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This paper focuses on the impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth for the 5 poorest economies of the world (Niger, Congo, Burundi, Malawi, and the Central African Republic). Employing endogenous growth model and annual time series data... more
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The impact of Official Development Assistance (ODA) which is geared towards economic growth of the 5 poorest economies of the world (Niger, Congo, Burundi, Malawi, and the Central African Republic) was analysed. Employing a... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational Economics
This study explores the connection between the exchange rate and oil price within the framework of time and frequency utilizing monthly data between January 2007 and March 2020. The study deployed the wavelet tools to investigate this... more
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      Development EconomicsEnergy Economics
This paper tends to establish the short and long run dynamics between stock market and GDP growth in Nigeria utilizing yearly data spanning between 1989 and 2017. The paper deployed the ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS, Toda Yamamoto causality and the... more
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    • Development Economics
It is observed that exports play a significant role in economic expansion. Thus, this study tends to shed more light on the export and economic growth interaction in Nigeria using data between 1981 and 2018. Due to inconclusiveness in the... more
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    • Development Economics
This paper examined the co-movement and causality between oil price and inflation using monthly data spanning between January 2007 and March 2020. The study employed the wavelet coherence techniques which are a new technique in economics... more
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      International EconomicsFinancial EconomicsEnergy and Environment
The study aim is to examine the impact of process innovation, product innovation and market innovation on entrepreneurial orientation using Osun state as a case study. The study based on the CDM theoretical framework. Questionnaires were... more
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    • International Economics
CO2 emission is one the major contributor to climate change that the top CO2 emitting countries are always trying to mitigate. In an attempt to fill the gap in energy and environmental literature, this study explores the interaction... more
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      Energy EconomicsApplied Econometrics
This study aims to reexamine the interconnection between economic growth, foreign aid, trade, gross fixed capital formation, and inflation rate in one model for the case of Nigeria, which has not yet been analyzed utilizing the new... more
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      Development EconomicsInternational Economics
The study aims to explore the causal linkage between CO2 emissions, economic growth and energy consumption in Thailand utilizing the wavelet coherence approach, conventional Granger and the Toda-Yamamoto causality techniques. In this... more
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      EconometricsEnvironmental Sustainability
This study aims to critically analyze the dynamic aid-growth interaction in Nigeria by revisiting the two-gap framework. The study utilized various unit root tests to verify the integration order of indicators utilized. The variables are... more
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      Development EconomicsEnergy and EnvironmentEnvironmental Sustainability
This study aims to explore the long-run and causal effects of energy consumption, trade openness and economic growth on CO 2 emissions in Indonesia. It employs newly developed econometric techniques using yearly data between 1980 and... more
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      Applied EconometricsEnviromental Sustainability
This study aims to reexamine long-run and causal effects of trade openness, energy usage, gross capital formation, and real growth on CO 2 emissions in Mexico utilizing recent econometric techniques. The study utilizes yearly data... more
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      Applied EconometricsEnvironmental Sustainability
This study aimed at investigating the symmetric and asymmetric effects of financial development, foreign direct investment (FDI), energy consumption, and economic growth on carbon emissions (CO 2) towards environmental sustainability in... more
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      Financial developmentEnvironmental Sustainability
The main aim of this paper is to explore the role of globalization on ecological footprint in Turkey while controlling energy consumption, economic growth, and trade openness. To achieve this objective, we employ dual adjustment approach.... more
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Utilizing Nigeria as a case study, the investigators explored the linkages between FDI inflows and some selected macroeconomic indicators (exports, gross capital formation, trade openness, inflation, and economic growth) utilizing yearly... more
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The present study aims to explore the long-run and causal effect of financial development and renewable energy consumption on environmental sustainability while controlling technological innovation and economic growth within the global... more
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      Financial developmentEnvironmental Sustainability
The present study assesses the effect of public-private partnerships in energy and financial development on Brazil's ecological footprint and also takes into account the role of renewable energy and economic growth using data spanning... more
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    • Energy Economics
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