were disaggregated into various emission sources: gaseous fuel consumption (GFC), liquid fuel consumption (LFC), solid fuel consumption (SFC), transport (TRA), electricity and heat production (EHP), residential buildings and commercial and public services (RSCPS), manufacturing industries and construction (MINC), and other sectors excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (OSEC). The analysis was conducted for a sectorial ...

Bridging the Gap: Empowering and Educating Today’s Learners in Statistics. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Teaching Statistics
The Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS; National Universities Commission, 2014) is a gaug... more The Benchmark Minimum Academic Standards (BMAS; National Universities Commission, 2014) is a gauge for the quality of academic programmes taught in Nigerian universities. This study analyzed published administrative data and survey data that covered personnel, physical facilities, equipment, and library and information support systems. Results show that the mix of academic staff in statistics was 20% Professors/Readers, 21% Senior Lecturers, and 59% Lecturers compared with the proposed BMAS mix of 20%, 35%, and 45%, respectively. The survey among 29 universities showed that internet access was available for education support services, and 55% of the universities adopted a 6-month industrial training as stipulated by the regulatory body. There is an urgent need to revise the BMAS and to engage senior personnel with improving the quality of statistical training.

Scientific Reports
Preventive chemotherapy (PC) is an important tool to address transmission and reduce morbidities ... more Preventive chemotherapy (PC) is an important tool to address transmission and reduce morbidities associated with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). The aim of the study is to assess the PC implementation programme coverage and relate the same to the endemicity of STH in Nigeria. The secondary data collected by the World Health Organization (WHO) through the expanded special project for elimination of neglected tropical diseases (ESPEN) and made available at the ESPEN portal was used for the study. The PC implementation coverage and frequency of treatment were evaluated and related to STH endemicity levels in Nigeria. STH was actively transmitted in all six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The southern part of Nigeria was more endemic compared with northern Nigeria. There was no PC intervention in preschoolers and effective PC coverage (19.3%) fell below the WHO ≥ 75% PC coverage index benchmark in school children. The percentages of children that harbour low, moderate, and high STH in...
Review of Development Economics

Cureus, Aug 30, 2022
Background The report of the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS 2013) showed Ondo S... more Background The report of the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS 2013) showed Ondo State had one of the worst indices for stunting and underweight in the southwestern geopolitical zone of the country, a development that was considered "unacceptable" by the state government. In the bid to reverse the ugly trend, the State Primary Health Care Development Agency put in place a comprehensive nutrition program in 2015 tagged "Nutrition Rebirth," aimed at reversing the high prevalence of malnutrition among under-five children in the State. Aims This study seeks to evaluate the Ondo State comprehensive nutrition program by comparing the children's nutritional status pre-and post-period under review in the implementation of the program. This provides a measure of assessment of the performance of the program as implemented in the period under review. Materials and methods This study covered the period between 2015 and 2017 in the implementation of the nutrition rebirth program. Data for the study were obtained from the NDHS (2013) and NDHS (2018) nutrition of children and women data. Analysis of the NDHS (2013) and NDHS (2018) data commenced simultaneously with field work and lasted for about six and eight months, respectively. Analysis of the data obtained from the NDHS for this study spanned through a period of about three weeks. An ecologic time-trend analysis was used to compare the trends in nutritional status indicators among under-five children in all 18 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Ondo State. Results Malnutrition among children less than five years dropped in most of the LGAs in 2018. Malnutrition was not associated with children's gender and maternal age in 2013 and 2018. Prevalence of stunting growth and underweight was associated with maternal education, wealth index, residence type, place of delivery, and LGA in 2013 (p < 0.05) but was not in 2018 (p > 0.05). Conclusions The spatial analysis of the Ondo State comprehensive nutrition program showed that the program has a positive impact, reducing malnutrition among children under five years; but critical appraisal of implementation challenges in LGAs with no significant reduction in malnutrition among their children under five years is recommended. The comprehensive and wholistic approach of the program is also recommended for other states and settings with a high prevalence of under-five malnutrition to understudy the possible adaptation, as appropriate.

Aims: One of the ways to manage the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is monit... more Aims: One of the ways to manage the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is monitoring of public knowledge, risk perceptions, adherence to preventive measures and preparedness behaviors. This is of utmost importance in resource limited countries. This study determined the knowledge and perception about COVID-19; adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures; as well as predictors of self-perceived risk of contracting COVID-19 among Nigerian adults.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Nigerian adults ≥ 18 years using an online survey. Participants were recruited using the authors’ social networks. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 5% level of statistical significance.Results: Generally, a high proportion of respondents had correct knowledge about COVID-19. However, only about half (49.8% and 49.9%) had correct knowledge that obesity was a risk factor for COVID-19 and that antibiotics cannot be used to treat COVID-19. Most (8...

Background Malaria has been strongly linked to the transmission and pathophysiology of some viral... more Background Malaria has been strongly linked to the transmission and pathophysiology of some viral diseases. Malaria and vaccine-preventable diseases often co-exist in endemic countries but the implication of their co-existence on their transmission dynamics and control is poorly understood. The study aims to evaluate the relationships between the incidence of malaria and cases of measles and yellow fever in Africa. Methods The malaria incidence, death due to malaria, measles and yellow fever data were sourced from the WHO database. Poisson and zero-inflated time-trend regression were used to model the relationships between malaria and the two vaccine-preventable diseases. P-values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results A significant negative relationship existed between malaria incidence and measles cases (P<0.05), however, malaria showed a positive relationship with yellow fever (P<0.05). The relationships between death due to malaria and measles/yellow f...

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
A certain degree of solar light illuminance could prevent myopia in children. However, UV radiati... more A certain degree of solar light illuminance could prevent myopia in children. However, UV radiation (UVR) serves as mutagen and a non-specific damaging agent. Ultraviolet radiation can initiates and promote tumor growth, essentially under the skin. To this end, this study was designed to assess daily and annual UVR exposures of outdoor workers (OWs) in Southwestern Nigeria by using standard methods. Results obtained show that the mean daily and annual UV exposure were found to be 1.23 mW/cm2 and 319.8 mW/cm2 respectively. The mean predictive protection factor (PPF) for glass, trampoline and neem shade were found to be 43.84%, 98.69 % and 92.88 % respectively. This indicates that trampoline used to build tent has the greatest PPF followed by the shade of a neem tree. Results of this study also show that peak UVR exposures occur between 1400 and 1600 hours. Based on the findings of this study, outdoor workers could prevent UVR overexposure during the peak exposure period by working un...

Pan African Medical Journal, 2020
Although the assessment of teachers by students has been introduced into tertiary educational dev... more Although the assessment of teachers by students has been introduced into tertiary educational development in Nigeria, very limited information exists on students’ expectations of their teachers. We investigated this component among a cohort of newly admitted students at the University of Medical Sciences in Ondo State, South-West Nigeria. This was a descriptive quantitative study consisting of a community-interactive session with students at the 100 and 200 levels of the University. Three hundred (300) students participated in the session. We first explained the purpose of the study. Thereafter, the students individually completed a semi-structured questionnaire that elicited information on their views on the qualities they expected of their lecturers. The results were analyzed quantitatively with SPSS version 21. Of the 300 students, 204 (64.0%) completed the questionnaire. Friendliness and congeniality (46.1%), good classroom management (38.7%), good sense of humor (36.3%), good communication skills (33.3%) and expertise (32.8%) were the five most desirable qualities of good lecturers listed by the students. By contrast, the five qualities which rated lowest in the assessment were equity (4.4%), mentoring capacity (4.9%), enthusiasm (6.9%), encouraging students to succeed (7.8%) and approachability (8.3%). We conclude that students at the University of Medical Sciences look out for personal social relationships with their teachers during curricular delivery. We recommend that approaches to address these concerns should be incorporated into the design of training programs for teachers and in protocols for students’ evaluation of teachers in this university and others in similar circumstances.

In Nigeria, the high dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation and utilization in various ... more In Nigeria, the high dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation and utilization in various sectors of the economy has resulted in the emission of a large quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is one of the criteria gaseous pollutants that is frequently encountered in the environment. The high quantity of CO2 has adverse implications on human health and serious damaging effects on the environment. In this study, multi-decade (1971–2014) CO2-emissions data for Nigeria were obtained from the World Development Indicator (WDI). The data were disaggregated into various emission sources: gaseous fuel consumption (GFC), liquid fuel consumption (LFC), solid fuel consumption (SFC), transport (TRA), electricity and heat production (EHP), residential buildings and commercial and public services (RSCPS), manufacturing industries and construction (MINC), and other sectors excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (OSEC). The analysis was conducted for a sectorial ...

Journal of Public Health, 2021
Aims One of the ways to manage the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is to mon... more Aims One of the ways to manage the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is to monitor the public knowledge, risk perceptions, adherence to preventive measures, and level of preparedness behaviors. This is important in resourcelimited countries. This study determined the knowledge and perception regarding COVID-19; adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures; as well as predictors of self-perceived risk of contracting COVID-19 among Nigerian adults. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among Nigerian adults ≥18 years using an online survey. A convenience sampling method was utilized to recruit a total of 1022 study participants. The participants were recruited using the authors' social media networks. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics at a 5% level of statistical significance. Results Generally, a high proportion of respondents had correct knowledge about COVID-19. However, only approximately half (49.8% and 49.9%) had correct knowledge that obesity was a risk factor for COVID-19 and that antibiotics cannot be used to treat COVID-19. Most (84.1%) did not have a self-perceived risk of contracting COVID-19. Most (81.0%) have been avoiding crowded places and 61.3% washed their hands frequently. Predictors of self-perceived risk of COVID-19 were age 40-59 years (OR 2.05, CI 1.217-3.435), ≥ 60 years (OR 4.68, CI 1.888-11.583), and visiting crowded places (OR 2.27, CI 1.499-3.448). Conclusion Our study recommends more rigorous public health education aimed at improving COVID-19 outbreak response in Nigeria. In addition, physical and social distancing should be emphasized across all age groups with additional focus on the older population.

iranian economic review, 2020
T he Causal relationship between financial development and economic growth has received divergent... more T he Causal relationship between financial development and economic growth has received divergent views in the literature under the traditional Granger approach to causality using data from various countries. The more recent Toda and Yamamoto and Dolado and Lutkepohl (TYDL) approach to causality were used to investigate the causal relationship between financial development and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1985 to 2015. TYDL is based on an augmented VAR modeling and it is adjudged more robust to order of integration of the variables when compared with Granger framework. The maximum order of integration was two while the optimal lag length of three was selected by FPE, AIC and HQ criteria. Bi-directional causality was found between financial markets indicators and economic growth while unilateral causality running from stock market indicators to GDP was established. The findings support existing studies that agree with the fact that a well-structured financial sector bree...
Scientific Reports, 2021
In this study, we propose a robust approach to handling geo-referenced data and discuss its stati... more In this study, we propose a robust approach to handling geo-referenced data and discuss its statistical analysis. The linear regression model has been found inappropriate in this type of study. This motivates us to redefine its error structure to incorporate the spatial components inherent in the data into the model. Therefore, four spatial models emanated from the re-definition of the error structure. We fitted the spatial and the non-spatial linear model to the precipitation data and compared their results. All the spatial models outperformed the non-spatial model. The Spatial Autoregressive with additional autoregressive error structure (SARAR) model is the most adequate among the spatial models. Furthermore, we identified the hot and cold spot locations of precipitation and their spatial distribution in the study area.

OBJECTIVES To evaluate malaria transmission in relation to insecticide-treated net (ITN) coverage... more OBJECTIVES To evaluate malaria transmission in relation to insecticide-treated net (ITN) coverage in Nigeria. METHODS We used an exploratory analysis approach to evaluate variation in malaria transmission in relation to ITN distribution in 1,325 Demographic and Health Survey clusters in Nigeria. A Bayesian spatial generalized linear mixed model with a Leroux conditional autoregressive prior for the random effects was used to model the spatial and contextual variation in malaria prevalence and ITN distribution after adjusting for environmental variables. RESULTS Spatial smoothed maps showed the nationwide distribution of malaria and ITN. The distribution of ITN varied significantly across the 6 geopolitical zones (p<0.05). The North-East had the least ITN distribution (0.196±0.071), while ITN distribution was highest in the South-South (0.309±0.075). ITN coverage was also higher in rural areas (0.281±0.074) than in urban areas (0.240±0.096, p<0.05). The Bayesian hierarchical re...
Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2015
This paper applied time series analysis techniques to rainfall series in selected states of Niger... more This paper applied time series analysis techniques to rainfall series in selected states of Nigeria geo-political zones. The preliminary analysis of the series showed that the mean annual rainfall for the selected states in North

Regression models commonly used to analyze cross-section and panel data assume that observations/... more Regression models commonly used to analyze cross-section and panel data assume that observations/regions are independent of one another. Relaxing this assumption of independent observations in a cross sectional setting requires that we provide a parsimonious way to specify structure for the dependence between the n observational units that make up our size n data sample. Spatial econometrics techniques allow us to account for dependence between observations which often arise when observations are collected from points or regions located in space. In this application, Monte Carlo experiment was designed using R codes to assess the performance of spatial and non spatial model. Spatial autoregressive (SAR) model was used as a typical spatial model and ordinary least squares (OLS) as non spatial model. The study showed that OLS estimate of SAR model is bias and inconsistent. Also, it is found that bias emanating from omitting spatial effect is a function of degree of spatial autocorrela...
Papers by Oluyemi A Okunlola