? ?
16 February 2010 @ 09:27 pm
14 Skins mostly 3x03 Cook
08 One Tree Hill Brooke/Julian 7x15
25 Secret Diary of a Call Girl Byron/Bambi 3x02-3x04


she's a mystery to me...Collapse )

-credit // no xanga
-i love comments. =)
-do not customize/hotlink
16 January 2010 @ 09:28 pm
1st gif post! <3 Cause I love my hubby.
I still need to work on my giffing so they're not the best but they're something.

19 Animations from the first episode of Popstar to Operastar.

Text links to tinypic (so dial-up safe).
Gifs are 400x226
Credit is nice but I'm more interested in spreading the McLove.
but credit if you use them in icons or something, I guess? :P
& I love comments! <3


VOTE DANNY IF YOU LIVE IN THE UK, b/c I can't and it makes me sad.Collapse )
15 January 2010 @ 02:48 pm
15 Skins icons from Company Mag's shoot & BTS shizzz


make romance to the music...Collapse )
-credit // no xanga
-i love comments. =)
-do not customize/hotlink
27 December 2009 @ 03:15 pm
Degrassi (9x09 - Holly J. & Declan) ; Being Erica (1x01-1x05) ; Misits (1x05 - mostly Simon)


I don't do sadness... not even a little bitCollapse )

-credit me, thisjuliet.
-i love comments. =)
-do not customize.
-do not hotlink.
-no xanga! for use on lj only! (& fanforum, I'm MTG11687 over there)
-join hollanj if you love Holly J. & Declan :D
music: Spring Awakening