Papers by Gökser Gökçay

100. Yılında Lozan Barış Antlaşması, 2023
Lozan Barış Antlaşması, hem Türkiye'nin ulusal egemenliğinin uluslararası çapta tanınması açısınd... more Lozan Barış Antlaşması, hem Türkiye'nin ulusal egemenliğinin uluslararası çapta tanınması açısından hem de I. Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından kurulan modern uluslararası düzende yer alması açısından anahtar bir öneme sahiptir. Bu yazıda, Lozan'ın Türkiye'nin modern uluslararası ilişkiler düzeni içerisine katılmasındaki önemine değinilecek, dönemin diğer uluslararası antlaşmalarından farkları ortaya konacak ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin modern uluslararası düzene eklemlenmesi açısından Lozan Barış Antlaşması'nın etkileri tartışılacaktır. Yazının temel savı, Lozan Barış Antlaşması'nın Osmanlı Devleti'nde kalan birçok sorunu dengeli bir şekilde çözerek Türkiye'ye modern devletlerarası ilişkiler içinde eşit statüye sahip bir aktör rolü edindirmiş olmasıdır. Bu rol sayesinde Türkiye, İkinci Büyük Dünya Savaşı'na kadar görece istikrarlı ve özerk bir iç ve dış politika yürütebilmeyi başarabilmiştir.

The U.S. foreign policy toward the Near East was shaped by the very events that also established ... more The U.S. foreign policy toward the Near East was shaped by the very events that also established the origins of the Cold War as we know it. The crisis of the Soviet troops in Iran, the civil war in Greece, the Soviet demands toward Turkey, the British Aide–Mémoire of February 21, 1947, which declared its economic withdrawal from the Near East, and the subsequent declaration of the Truman Doctrine were all major catalysts of the early Cold War period. To such a degree, these regional problems laid the foundation for the Cold War in general. Because Turkey was at the center of all these crises, the U.S. officials gave particular emphasis in developing policies for the republic. This chapter aims to analyze the U.S. foreign policy toward Turkey in this era by focusing on three major themes. Firstly, it focuses on the transition of power from the United Kingdom to the United States, which was not a smooth process as previously thought, considering the newly discovered documents at the U.S., UK, and Turkish archives. Although British officials accepted the upcoming U.S. dominance in the region, they still wanted to influence the political decision-making processes, especially on the inclusion of Turkey in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which created friction between the two countries’ officials. Secondly, the military-strategic planning for the defense of Turkey was a key aspect of the U.S. foreign policy. That is why the implementation of the Truman Doctrine was centered on the military defense. Particularly, this chapter will discuss the importance of the Griddle Plan, which was prepared for the defense of Turkey in the case of a possible Soviet invasion. Thirdly, Turkey’s economic integration with the Western Bloc and preplanning its economic objectives in line with the Marshall Plan were among the top agenda items for the U.S. foreign policy toward Turkey. Using primary documents from the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland, U.S.; the National Archives at Kew, UK; and the Republican Archives at Ankara, Turkey, this chapter argues that the formation of an integral U.S. foreign policy toward Turkey in the postwar era was shaped by an amalgamation of military-strategic planning and foreign economic objectives.
Kebikeç, İnsan Bilimleri İçin Kaynak Araştırmaları Dergisi, Sayı: 39, 2015, ss. 315-341.
Conference Presentations by Gökser Gökçay
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Book Reviews by Gökser Gökçay
Teaching Documents by Gökser Gökçay
This course provides a basic introduction to the United States of America’s politics and society.... more This course provides a basic introduction to the United States of America’s politics and society. The United States is a democratic republic with a presidential system. Its society is a composition of diverse cultures from all around the world. Having the most powerful economy and military in the world, it must be understood and analyzed in the historical context by the students of world politics. In this course, we will explore the history, people, government, political system, society, religion, economy and culture of the United States of America. Using these information, we will assess the position of the US in the contemporary world.

This course intends to be a interdisciplinary study of the Cold War. We will examine the Cold War... more This course intends to be a interdisciplinary study of the Cold War. We will examine the Cold War from its origins to its unexpected end. We will cover political, military, cultural, economic and intellectual history of the Cold War by using wide range of primary and secondary sources. The Cold War was a global contest for supremacy between the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It was a " Cold War " because it stopped short of an all-out-war, yet still was a mutual hostility that included covert warfare and war by proxy. It was not only a struggle for physical control of places, but also a competition between contending political and economic systems, which were sharpened by ideological rifts. In this sense, it was one of the defining elements of the international system in the second half of the 20th century. We will analyze this global phenomena chronologically, as well as thematically throughout the semester.
Papers by Gökser Gökçay
Conference Presentations by Gökser Gökçay
Blogs by Gökser Gökçay
Book Reviews by Gökser Gökçay
Teaching Documents by Gökser Gökçay