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This article presents a measure of semantic similarity in an is-a taxonomy based on the notion of shared information content. Experimental evaluation against a benchmark set of human similarity judgments demonstrates that the measure... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSemantic similarity
Eğitim kurumları, rekabet güçlerini artıracak yenilik gereksinimlerini karşılamak için bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerini etkin olarak kullanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda son yıllarda hızla gelişen derin öğrenme, eğitim uygulamalarında dikkatleri... more
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A smart contract is a set of computer code that works on a blockchain and creates set of rules that are agreed upon by all the entities involved in the contract. It means that when a milestone of a contract is reached and the payments are... more
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      Blockchain TechnologiesSmart Contracts
Energy generation and consumption are the main aspects of social life due to the fact that modern people's necessity for energy is a crucial ingredient for existence. Therefore, energy efficiency is regarded as the best economical... more
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Energy generation and consumption are the main aspects of social life due to the fact that modern people's necessity for energy is a crucial ingredient for existence. Therefore, energy efficiency is regarded as the best economical... more
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Bu araştırma Uluslar arası Kıbrıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi öğrencilerinin mobil eğitim uygulamalarına yönelik tutumlarını ölçmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının Mobil eğitim uygulamalarına yönelik tutumlarına ilişkin nicel... more
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      Mobile LearningTeacher CandidateMobile Devices in Education
Smart devices such as smart phones and tablets have become part and parcel of our lives in recent years. The effects of these new smart devices can been seen everywhere. Students, especially, use these devices in their daily learning... more
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      EducationSpecial EducationMobile LearningMobile application development
Smart devices such as smartphones and tablets have become part and parcel of our lives in recent years. The effects of these new smart devices can be seen everywhere. Students, especially, use these devices in their daily learning process... more
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      Educational TechnologyMobile LearningInstructional TechnologyMobile application development
Attitudes of students and academicians, which are the most basic components of mobile education applications, are very important. It has been stated that these technologies are very beneficial in terms of academic development, in learning... more
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      Teacher EducationMobile LearningTeacher Candidates
Son on yılda mobil cihazlar ve çeşitli uygulamaların hızı gelişimi bütün alanları etkilemiştir. Bilim ve eğitim de bu etkilenmeden nasibini almıştır. Buna ek olarak, akıllı cihazların eğitim amaçlı kullanımının artmasıyla eğitim... more
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      Special Educational NeedsMobile Devices in Education
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IoT has continued to grow bigger since from its inception. Many mobile devices are now available, the internet and its application have only grown bigger and better. As IoT is continually growing, so also is the complexity, as a result... more
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    • Computer Science
With the growing trend of the need for Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications in different aspects of life, this paper will make familiar the use of IoT more domestically in homes, offices, organizations, etc. to ensure that these... more
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    • Engineering
The outbreak of the novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) in December 2019 has led to global crisis around the world. The disease was declared pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th of March 2020. Currently, the outbreak has... more
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    • Cognitive Computation
IoT has continued to grow bigger since from its inception. Many mobile devices are now available, the internet and its application have only grown bigger and better. As IoT is continually growing, so also is the complexity, as a result... more
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    • Computer Science
Background: Fossil fuel usage pose a threat to the environmental condition of humans, and coupled with it`s possible depletion, the infusion of renewable energy sources into energy mix has been on the increase for over a decade.... more
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The ever-increasing widespread use of the Internet of Things and its applications has generated massive amounts of data. IoT sensor-generated datasets typically have a time-series structure and relational metadata to describe them. Time... more
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The primary goal of this paper is to describe a proposed framework for identifying human face expressions. A methodology has been proposed and developed to identify facial emotions using an axes-angular feature extracted from facial... more
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Solar energy technologies represent a viable alternative to fossil fuels for meeting increasing global energy demands. However, to increase the production of solar technologies in the global energy mix, the cost of production should be as... more
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    • Cognitive Science
Rapid advances of the handheld devices and the emergence of the demanding wireless applications require the cellular networks to support the demanding user needs more effectively. The cellular networks are expected to provide these... more
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      Distributed ComputingDynamic Channel AllocationElectrical And Electronic Engineering